Did the Jow Forums queen actually do what I think she did?

Did the Jow Forums queen actually do what I think she did?

Also barbell vs dumbell for shoulders?

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>the Jow Forums queen
who? the only people who think boards have "queens" are retards

Who is that hoe

Hahahaha the queen of Jow Forums supposedly
Newfags don't even know......... LOL

Why do autists ALWAYS proclaim some thot as the queen of the board they frequent and expect everyone to be on board with it. Go back to /b/ and worship boxxy OP better yet try to get them on board with this thot being their queen for a day

kill yourself

that's not the queen of Jow Forums though

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>Tfw queen of Jow Forums is guarding the curl rack at my gym as we speak
>Too afraid to ask how many curls she has left


Queen of Jow Forums has such a wide back and a fat ass, I just want her to sit on my face.

Can we agree queen of Jow Forums is not just one person, but a collective of women; a single idea?

Been here since 2009 and I've never seen this thot

Sophie Arvebrink

I'm a newfag on Jow Forums but I'm glad this isn't a newfag vs oldfag debate. Never seen this specimen either. Makes me sad a few lone autists proclaim them as queen of their board.

yep looks just like the average brazilian thot
>diarrea skin tone
>black eyes
>terrieble draw eyebrows
>that shit half blonde half black hair
>nigger and white features because of raceminxing
there is like 5 of those every time i go the gym in a big city, this country sucks

The one and only true queen of Jow Forums

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374 here,
She can be our king and queen. I'm on board with this exception of, and deluded notion of queens and Kings of boards.

>Also barbell vs dumbbell for shoulders?
I would like to know as well. I've been using dumbells and I haven't seen much improvement yet

she was soo juicy bros.

I like egregiously cute tomboy Sophie too so it all worked out

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too bad she's too dykish. I like em buff and feminine.

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I want tomboy Sophie to propose to me!