Good old Motivation thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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This is cringe

unironically got me

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This image right here got me lifting

Attached: e3d818d7f4394329202fc504857cd065.png (1200x675, 211K)

This one is for you then

Attached: 394697_2876606829548_2062791211_n_2876606829548.jpg (310x400, 25K)

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how did they train in ancient Greece?

>Good old Motivation

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Legit redddit tier cringe

Beta introvert daydreaming fantasies and delusions of grandeur

Reality is the beta introvert is non confrontational and backs down like a pussy. He doesn't even leave the house out of fear of public humiliation

Attached: aXm8823xjU.jpg (650x650, 84K)

>exercise doesn’t work unless it’s done before 7am
I despise you shits.

Attached: 1452293282444.jpg (650x650, 154K)

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Attached: 1526043457887.png (521x422, 27K)

Well, Jow Forums did have some cancer while I was last here 7 years ago. It seems that there's nothing else here anymore. Worth a shot.

fuck off then you whiny meth head


some people have a job
some people dont have energy after work
just do whatever the fuck works for oyu