Hey Jow Forums
How do I make chicken breasts taste good time. The ones I am eating now could just as well be cardboard.
Hey Jow Forums
How do I make chicken breasts taste good time. The ones I am eating now could just as well be cardboard.
seasoning you mong
garlic salt is a shortcut to tasty
first of all buy at least semi decent chicken
grill with salt pepper and some basic spices garlic and parsley for example in some oil or butter
et voila some palatable chicken
note the fat is important as fat carries taste
could just be that you ate so much chicken your body is tired of it and need to eat something else for a couple of days in order to appreciate the taste again
buy one of these and learn how to use it and finish off in the oven. GAME FUCKING CHANGER!
sometimes i put garlic power and paprika powder on my chicken and other times i just put something called chicken seasoning on it , it has a lot of salt in it but its tasty
>communism leads to starvation because there was a drought in the USSR one time
You're gonna get the bullet communist scum
>it's the drought's fault people died freezing in gulags
Good, I hope my tombstone says 'Died in the revolution' bourgeoisie faggot
Lmao, that's what they get for opposing communism
cook them in the oven - google the time & temp and they come out so much more juicy. pan frying them will make'em dry af.
It won't.
>one communist fammine
lmao ok
Just look up some chicken breast recipes. I recommend a rosemary and thyme marinade.
You're gonna get the bullet communist scum
Eat chicken thighs, because they are objectively superior.
Or just roast whole chicken and gnaw the meat from the bones.
Or slam and jam chicken meat in a crockpot and blast it with some other stuff to make it all moist
Garlic, onions, paprica, pepper, salt you absolute retard
Lol, imagine how much worse the starvation would have been if communism didn't spread what little they had equally. The rich would've hoarded that shit.
>Good, I hope my tombstone says 'Died in the revolution''
>''Anonymous homosexual 1999-20XX''
>''Died unironically thinking an army of emaciated degenerates armed with bongs and dildos could overthrow the government''
Just because I'm a communist doesn't mean I'm a factor, well I AM a faggot, but not because of communism
Shit, I meant faggot, not factor.
I really don't think that reply does you any favours commiefag
What ever you say, keep throwing around insults while I argue with facts and logic
>aggressively tips fedora
Or maybe if the Soviet Union hadn't sent all the competent kulak farmers to the gulags for being too bourgeoisies while collectivizing the farms in the 1920s and 30s, and taking all the grain to the cities while leaving the farmers with nothing, they might have have had enough food.
They're called communist famines because they were a direct result of communist ideology. Try reading some actual history instead of antifa leaflets, and get off this board, cuck.
Were you under the impression I was unironically trying to argue with you?
>any hypothetically preventable death is the fault of capitalism
It'd be nice if you were one of them. Become a martyr for your cause, comrade.
>dictators used communism as a mask for their opressive regime
>therefore communism is inherently evil
lmao i wanna call americans retarded but it's not their fault they've been brainwashed since birth. they really can't control it. oh well. they'll understand one day.
Amerifat wageslave
>communist unironically accusing someone else of brainwashing
W E W. Wasn't sure I'd ever see the day that would happen
cayenne pepper. Put it on everything you dicklets. Pasta, veggies, potatoes, chicken, meat, everything.
Also A1 sauce
That's what they get for being capitalist. Also, they were sent to gulags by some crazy dictator, not communism. If the leader of capitalist country killed a shit ton of people, would it be capitalism' faults?
>complaining about poverty
>thinks that communism is a solution
Show me a socialist/communist society that has ever eliminated or even reduced poverty. They never have, they just "equalize" everyone at the level of poverty. Apart from the political ruling class of course who live like kings.
Capitalism is the only system that lifts people out of poverty because it's the only system that produces wealth. And if you had any historical knowledge you'd know that what we consider poverty today is quite lavish compared to what it used to be.
>not being third position
Under communism, the bosses would get paid the same as the workers. Why is it fair that the bosses get the lionshare when they just sit on their asses all day?
>What are the succeeding northern European countries like Sweden
Even though they fucked up with Islamic immigration, they're all still 100% better than americuck wageslave nation
Cuba and north Korea were doing good
Capitalism is the biggest meme of all I swear.
>what are monopolies
>what are oligarchies
>what happens if the rich simply accumulate wealth without reinvesting it
>why is the middle class disappearing
It's not like Stalin was an exception among communist rulers. Stalin only expanded a system of repression implemented by Lenin. And the same things happened in other countries like China, Cambodia, Cuba, Vietnam, etc.
>Why is it fair that the bosses get the lionshare when they just sit on their asses all day?
Because being a boss means you have more responsability. Because the boss needs to be more skilled than their workers. Because your work is far less menial. Because you often had to earn your position. Because being a boss often requires special skills or qualifications. Because your ass is on the line if your workers don't meet expectations. Because there are far more people that can be a good worker than can be a good boss.
>>What are the succeeding northern European countries like Sweden
One thing they're definitely not is socialist/communist
t. norwegian
>Not realising third position is also capitalism
>Under communism
Starvation happens in third world country with no access to the market. Communism wouldn't help them either.
>people are stil unironically communists in 2018
literally the definition of insanity
No Sweden's democratic socialist you ponce
>defending fascism
Literally the most cucked form of gov't people only like it cuz its edgy.
If there can be neonazis, commies aren't that far off. At least they were a threat in the cold war
Start your own business then if it's so easy and you think bosses don't have to do any work.
And you get paid what you're worth, unless you start a business then you can scale your income in such a way that money isn't correlated to time spent working... which is what you'd do for yourself if you weren't a complete brainlet.
Like you can start a Shopify store today and dropship gimmicky tat from China and earn money for doing nothing more than learning how to use Facebook's ad manager... But you won't.
>le scandanavian meme
Social democracy is not the same as democratic socialism... Despite the name. Social democracy means generous social programs paid for by taxing citizens, while the USA pays your national defense and you have very low corporate taxes... And still end up going bankrupt.
Stop listening to Bernie and believing memes about Scandanavia, you can just as easily attribute their self-reported wellbeing to any other factor, such as being the most racially homogeneous nations in Europe (for the time being)
I don't like those things either, but mostly they're the result of government interference.
But ask the communists how they feel about the middle class, they're not fans. And they seem fine with monopoloes so long as that monopoly is the state. Oligarchies also seem to be fine with them.
I season chicken as follows about 4 times a week:
Salt and pepper both sides
On one side:
Garlic powder (can do a decent amount)
Cumin (can do a decent amount)
Cayenne (to personal taste)
Paprika (light coating, can be too much, Paprika always goes with poultry)
Thyme (take a pinch and grind it between your fingers, then apply)
Bake 350 for 25-30 minutes.
That's what they call themselves, but something tells me your understanding of what socialism is and democratic socialism are incredibly far apart. Social democracy (as practiced in Scandinavia) is just capitalism with heavier taxes
Shit, meant for
Not even remotely communist, you fucking idiot.
>result of gov't interference
You are an utter twat. Libertarianism is dead because of this exact post. RIP
I can tell you're American because of your illiteracy
I guess corporate lobbyists don't exist then.
>who was teddy roosevelt and what was he running for
It’s the capitalists who’ve grown so powerful and monopolistic to the extent of being able to influence the government in their favor
Correct. Libertarians are the dumbest retards I swear. They're like Jews who campaign for fascism; newsflash, if you aren't already Zuckerberg levels of rich, you'd be just as fucked as the rest of us in a lasse faire gov't
>complaining about "capitalists" controlling the government
>thinks its a better idea to have antifa communists and SJWs controlling the government
>not being a communist retard and recognizing the benefits of capitalism makes you a libertarian
You might be retarded
>someone who isn't bourgeoisie wrote this post
You dumb nigger libertarians ARE capitalists. Capitalists who blame the govt for everything like you. Utter droopy browed, limp lipped, sweaty idiot
Post body
>I'm afraid of "corporations" when a Big State can literally do all of the evils a corporation can as well as own you throw you in prison and execute you
>all authoritarian governments in history have done this shit and you think it's going to be any different for your pipe dream
If communists started a revolution in the USA I would absolutely sign up to wipe out this scum
>sent them to gulag
>left them with nothing
Pick one, spin doctor.
It's the former, and maybe if they hadn't burned their farms to the ground in protest of collectivization then they wouldn't have been sent anywhere.
I-is this true?
>believing a communist
If theres more than 5 vacant homes for every homeless person in the US, why dont they just buy or rent those homes with money from their jobs?
Brainlet, read the post
Yeah, don't believe the guy who wants to share his bread. Just do what ((they)) tell you.
>calls me a brainlet
>links to the same post you replied to
But if you wanted a serious reply here it is: Because bosses don't sit on their asses all day you fucking moron. I thought that too until I stopped being 12 and realized that they're still working even though they do indeed sit in a chair all day.
The beauty of capitlism is that you can start a revolution by not buying shit. Not a single bullet has to fly. Money loses value when its not used for anything. If you and your city, state, etc. fear companies gaining power in a free market, literally all you have to do is not buy their shit and either make or buy an alternative product. If youre scared that a single person has too much money, you can literally force them to cut the pie by not respecting the value of their assets and products until they do.
Wars start when people think theyre entitled to shit or dummies do stupid shit like trade away necessities like water rights while enforcing laws which prohibit rainwater collection.
>pick one
The kulaks were a minority more successful peasant farmers, they were also responsible for the majority of the crop production. After they were gone there were still peasant farmers, who were left to starve as all the grain was taken to the cities and the penalty for keeping some for yourself or your family was death.
>the kulaks resisted collectivization
>this accounts for 10 million people dying in a famine
Communist math at work again. 2+2=5.
Everything that ever went wrong in the soviet union was blamed on some invisible fifth column of saboteurs and counterrevolutionaries. Maybe you should read something that isn't communist propaganda.
>having bread to share
How do I know you're the guy that wants to share and not the guy that wants to take?
Is the double parentheses meant to symbolize the upper class or something or have we really found an anti-semetic commie?
>If youre scared that a single person has too much money, you can literally force them to cut the pie by not respecting the value of their assets and products until they do.
They literally control people's brains via the internet/media. They ought to have their houses burned down and be shot in the street. Though I would happily settle for people deciding not to buy their shit.
Neither will ever happen.
>Things that don't happen in practice
>or have we really found an anti-semetic commie?
Are you really surprised that national socialists are similar to communists?
Marinate them lol
What the hell dude
Make the marinade don’t use bottled BS
holy shit my sides
>communist pointing out that something doesn't work in practice
Because I'm not asking you for anything. I'm just suggesting a drastically different economy. Meanwhile the capitalists are literally sending "savings" to my door begging me to give them $5 for a shitty chicken sandwich.
It means the upper class. I'm appropriating pol-speak. The shit works.
Yes. Are you going to pretend that there haven't been countless jewish communists and that modern leftists abhor anti-semitism?
>United States had a great depression
>comes back
>2008 crisis
>comes back
>still manages to be most powerful country in the world
>communism gets one little bump and it all crashes
Don't forget that the reason for famines is because communist states wanted to up their productivity to catch up to the west (cause its superior) and the retards forgot to make food aswell LOOOOOOOOOL
>and that modern leftists abhor anti-semitism?
*don't abhor
>that crazy dictator did what he did cause communism gives all power to the state and one leader
>no one to stop him
>retards fall for the "hehe it's for the workers" meme
Jews are absurd. They were fervent Democrats even back when the Dems were explicitly anti-Jew and pro KKK. They still are even as the Democrat Party starts aligning more with Muslims and Palestine.
Anything to support identity politics and the creation of a larger state.
It literally happens naturally when people dont have enough money to continue to purchase goods. No buyers=no sales=worthless money
Holy fuck dude how old are you. What would be the point of someone going to medical school for several years only to make the same as someone who works as a janitor at the hospital. You're fucking retarded
Ooooh what a scandal. Don't tell your buddies about this or they'll throw you out of the party (assuming they have the physical strength to lift you, which I honestly doubt they do)
For each piece of chicken Add a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of brown sugar to a tub of water (maybe a quart per 2 pcs). Soak your chicken in the sealed tub for at least an hour in fridge. THEN cook the chicken.
thaw chicken, put em in a pan on foil.
melt some butter. rub them both sides with melted butter, salt pepper. bake for 20 min. or till cooked. shits cash
I don't think you understand how well Capitalism works. It's a god damn terrible system, but it works. There will be no shortage of money or economic collapse. They'll always take as much as they can and leave enough for a middle class and a working class to keep shit goin while the poor people die in the streets to further motivate them. Until we run out of gas and die, because the world ended in 2012 and we're just drifting aimlessly on the game over screen.
Even modern poors are way more well off than the past. Capitalism just works. Fuck they're fat as shit because there's so much cheap pleasurable shit to stuff in their mouths.
I've been to an American and an Italian hospital for the same problem. Italy obviously isn't communist, but the hospitals are socialist. Ask me which was better.
>countless jewish communists
Really makes you think
There were also plenty of early fascist jews, particularly in Italy. They were also Marxists and labor unionists. Turns out fascism and bolshevism emerged out of the same crisis of marxism in the early 20th century. And nothing about fascism is inhernetly racist, just national socialism.
The nazis hated the jews for many reasons, one of them was their involvement with bolshevism and other brands of socialism. Turns out that different types of socialists are not allies. The bolsheviks rounded up all non-bolshevik socialists in the 1920s, like the nazis rounded up communists.
Really the only reason we consider fascism to be "right wing" is because it became inconvenient for the left to be associated with it after WW2, luckily they control the media and academia so it wasn't hard for them to make everyone think they were on opposite ends of a political spectrum.
>and that modern leftists abhor anti-semitism?
Modern leftists hate Israel and the rich jews in the 1%. They'd kill jews if they got into power, they'd just use a different excuse.
save this shit for /pol, this is /fit
Don't give me that bullshit. In the past they'd be healthy and have jobs.