Carnivore diet

What's Jow Forums's opinion on this diet that is being pushed for by people like Peterson or Baker? The idea is no calorie tracking, and virtually no plant products - only meat (and possibly eggs).

I'm giving it a try; a few days in now and I feel pretty alright.

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I like being able to shit without tearing my anus apart, so I make sure to eat vegetables.

how the fuck do people afford to eat nothing but 30$ steaks for every single meal?

In general i advocate again blatant meme diets. Whether no meat or no fruits/vegetables or no carbs or no fat or whatever. No need to reinvent the wheel. Just look at what our ancestors ate for the past couplle thousand years and go with that stuff

Not steaks. Minced beef only costs around $2 for 1lb where I'm from.

By having a job and no kids to feed. You can eat steaks for dinner every night in the US on minimum wage.

Did this for 2 weeks then fell off the bus, 2 days in again and feel the same intense level of energy I did on the diet.

If you have the willpower to fight through the craving i Think its a pretty decent diet. Longterm idk, I just find it an easier and more effect keto style eating pattern.

press F to pay respects

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Apparently a lot of people doing this diet barely have shits at all.

>Think its a pretty decent diet
>literally no fiber

From my meme science understanding you don't need to shit because meat almost completely breaks down, leaving you with little to no waste to shit out.

Also having constantly big shits is why people turn gay,

tbf big shits feel really good. nothing like feeling the big brown rod shooting out ur pooper.

Seconded. Feels orgasmic.

this, its almost better than fapping, depositing a massive foot-long into the toilet, the instant relief and emptiness you feel afterwards is amazing.

I wish I could afford to try it

A great philosopher agrees:

>...although doggedly Catholic, Anscombe could also be radical and was never straitlaced. She was notorious for a forthright foulmouthedness which was only enhanced by the beauty of her voice. When presenting a paper on pleasure, she distinguished extrinsic pleasures - things we enjoy because of the description they fall under - and intrinsic pleasures - things we enjoy regardless of how they are described; and she cited, as an example of the latter, "shitting", strongly pronouncing the double "t", and with such sternness that her academic audience were too daunted to laugh.

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Just buy burger chuck and eat Delicious burgers everyday. You don't really need to fucking eat steak, just meat. To my understanding its the ketogentic aspect that give people most of the good feels.

>tfw working in Greenland and eating oxen all day
Feels good, man

That'd be like $6 a day for 2100~ calories I did the math awhile back. As it stands now I'm trying to eat meat every big meal, simple cheap carbs like rice and 10 eggs a day.

just eat fish eggs broccoli and avocado every day

plant fiber being the only kind or source of fiber is pure vegan lies

>dude just eat the fur and bones

>Also having constantly big shits is why people turn gay,

this is possibly the most accurate and least insane conclusion posted on Jow Forums in recent times.

Not 100% or me, but its the goal. Probably 70% me, though.

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Based philogranny

>What's Jow Forums's opinion on this diet
It's gay as fuck, so we love it.

I can't do things like this, having been on a diet for so long means the feeling of fullness you get from a diet like this that prevents you from wanting to eat more is lost on me, and I overeat anyway.

>Also having constantly big shits is why people turn gay
there might actually be something to it, but i'm still laughing

It's close to being the ideal diet but you should be eating what humans would eat naturally in the wild. Which also includes fruit.

Extra super important protip: eat organ meat.

Don't just eat nothing but steak all day, you'll be fucked long term because of the lack of certain micronutrients.
Liver should be an essential part of your diet

Attached: Liver with Balsamic.jpg (880x583, 123K)

What do I think of it? As just another meme diet coming through.

Lighting money on fire

this. you can be very healthy eating normal foods. living like s3vridge or however you spell it is extremely expensive for normal people

>heart disease is the number one killer in the United States
>people still do shit like this because they think putting weight up and down will keep their arteries squeeky clean
You are the biggest bunch of retards on the planet