>ingest 6 grams of unregulated gook dust
>bang out a full body workout at the gym with enthusiasm
>immediately head to the local nature trail and glide effortlessly through a 7 mile run
>not even tired afterwards
Why haven’t you taken the kratompill yet, Jow Forums?
Ingest 6 grams of unregulated gook dust
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop making kratom threads every single day man, drugs bring more harm than good ultimately (if you don’t have a condition that is, but even then a good chunk of it is harmful)
From wikipedia:
Common minor side effects include nausea, vomiting, and constipation. More severe side effects may include respiratory depression (decreased breathing), seizure, addiction, and psychosis. Other side effects may include high heart rate and blood pressure, trouble sleeping, and, rarely, liver toxicity. When use is stopped, withdrawal symptoms may occur. Deaths have occurred with kratom both by itself and mixed with other substances.
gookdust indeed
I’ve never made a kratom thread. Also, it’s ground up leaves from a tree. Unless you never ingest caffeine, kys
I do but not to train. I tried that a lot as well but came to the conclusion that it weakens my performance.
How does it affect sexual performance?
You can fuck for hours
Never heard of a seizure from Kratom. I assume you would have to be in risk of a seizure generally?
Feels less intense but you can go on like forever.
really? the cure for my premature ejaculation
Lol why don't you investigate the claim that death has occured from Kratom alone. There is one death that is currently being investigated in which the individual had "no known history of opiate dependency except for kratom". One. I'm willing to bet it's a false positive. Both the references provided for the claim on the wiki are fraudulent. One mentions this case, the other mentions nothing about death from Kratom alone. It's only due to the protected edit on the wiki that this shit is being parroted.
Full disclosure: the stuff makes me nauseous generally. I'm not an addict or something. Just don't want this bullshit being spread. EVERY single death in which kratom was in the system occured due to other drugs. ALL OF THEM.
I didn't know fit was into kratom. I do it once a month but I take it about an our before bed and just play video games. It makes me nauseous so I can't imagine working out on it or even taking it regularly.
Replace constipation with diarrhea and you basically got caffeine
Kratom gave me ED. At first it was just on the days I took it, then it would last a day or two after that. Eventually, I couldn't get a boner at all. Had to use Viagra while I washed out for over a year, my natural function only came back a few months ago.
I was doing a lot though, like 20-30 grams a day and sometimes extracts too.
20-30 grams a day. Guess the problem is obvious. How old are you and did you do other drugs that also may have had negative effects on your libido?
If there was ever anything that was a total unknown about what it does to you long-term or how dangerous it is to use short-term, it's THIS shit.
>babbys first Placebo Effect experience
Also, if you're such a fucking badass, then leave off with the Amateur Night shit and go take 2000mg of phenethylamine, come back and tell us how much fun you had with that, faggot.
I don’t get it
Why are you so angry
Angry? LOL no, more like curling my lip in disgust at the OP for talking so big-and-bad because he swallowed some capsules with shit in them. Thread doesn't even belong on Jow Forums really, it's cancerous crap that belongs on /b/
opioids are known to lower T, and Kratom is no exception
>oh wow he swallowed capsules of floor sweepings sold to him by some faggot on a streecorner, then had a placebo effect 'high' from it!
You're an idiot
Can you be a little more precisly in your nonsense comparison? There are about 300+ different
Phenethylamines used as drugs.
Just like opiates it desentizes you a bit, but without losing your erection.
I used to be able to for at least an hour on that shit. I would literally take that to prevent myself from cumming in under 5 minutes all the fucking time.
I was very specific. Straight phenethylamine.
Death caps are just plants bro, how about you go eat some.
>Also, it’s ground up leaves from a tree
It makes you gay
>Alsom it's ground up leaves from a tree
I use the White Meang Da it gives very clean energy and low level euphoria. I can do a full day of manual labor without out eating by taking 3 grams throughout the day. I only use it about 2 a week though since it can cause physical dependence
Lmao. Placebo. Sure bro, anything you're not involved in must be "fake".
I once fucked this tinder chick for 4 hours on kratom. Her boy friend left for work, she was talking shit about him.
Picture is her
Nice. Got any of her tits?
Those are literally his fingers cupping his ballsack.
Try harder fagoot.
This shit is opioid replacement for people with minor opioid addictions. Why would you do this for fitness ever you fucking idiots?
t. I have never seen a vagina
Nah, that's just being on Jow Forums.
Hey guys kratom is about to be banned.
It is awesome to be honest!
Student nurse here.
Makes me sleepy as fuck
For pre work out.
It can also be used for pain.
It's not fucking pre workout holy shit you people are truly retarded. It's for faggots who can't get their codine fix. This is not for anyone serious about lifting and staying remotely healthy.
And who are you?
Why does your opinion matter.
Yea it can be used for rehab, other things also.
It is pretty much used as coffee in Thailand.
because I don't know where to buy good quality kratom at
anyone considering kratom should know a few things first:
>it will lower your T
>do NOT go above 5g a day
>do not use it every day (4 on days, 3 off days a week is a good compromise)
>cycle strains (so if above example, have 4 different strains to use to minimize tolerance).
>when your batches run out, stay off it for a month or two
>of course, some tolerance is bound to happen.
>less is more. if you're going over, say, 8g a day, you're playing a dangerous game. 5g is truly optimal and cna go a long away if you're cycling strains properly (one of the biggest mistakes newbies make is to buy one big batch and use that strain exclusively for weeks on end. big mistake)
>sense well-being
>when not abused, can give you a boost and help you to be social able
>kills anxiety (this shit helped me lose my v-card and i lasted a long time), and helped me stay cool on dates and get laid again. if i had a mind to be social, i could do so without spilling spaghetti
i haven't used it in months, but overall kratom is a good thing to supplement your life with if you're not a complete degen.
just because it has that use, doesnt mean there arent other uses.
>im going to talk out my ass about something that i have no clue about
Hahaha oh man never change r/fit XDXDXX
>when not abused, can give you a boost and help you to be social able
>kills anxiety (this shit helped me lose my v-card and i lasted a long time), and helped me stay cool on dates and get laid again. if i had a mind to be social, i could do so without spilling spaghetti
Is their any other substances that can help me accomplish this without sacrificing t levels? These are the benefits I'm solely after
I know people who sell it in stores. You probably buy their shit. It's not fucking pre workout.
phenibut, but can only safely be used once a week. kratom lowers T but if you're not taking a lot it's probably not going to be too noticeable. you may wanna do your own research though.
But he's not wrong. Kratom is a depressant. Why the fuck would you use it for a preworkout?
No no no. I am a faggot who is talking shit because some assholes are trying to get people to start using baby's first opiate like substance on Jow Forums
It's pre workout bro, you know they use it in Asia. Don't you like anime? Also it will get you laid because it somehow removes your crippling social anxiety.
Long term heroin addict here
It undebatably hits all the right bells and whistles of an opiate. My body is fine now but it is had been designed and forced to detect, seek, and ingest h and all things that mimic it. I'm good now but god damn was it hard to get here. Kratom is not nearly as good but it definitely might as well be a full opiate. The withdrawals at 90 gpd are equivalent enough that it doesn't matter what the high is like. It'll fuck you just the same. And none of you vulnerable sadcunts should go anywhere near an opiate. You will lose everything you love in this life.
Complaining about having withdrawals at a 90g a day kratom habit is like complaining about getting fat with a 10,000 calorie a day McDonalds habit. Idk what you expected man, especially from that first time you stuck a needle in your arm, but dont knock kratom for what it can offer recovering addicts. Just because you couldn't control yourself doesnt mean others cant too.
I'm not saying it's not beneficial for people coming off or in
Controlled doses. If anything it is making a net positive on the heroin world and all our shit. But you know who you are if you're like me. I genuinely thought it wasn't going to ring that bell and whistle. Don't be fooled. It will. I know most people aren't like me and thank God for that. I've been able to control myself enough to traffic and sell h while clean but that first dose is doom for me if it's an opiate or anything like it. It sucks. I knew exactly what heroin was going to do to me before I started and I did it anyway. I thought kratom would be much more similar to caffeine in potency, what with being of the coffee family and everything.
It really is what the opiate Crisis needs though. Cheap. Safe. Easily taperable. No injection. You obviously can't run a country and its legislation off terrible people like me when there are so few of us. Unfortunately they seem to
It is a upper at low doses...
You have never tried or research it
depressing. i dont wanna associate with humans anymore. even disgusting 1/10s can get a husband, loads of money from said husband, and fuck chads while shes at it.
good job on outting her as a whore tho.
Why would you touch that even if she was single
> t. Plebbitor
Respiratory depression has never been documented with kratom. Neither have seizures. 99% of deaths involving kratom come from outside influences, not the drug itself. That said, there is always the potential for misuse.
You'd all take meth if it was some up-and-coming drug
>high energy
>work out for hours
>desire to be clean
>only requires a little
>immediately head to the local nature trail and glide effortlessly through a 7 mile run
>not even tired afterwards
>bang out a full body workout at the gym with enthusiasm
Go get some !
Amphetamines have been used for years for a ton of different reasons. Meth is just an extremely impure amphetamine