Now that you're fit, how do inferior males act around you?

I'm very good looking. 6 ft tall, dirty blond, blue eyes, low body fat and quite muscular. I live in NYC in a latin/asian neighborhood, and i bag these chicks basically at will. But I notice on the street guys I pass by always look at me hard, then try and stare me down, then, just as they pass me, they spit on the ground loudly, so I notice. I assume this is jealousy. I call it anti-miring. Anyone else get this ever?

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Start chewing tobacco and out spit them

Post body.

>Posting one of the most aesthetic men to ever walk the face of the earth as if to imply you have even 1/10 of his looks. If you were hot you’d be banging cute tomboys not some guido’s leftovers.

I was so mad I forgot to stop green texting. Look what you made me do OP, now all the anons are gonna bully me.

I am better looking than him

find something else to break your nofap faggot

You are at stage 2 of 3. Stage 1: Other males look down on you. Females ignore you. Stage 2: Other males recognize you as equal or as a threat. Some females want you. Stage 3 ("you made it"): Other males accept you as the alpha male and act submissive. All females want you.

The ones who like me like me more, the ones who were neutral are subtly bitchy now. Losers. That's what you get for not doing NoFap

*bullies you*

Dude, I live in a mostly beaner/some nigger neighborhood and I'm a glorious 6'2" square-jawed blond/blue jacked Aryan. All the guys look at me weird as hell unless they're playing soccer right then in which case they like Jow Forums people

Congratulations, you're a try-hard and cringeworthy-level insecure.

I can see this as being accurate. Because i'm lean and strong, but not huge to intimidate every guy who passes me on the street.

Don't worry, user. You'll make it one day. Until then, just keep hating.

>hey you guys i'm a 6 foot blonde hair blue eyes white dragon and I am basically the peak of male existence and hitler himself would have made me poster boy of the new world. I'm not gonna prove that any of this is true btw.

Bait is shit bait


Attached: OP proiecting.jpg (275x183, 6K)

I'm very handsome, iberian looking, 5'11, also fit living in a very non-white brazilian city. Every time I go to the metro people stare at me. Most of them are ugly, fat and short, it's not an unexpected thing anymore.

baised and redpilled

cringe and blue pilled, OP is role-playing until he posts body

What are qt latinas/asians like?

dont be jealous

They're ok. This is the neighborhood i grew up in so i been around them a lot. The asians houses always smell asian lol. And the latin chicks can be hot, but, they really are usually crazy. They get angry about stupid shit very easily. And sometimes they have crazy ex's. I would never marry one no matter how hot. I work in the manhattan and thats where I actually meet white women lol.

im with you, every one here is a mutt so its impossible for them to imagine anyone being even slightly attractive. i have the same specs as you and betas are always trying to size me up.

(Non existent)

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I catch betas staring at me after flirting with their crushes.

It's really just that OP won't post any proof of MUH SUPERIOR GENES

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I'm not about to go to the bathroom, take a pic, strip the exif and post just for some jealous faggot. If you don't want to believe me, don't. If it make you feel better im probably only a 9/10. And i'm only barely 6 ft.

Do they ever spit? It seriously happens to me multiple times a week here.

No proof => bait

We haven't had to strip exif for years, man. Site does that automatically now.

Lol this is not true. All men arent submissive to really good looking peopl bro.. thats some dumb beta shit, youre probs an incel whos not good looking. Im good looking and most men wanna be my friend but females wanna suck me off

The blacks grumble to each other but the beaners aren't that bad. No spitting that I've noticed. They are jelly of my very existence but they know only the blacks are their real enemies.

haha you're such a stupid faggot who didn't stop greentexting
Dumb nigger

>using the word cringe unironically
Never going to make it

nigs and rednecks do the spitting thing a lot in central georgia. theyll do it in front of you though and try to make eye contact right after

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