Are tattoos Jow Forums-related?

Are tattoos Jow Forums-related?

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i hate tatts but im thinking of immortalizing skyking on my body

nope tattoo owners ain't gonna make it

get tattoos if you've been in war or have fucked more than 80 women in your lifetime

tattoos are for whores and so yboys. They used to mean you were in a club/gang/military. not anymore. Tattoos are feminine now


>Jow Forums
try /fa/

Which one should I get?
Or should I fuck up my life and get all three?

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1. N o
2. Don't do that to yourself, it's nigger-tier

>Are tattoos Jow Forums-related?
If they're tattoos that are related to your ancestors or big events in your life (no children, weddings, school and things like that don't count) like a succesful buisness that has been going for 25 odd years that you started would count and even then no fucking words, if it can't be condensed into a symbol then it's a shit idea for a tattoo or your tattoo artist is shit.


all three for maximum faggot

Women think tattoos are hot as fuck

depends. If you're getting faggot ass video game tattoos like triforces, pokemon, etc. then yeah, it's gay as fuck and will make you look like a manchild soiboy

>completing a coming-of-age ritual isn't worth it
>bonding your life to another forever isn't worth it
>your children aren't worth it
But your family name is ok?

I'm fundamentally opposed to tattoos but SkyKing made me consider it.

Black have less tattoos per capita, shithead


Depends, the in your pic aren't, tattoos are supposed to have meaning.
When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos

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Has to be pasta

Sorry bro.. But the one on the right means noodle soup.

>Mom I posted it again!

Tattoos are degenerate and signal you make trash decisions.

Tattoos are the equivalent of graffiti on a crack den.

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Second this. Tattoos have long been a sign of poverty and poor breeding. The most noble connotation is that you served in the military, but even that has prole connotations.

Islam forbids tattoos, Alhamdulillah.

plane on my left pec from video. most likely in this position

Attached: skykang.png (680x361, 196K)


Reminds me of this

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Thats very cool bro, thanks for sharing

Eh. I have tattoos because I like having tattoos. They're generally under clothing because they're for me. Don't get them for other people, other people are temporary. Your tattoos are going to be part of you forever.

What's so important to have it drawn on your body forever?

Name of a dead loved one. Even when I'm old, senile and cant remember my own name I wont forget him.

i dont really like tats much, but ride's actually look great imo

My dad had brain cancer and gave me a book with a sword on the cover of it. I want the sword tattooed somewhere on me

Who the fuck said it needed to be important. Just because it makes me happy doesn't make it important.

Are you Chinese

We have this thread EVERYDAY

Are you trying to keep draugr locked in an ancient crypt?

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Keep basing your life on what basic bitches think

Is this a Naruto reference?

fuck no

Why is it that everyone on here is opposed to tattoos, yet almost every guy I see at my gym has tattoos?

nobody on Jow Forums (nobody on Jow Forums in general) can pull off tats and not look like a tryhard so they hate on tats lol

what a disgusting nigger

maximum kek

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Plane looks nice, just don't do the text.
Also good luck explaining people you're not a pilot yourself.

Kek, he needs to do a whale

Boomers in my gym don't have ones (maybe just some military stuff like blood group), dyel zoomers all have some bullshit flowers and skulls