Gorillas are only 1,6–1,7m tall

>Gorillas are only 1,6–1,7m tall

Attached: gorilla.jpg (306x471, 36K)

But that nigga has some 25 inch biceps on him

>Absolutely zero ass

Why squat and deadlift? This is why squat and deadlift.

So could you kill a curlbro manlet gorilla with no martial arts training with your own hands?

>no martial arts training

Son, all I've done for about six years now is train my ability to throw a suplex.

The gorilla is the one without martial arts training.

good luck finding a gorilla who isnt trained in martial arts

>implying they don't start training at birth
Never gonna make it

this nigga really need to start doing some diddlydoos and squats

>no ass

how much do you think he could curl on a straight bar ?

and yet they could snap your beanpole ass in half without even trying

Did you guys know Gorillas are massive dicklets as well?

FUCKING LMAO what a pathetic species.

What about a female gorilla?

0 kgg

[citation needed]

The most skilled MMA fighter in the world could hit a gorilla with a roundhouse kick that would kill a person and it would feel like getting hit with a foam bat to the gorilla.

do you think gorillas on apechan always pop two or three threads a day coping about humans height and dick mogging them and if it is possible to take out an firearm-armed man bare handed while posting some poorly edited image of brock lesnar with an ar15 and such?

Looks like Patrick Ewing

Id say the amount of shit flinging would be the same.
Its mostly gorilla's calling chimos monkeylets
Bonobos are too busy getting laid to ho on

Monkey chan is a fun thought, and i will remember it.

Idk, but I'll tell you one thing- if you want a superior species that crown goes to bears.
Kodiaks to be exact. 10 feet tall. 1400 lbs. Nothing stands in its way as a predator.

More like 25 inch forearms.

>ywn get to see a bear vs gorilla team deathmatch
why live

Next workout I'm going to channel my inner gorilla. Really mirin hard desu

>Implying he isn't trained in Gorilla Warfare