Are there any models on Jow Forums? What is it like?

Are there any models on Jow Forums? What is it like?

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Doubtful. This board seems to mostly be STEM dorks.

Try asking /fa/, there was a tripfag who walked for Saint Laurent Paris.

Theres also an internet famous model, Luka Sabbat, who browses there too.

Look at the tabs

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Not me but my grandfather, pic related, was

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Fun question, guess his ethnicity.

I doubt you'll get it, so I'll give you a hint: Not European.


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Nice try, he’s not your grandfather and he’s a Paki

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lmao /fa/ is cucked desu

if theres internet celebrities browsing /fa/, then maybe some famous fitness youtubers browse Jow Forums

Yes, he is. Shut the fuck up.

I did a bit when i lived in japan. Didn't get many gigs due to clashing with my normal job.

>lying on the internet

/fa/ is litterally the most chad normie board on this website. We all know it. Who else would be confident enough to wear shit fits out in public?

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jeff pls go

>famous fitness youtubers= models
Jow Forums copes are the worst copes

scooby, pls

Post a pic of you and him together then

I've not even been on Reddit but think I'd rather take fashion advice from there than /fa/. /fa/ is SHIT. Being individualistic is great but JFC, so many of them look like absolute shit.

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Exactly. Why would you bother? I'm not saying I was signed to Gucci or something. I did like three jobs. The agency i was with is called Remix. It's based in shinagawa, tokyo.

Thank God he became a woman. 10x more attractive.

Now I see who's behind all those blacked threads
lul sure he's your grandpa bub