1 diet for weight loss

I just need one meal that I can eat and a fitness plan

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Chicken, Broccoli, Rice and Starting Strength

You can literally lose weight on fast food, start actually working out and do cardio.

>that pic
I hate wojak now

There are so many threads about this already. You don't need a diet, just stop eating faggot.

Yeah, it's in the sticky and harsh's wiki. All set out for you. You can even screenshot it so you won't forget :)

That's a rare wojak

I eat pic related daily and it works for me.

It's really hard to get all the nutrition your body needs in OMAD

Attached: file.png (766x688, 103K)

Intermittent fasting


As others have said, read the sticky. But also the following is required listening for you, fatty: youtube.com/watch?v=bYOIhmZ0Osg

At least until about minute 100. Not memeing here.

It really is, I have a great one, but it still doesn't do it alone.
> Ground beef
> Black beans
> Peppers onions
> 3+ assorted vegetables not including
> Spinach
> Garlic if you like it or want it's probably minor health benefits
> Baked sweet potato, plain
My lunch/dinner almost daily

To lose weight exercising is not necessary and will provide minimal benefits.
Having a balanced diet is the most important part


Attached: 66040229[1].jpg (400x400, 98K)

what app is this?


Post a pic of the actual meal

Only eat whole rice with meat/fish of your choice and random veggies and you'll be lean year round.
What I ate yesterday for dinner
>1 cup of rice
>one cup of peas
>two cans of tuna
>one spoonful of courcumim and half a spoon of paprika
You can swap the tuna for chicken or ground beef or steak or whatever you want, same with the peas. Make tomato sauce or a salad or use broccoli.

No you ape, you need to do strenght training so you actually loose fat and not muscle.

Be on a 1 g per lb of bodyweight in protein and 20 % less calories and do lifting and you will loose fat.

Like I said, it's really hard to do OMAD. So I don't do it.

That is 3 separate meals.
Chicken Breast/Broccoli
A bunch of water throughout the day

Oh I get ya now. Looks solid. I tried omad too and it just wasn't practical, and couldn't go as hard as I wanted with lifts.

Keto to good bf and switch to for fast results

Just how far are you people willing to delude yourselves to escape exercise? You could be eating nothing but McDonalds every day and still keeping fit and slim with exercise, it's literally the easiest way out. But for it to work you actually have to get off your ass and do it.

that's a dumb point. It's way easier to not eat a large portion of fries, than having an hour of high intensity exercise that would burn equal amount of calories.
You're calling lifting and cardio as easy way out, when it's literally the hardest one. You know what's easy? not eating cake every day

your body will eat through fat first and will start to break down muscle only in extreme cases of starvation.