When will they invent some incredible, new muscle-building drug that has no side effects?
I mean, it has to be possible, and it's taken way too long already.
When will they invent some incredible, new muscle-building drug that has no side effects?
I mean, it has to be possible, and it's taken way too long already.
it alreasy exist its called test-e
They did, it's called o n i o n.
It’s not possible that’s not how things work in this life
Stop looking for the easy way user
It's called repressed anger
based and redpilled
youre wise guy
Taking test E for three months will make you feel stupid for not taking it the entire time you were working on your body.
Based fpbp
I hope they don't, because I'm here working my ass off and then some fat fuck can look the same while eating McDonalds
Only lazy faggots want this to exist
Best sarms with no lasting side effects?
Professional athletes use it so it's gotta be good right?
Test E like in teste? Why would I want a but in my mouth to swallow? That's the gayest shit you can possibly do.
I should know, I've had two guys in my one hole at the same time. And THAT was not even half as gay as taking a gay mans supplement.
You see, even when my tight needy hole was being ravaged, I was capable of saying no homo while in utter ecstasy.
You can't say no homo if you're busy swallowing a teste
Jesús if taking anything why not stick around with the stuff that we know for 70+ years and thats well researched?
Instead you knuckleheads take something when you don’t even know the long term effects or possible short term effects. Stupid.
because all the old stuff is dangerous AF and provides more obvious side effects
What if I told you there was a supplement you can grow and process yourself, pack into capsules, and take 200 - 600mg up to 5 days a week and have noticeable gains your first day with the energy, focus, and 'worn out' threshold at new heights?
You could have a years supply in at least 7 weeks!
combo breaker
Is you?
Dude, that is the most strangest thing I've read in a fit thread. And I sympathize with the dude that gets off to tiles.
>inb4 o[spoiler][/spoiler]nions
You are late. On ions were the 2nd reply.
When I turn up the on ions I'm always buzzing with energy.
I've also taken the garlicpill. I peel a head of garlic and individually, I put each clove up my ass.
No smell, can't tell.
>it has to be possible
what makes you think this? just because you can imagine it you think it's possible?
inb4 someone replies with some david hume bullshit
Suck my powerlifting clit gayboi, if you can dream something it is real somewhere in the universe.
Its like you're gay for not having an open mind. Your head is to preoccupied by how much you like the taste of semen and the feeling of a pair of fists in your ass to be bothered with hypothetical thought processes in which an Utopian ideal of quick and efficient coefficients collide allowing for a perfect reality. But no! You have to be that guy that says the off putting response while he dreams of being mounted by moose's and have it filmed for free distribution. You clit sucking faggot
Because he's too lazy to do his research and too scared of fucking up, so he wants a magic pill.
You forgot mushrooms
The spoiler is microdosing magic mushrooms
they put a filter on onions?
>more obvious side effects
obvious side effects can be controlled.
you have no idea if sarms have any long-term side effects. this is a bad thing.
The day you can just take a pill to get muscles is the day that having muscles means nothing. Everything everyone here has worked for, all the pain, sweat, and hours spent in the gym and the kitchen, researching meals, preparing programs, will all be for nothing. It will have as much value as anything else you can just buy.
Did you guys read about the muscle building qualities of bear blood when they're hibernating?
Need to go find a hibernating bear and extract blood from it, dudes.
>In this study, we exposed cultured human differentiated muscle cells to bear serum collected during winter and summer periods, and measured the impact on cell protein content and turnover. In addition, we explored the signalling pathways that control rates of protein synthesis and degradation. We show that the protein turnover of human myotubes is reduced when incubated with winter bear serum, with a dramatic inhibition of proteolysis involving both proteasomal and lysosomal systems, and resulting in an increase in muscle cell protein content. By modulating intracellular signalling pathways and inducing a protein sparing phenotype in human muscle cells, winter bear serum therefore holds potential for developing new tools to fight human muscle atrophy and related metabolic disorders.
(((They))) would make it illegal because it would destroy their multi-million dollar supplement market.
Oh, wait, it already exists! And oh wait, they already have made them illegal!
Well. if you don't mind cruising for life, then go for it.
Myostatin inhibition seems promising
>welcome to Jow Forums
based smokey
>Myostatin inhibition seems promising
do you even know what the fuck this is and what it does? this shit literally will make your heart grow to the point where you die
the point of myostatin in your body is to prevent that shit from happening