So, Jow Forums, I'm at a crossroads. While I'm by no means a beanboy(TM), I've always had a tiny frame- right now, my hip measurement is 25", and my chest is like 33" at it's widest point. My thighs used to be bigger as i was a competetive figure skater when i was younger, but even since stopping they remain overdeveloped compared to the rest of me (they're not "shredded" at all now though). All of these things, combined with very fair skin and a face that has been described as "beautiful" (read: good looking but really feminine) on multiple occasions, as well as a background in theatre makeup (mostly sfx like gore, but I'm experienced with more general makeup techniques) make me think I should try and trap for internet money. I'm not a tranny, not interested in hrt or anything like that, I just want to make money from internet losers who want to watch e play videogames.
Are there any exercises that I can do that won't make me more feminised, but will just accentuate what is already there, or should I just give up on this?

>inb4 op is going to end up with a """"neovagina""""--ive done my time on Jow Forums, seen the horrors that lie in store, and am not interested in any of that.
>pic unrelated

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do you need money that badly that you will sell your dignity?

No, I'm just lazy and want to play videogames while people praise me and give me money
Maybe sell a couple "arty" pics on the side or something, idk yet
BTW, I also have a kinda smallish dick. It's been called "cute" before. That'll help too, right?

If you're already an experienced makeup artist why dont you just do that you retard

Not many openings in theatres, and i don't think salons would like my portfolio
lots of faux decapitations, burst eyeballs, dismemberment and physical horror (used to do prosthetics too)
Plus its easier to wave my ass around a bit, play crash bandicoot and act like a cute grill on camera
wouldnt be going out in public like it tho

go for it op, you look like you got potential

Im considering selling handjobs to incels for 25$ ea in cons to subsidize my video game and cosplay and hope finding some ultra degenerate "not gay at all" oil baron to give me all the money I want, kind of like how the camel crew works in pro BB

pic related, no makeup yet, practicing.

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>chest 34
>hips 25

wait, that cant be right, thats literally johnny bravo proportions, women generally have a bust size very similar to their hips. did you measure it right?

chest might be smaller, a uk size xs comes up baggy on me and they're supposed to fit 32-34 so I'm not sure
Though I do measure in line with this chart

Attached: Ideal body measurements of MAN.jpg (629x382, 53K)


>inb4 somebody recognises me
k, this is just my ass cause the rest of me is too hairy and I can't be bothered to shave rn. Obviously I need to sort out my skin (everywhere else it's good, just got bumps there for some reason).
Do I have potential if I do enough squats?

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good enough, i recommend cycling a lot since it develops the tights nicely, but only on heavier gears.
also look into doing light calisthenics and fast whenever possible

post pics

From the front (yes I know I'll need to shave etc)
Also, as you can see from pic related, I could probably stand to lose a couple of pounds, I'm just worried that I'll lose it from the wrong places and my plan won't work. I do OMAD but really pig out when I do eat, so I'll need to fix that.
Unironically, would eating cum help?

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you can become an skelly and there would still be plenty of creeps out there willing to pay a buck to see a qt skelly trap naked or in maid clothes, just be sure to keep your body always shiny and hairless

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why not just get a job?

>not a beanboy
>coming to the realization that your lack of masculinity is so great that you can pass as a trap

Pick one my delusional friend.

>implying masculinity isn't mostly about mindset
OK dude

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What will your resume say for the time passed cam whoring?

Never gonna be a wagecuck anyway so it doesn't matter, does it? Am I going to write a CV to myself to see whether I should start a business?
And if that don't work out, I'll just sleep until I don't wake up any more. It's fine

Degenerate paki

>competitive figure skater
If you don't want to be more feminised then why the living fuck do you want to look more feminine you fucking dumbass?
Just squat and deadlift if you wanna look as much of a puss fuccboi as possible, don't do any upper body training.

What a shit ass, even mine is better and I don't even lift

>implying you have the ability or drive to be a competitive figure skater
You do realise that it's one of THE most gruelling sports in terms of training, right user? For seven years, I did nothing else (except go to school and sleep). I started training when I was 10, and would often spend 16 hours at the rink on a single day at the weekend just trying to perfect one piece of footwork or lift. I'd go to the rink every night as soon as school finished and stay until it closed. I won multiple competitions and was told I could have made a career in it, but then had an injury about 3 years back that means I'll never be able to skate at that level again. Just like that, one snap and I was done.
But hey, it looks easy so it must really BE easy, right?

Neither do I, I think that should be pretty obvious from the pictures itt

You dont sound like you have masculine mind set though. This is a bizare scenario but I've considered gay4pay myself, but i wont pretend that i probably have some issues. You dont sound motivated or anything, and you go on Jow Forums (probably spouting anti-degencry bs)yet plan to spend your time on video games. Its a shame the uk is becoming like the states now and us young men are becoming like this.

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>used to visit Jow Forums but don't any more because it's pointless
>can't do the one thing in life I actually enjoyed doing because I ruined my right ankle
>realise that spending all that time training instead of talking to people has fucked me socially, and now I can't even skate to compensate
>also developed genuine, non-meme schizophrenia that means I don't really get outside that much
But yeah bruh, go ahead and tell me all about your insights into the human condition. All screens are there for escapism, doesn't matter whether it's Jow Forums, porn, a TV or a game; they exist so that in that moment, WE don't have to, and nor do we have to face the world as it really is. Right now, I would very much like to escape, and if the cost of that is dressing as a girl so that Internet autists can jack off to me playing dark souls, that's a price I'm willing to pay.
Think about it.


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> C E L L U L I T E
this pic makes me want to vomit

That's the shadows cast from my leg hair you blind mong
That's why I switched lighting in the other pics, the blue light was fucked

still basically fat and unappealing. Feel like you kind of oversold yourself my dude

I weigh ten stone and two pounds at 5'11 you utter retard, it's just really hard to take a picture of your ass from that angle without it looking wrong

I agree with you on a few points there, but you gotta get out there and make an effort to unfuck yourself. Do you actually have schizo or is this a self diagnosis? I've had psychosis amd shiz a few times but i refuse to let my self succumb to further mental health issues. You're on Jow Forums so why not try to learn to better and care for yourself than delve further into mental health issues and basically gay4pay.

Better yet, if you actually want to trap(which you must do), get on grindr so peeps like me can fuck you.

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>I weigh ten stone and two pounds at 5'11 you utter retard, it's just really hard to take a picture of your ass from that angle without it looking wrong
He means skinny fat. Which you are.

>implying you still wouldnt get the handjob

I'm not gonna jugde you on your decisions but if you really want our help you need to give us more info. At least for me, I need to check out your frame. Take a frontal and side pictures (cover your face if you want, don't care) whithout those weird angles and positions. I need to see your proportions (hips, chest, etc).

If you have to go to that much effort to take a good pic then what you're taking a pic of isn't good to begin with. Also if you're 142lbs at the same height as me and still have that bad of a physique then you're the pinnacle of skinnyfat

pic related it's me at pretty much the exact same weight and height, and I had ZERO muscle. (I don't do this stuff anymore, it's from a year or two ago)

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particularly repulsive thread and I am a haha no homo poster. youre too pathetic, op. when someone is a loser to the extent that you are, there is basically no sexuality. your body wont make you money as a trap but it can get you pennies on the dollar as a gay prostitute.

you could do hrt for a year and it be reversible.

here is front
Proper diagnosis. I just want to live out my time in (relative) peace. I've seen shit that fucked me up, and I've done shit that was so far beyond OK that my brain repressed the memories completely until a few days ago (I did it over a year ago). I'm ready to just take a step back from everything now.
No, he was just trying (and failing) to be an asshole.
Your opinion won't make you money as a respectable human being, but you can while away the hours escaping your pathetic drudgery of an existence with transparent attempts to cover your own insecurities with insults on an anonymous imageboard

Wanna know how I know you're an ugly cunt?

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Like...killing animals n stuff?
This is Jow Forums btw and people we be treated with brutal honesty most of the time. Believe me though, this wont help you. You'll end up abusing your power, providing you're successful.

You could gain like 30 pounds and work towards a statue with a decent workout program if you think your body is too masculine for trap mode.

Nah, it's complicated, but essentially I hurt somebody who honestly, genuinely loved me in a way that I don't think that she'll ever fully mentally recover from.
I'd heard what had happened at the time, but couldn't actually remember it until a couple of nights ago.
The truth is, we're all playing our own games, and I know in hindsight (and I think subconsciously did at the time) that she was playing me just as much as I was playing her. Difference was that my game was stupid, because even if I'd won, I'd have lost. Hers was far more conservative, but neither of us had factored in the variable that my mental health was getting bad, and it made my game blow up in everyone's face. I have never done anything remotely as bad as that before or since, and was always able to justify myself as being "good" , but since actually remembering what happened and how it happened, I can't do that any more.

Now I know that deep down, I am trash. I have to live with that knowledge every day for the rest of my life, but compared to her, maybe I'm lucky, idk.

what a fag

>t. Somebody who has never mattered to anyone else enough to be more than a passing inconvenience

The absolute state of white people, no wonder your women fuck niggers and arabs lmfao Such a cuck, weak race

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Nobody wants a shitskin trap

Just looks like dude ass desu. Not trying to be mean.

Its always when I think that Jow Forums cant get any more lower than that, that my thought is proven wrong. Every time.

Beef has estrogen

Anyone have that pic of the best diet and exercises for a trap bod?

Enjoy your first week.
That's cool man, id rather know so I can fix it
LMAO you know half of the reason that the slave trade was so easy was because the negresses WANTED to be colonised, right? They wanted colonel Kentucky's white man gravy, and "hip hop" culture etc. is just the modern day black man trying to C O P E with how his women literally sold him into servitude in exchange for a slim shot at being bleached. Blacks are literally the niggers of humanity, in more ways than one.