Hittin' the club

How do look? I refuse to shy behind my clothes when I rep 2/3/4/5 for reps

Attached: Screenshot_20180820-052435_Instagram.jpg (950x1035, 434K)

Do you think anyone here is retarded enough to believe thats you?

reverse image search, its him newfag

firstly that's obviously not you
secondly even if that was you, you look like an enormous faggot
and thirdly that is not the body of someone who does 2/3/4/5 for reps

It says in the file name he took a screenshot from instagram you cock guzzling faggot

Yeah, that's a screenshot from his own instagram. Who the fuck cares if i take dick also??? My life retard

Too big. Girls don't like this.

He's very obviously going to a gay club. He's like the trophy twinks who love to pose like this and post on Snapchat and IG because they LOVE attention. His roided aesthetic is designed to give him maximum attention, and his personality and overly-confident outlook will enable him to overlook negative comments and perceive all attention as good attention. I can almost guarantee that he's British given the chav obsession with sports clothing (namely Adidas), his haircut, his shoes, socks, and facial genetics.

> inb4 it's not actually OP and it's a LARP, hurr durr

I know, but throwing my two cents in anyway.

Dude your jelly lol this dude could bone ur babe

> bone ur babe
Nice try, but I'm attracted to men's asses. How else do I think I can detect faggots like OP?

I don't go to gay clubs, sorry.

Chad stride into the club

unironically how does a 2/3/4/5 body look??

That’s definitely the body of somebody who can 2/3/4/5 for reps. 2/3/4/5 is my 1RM and he is noticeably bigger than I am.

What’s ironic is these guys all end up with ugly girlfriends

for some reason its true


because theyre the only ones not minding if he cheats on them

>How do look?

Real talk, if that's you, your legs are looking small, especially calves, so you definitely can't do the "4 for reps" in your 2/3/4/5, and you also have a bunch of shitty tattoos that will prevent you from being in any managerial positions, so you're probably a PT or a bum.

You're a 6/10 at best senpai, but 6/10 beats the 3/10 you'd be without the roids.

guys like you always look at the same time really impressive but also kind of faggy and off-putting. Like, I'll mire but I'd never try being a friend with you. i assume chicks like it so who gives a fuck.

A few reasons:
1. narcissists need to be the most attractive person in the relationship
2. they generally have no/bad personalities and deep ridden insecureities
3. uglys will put up with his absolute nonsense and get treat like shit

>You'll never be a mid-tier wagecuck!!!
I mean, i don't think tattoos are a good representation of your character either for various reasons, but why would you care about this shit? Moreover, its not even true, tattoos have become so mainstream now that you have all sorts of people in good working positions with visible tats.

how do I look? started going to the gym last month

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The cope is strong with this one.

Tattoos were a trend that's falling quickly out of style.

It's a representation of bad decisions.

>The cope is strong with this one.
What is there to fucking cope with? I dont have tattoos nor do i plan on getting them.
>Tattoos were a trend that's falling quickly out of style.
Get out of your house more you fucking leech, there are fucking kids walking around fully tatted.
>It's a representation of bad decisions.
Yes, i agree, but you are such a fucking illiterate moron that you failed to see me clearly stating this in my post. Its entirely possible to not like a thing and not delude yourself into thinking that only druggies get tats.

Hehe(false) mode

Attached: hehe.jpg (900x900, 76K)

You look roided as fuck. Hows it feel to be a fraudster. Fucking faggot

can confirm
chick magnet dating a 6

looking like a typical manlet roider

Attached: 1b0.jpg (680x499, 46K)

t. jealous natty zoomer in their first year of lifting

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I didn’t know you were Lewis Harrison you larper