I'm a noided cunt who's too afraid to do overhead presses because I'm scared I'll drop the bar on my head and...

I'm a noided cunt who's too afraid to do overhead presses because I'm scared I'll drop the bar on my head and permanently turn myself into a retard.

What are some lifts I can change it out for in my routine?

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Start without much weight on the bar. You aren't going to drop it.

You can drop a barbell onto the safety rack. It's actually pretty difficult to drop onto your head unless you're already retarded

one arm dumbell overhead press

overpussy press
shouldn't be a problem for you

You can usually feel when you are about to fail. So you can just move out of the way when you feel it or just throw it in the safety rak

Holy shit you are retarded.
Even on the minuscule chance you do make history? you can just do dumbbell press instead

Should i do OHP in the squat rack when i get to higher weights?
Im skellly mode right now, so i just do them in an empty space since my gym doesnt have any place to do them

There's no dedicated OHP rack so yes

Start low, when you fail most of the time you'll be able to control the way down and rack it anyway, unless you're a retard who cheatreps the bar with a weight you can't control.

There's literally no chance of dropping it on your head, if it starts to somehow slip from your grip, it'll fall forward away from your head and it's extremely easy to avoid just by stepping back. But nobody has problems gripping OHP weights.

>that guy who OHPs in the squat rack

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I OHP in the squat racks

>What are some lifts I can change it out for in my routine?
Dumbbell overhead press.

Thats why i asked, i dont want to become a meme

if this is your thought process, you're already a retard.

Stop caring about whether you're going to become a meme and start caring about getting big

dropping it on your head is not something that can happen just like that

take a broom and lif it over your head.
Now try to drop it over your head.
See how much effort it takes? You have to actually try to drop it on you head

Don't worry OP you'll never reach the amount of weight needed to make you even more retarded.

this but unironically.
do you think Rich Piano cared he got memed. nope he only cared about getting big

I squat in the OHP racks

Smith machine with vertical seat.

Great way to fuck your shoulders. Never force a vertical bar path in lifts that can't be done with one.

Handstand pushups

Idiot, if you are not strong enough to hold it at the top then you aren't strong enough to get it up there in the first place. The lockout and holding it at the top is the easiest part of the lift.

Don't do behind the neck press. Boom, done. I literally have NEVER had a front ohp drop on my head, I always retract my scap and it lands on my chest. And I do 1 RMs and had plently of failed reps. Don't worry about it.

Stop using steroids. They're not for you. Beta males getting testosterone is like homeless people winning the lottery. They fuck it up and end up worse than before. First steps first. Become a man, then use steroids if you still want to.

Piss off with that shit advice m8



>Don't do behind the neck press
terrible advice.
Even if you do behind the necks you're not going to hit your noggin ever.

Its virtually impossible to accidentally drop the weight on your head during an OHP. For 99% of people, the failure point of a press is at or below head-level. And if you get unstable at the top with weight overhead, because its in your arms youre going to naturally and automatically dropnit FORWARD in front of you. Thats just how the human skeleton is.

Its a meme, you dip. Theres not actually anything wrong with squatting in the OHP rack

There is however, a problem with CURLING IN THE FUCKING SQUATRACK

My friend hit his head and fucked up his shoulder lmao.

Try behind the neck overhead presses, much safer.

Your friend should've asked his handler's permission before setting foot in a gym.

I lost consciousness for a split second when ohping heavy once. Bar fell forward.

klokov does it, so i'm doing it too

How he hit his head I can't tell you, but btnohp doesn't cause shoulder problems, it highlights mobility problems you already have in the area. If you have good shoulder mobility, take it slow and controlled, it's superior to hitting the entire deltoid over regular ohp.

You are not klokov