
>Live in australia, Melbourne
>Work in the city
>Feel AVERAGE as fuck height wise
>Almost every one out of two guys is my height, and you'll see lots that are even taller
>Seeing people 6ft4+ is nothing special, and normal
>Even kids these days are about 5ft10 by the 9th grade

What the fucks going on? Even at 6ft i feel like a short cunt.

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I'm 6'4'' and I never feel tall unless there are manlets around. I love those little guys honestly.

>live in australia, Melbourne
Stopped reading there, Chang/N'bulu/Mohammed/Patel


I'm white.

Sure bud

I live in Canberra and at 5'9 I feel average

Why do manlets like yourself take such offense? Even at 6ft i FEEL AVERAGE AS FUCK here. Sad thing is i'm not even lying.

Just cause you yanks are all seriousness doesn't make that true for the rest of the world.


What the fuck dude, you're lying. Melbourne is a city of gooks. I'm 6'3 and I tower over 90% of people.

Imagine being so self conscious of your weight you think the OP is lying, you 5ft9 subpar male.

I'm 5"11 and I'm proto white, people who are taller then me are 3x rarer then the opposite. Also live in Melbourne (not city)

gooks aren't people

>my anecdote to troll people trumps the statistical data

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I feel ya, from Brissy and 6' seems like just on average. Below if anything. Over 6' is so common that it's only when someone's like 6'8 that they really stand out.
I swear it's diet or something, for so many high school kids being taller.
Maybe we should try some sort of weeb life and move somewhere in asia where to feel tall.

Honestly be thankful.
Im 5'4" and afraid to go to the gym. Im a thirdie tho so what gives

>be me
>live in east europe for 6 months
>so happy
>come back to melbourne
>get off the airport, instantly miserable


What's Adelaide like?

The fuck are you talking about, I'm 6'2" barely and tower over most people, maybe it's just because the city is literally 90% chinks are various other asians. I doubt you are actuallly 6'0" if you feel this way. If you are, then you have literally nothing to worry about height wise anyway.

>6.4 ft
>Live in northen Italy
>People are not brown, but still manlet
>get attention and compliment by everybody for my height
>feels good



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