How do you deal with anhedonia?

I feel like I'm wasting my time, but I have no willpower to go to the gym, be productive or engage in new activities

I had an emotional breakdown yesterday and it has stayed like this since then.

Attached: Sad wojak.png (1080x720, 444K)

And it's strange, but I don't even have will to eat. Before getting fit I would solve this issue stuffing myself up until I was bloated, but now the feeling of doing it doesn't appeal to me anymore. So here I am, surfing Jow Forums mindlessly and listening to music.

never heard that word before, sorry bruh

Snort some coke. Then we'll see how anhedonic you really are.

Anhedonia: inability to feel pleasure in normally pleasurable activities.

Go to a psychologist dude
Your situation looks bad dont wait to get worse

Denial of the Will is the only way

Attached: 1429047396927.jpg (576x635, 127K)

Stop looking at your soul like it's a malfunctioning doodad you bought on Amazon.
>I should be getting goodfeels, what's wrong with this thing?
That's a shallow and degraded state of mind. Ask yourself about what really matters, what YOU think is good, true, and beautiful. Before you know it your mind will be off yourself and your VALUES will be shaping a new self.

It ain't a pill, it ain't a "brain chemical," it's existence, G. And the #1 rule of the universe is this: don't be a pussy.

to add to what the previous anones have said,
willpower is like a muscle
at first u have puny weak muscles and the amount of weight you can lift with them is small, but it will grow the muscle.
with little willpower u cant really do much, but force yourself to do some small routines and stick to them, and it will have the same results as lifting weight does on muscl

Haha you posted a Jow Forums meme therefore making the thread Jow Forums related, you found the loophole !

Jow Forums is also mental hental. /SIG/ then wouldn't have a thread here neither.

I have a strong willpower but there are days like these that basically turns off. It really isn't a matter of willpower, it's a lack of enjoyment. I can force myself to do something, but there is no point in it.

what do u do on the shitty days?
if u get a shitty day try to avoid any fun activities or w/e, literally just sit around the whole day , dont distract urself w anything and spend the time thinking.
what goals r u looking forward to?
yknow, normally people do what they do with eventually having a family in mind, or some kind of other achievement if u can call it that

Mid-term goals:

>Finish college (Get shredded (less than 6 months if I stick to my diet and routine)

But these days everything is pointless, basically. I can study but I won't my 100% on it. I won't go to the gym, I eat only the necessary to not feel sick, and I'm fully aware of how I'm fully wasting my day. It's a weird feeling because I know I'm wasting oportunities but I'm not doing anything to change it because I feel I have no fuel left.

I only want to sleep during all the day, but that only makes it worse.

yea but whats the endgoal of that? college is just a means to an end of something, same with lifting

Anhedonia and other sorts of dissociation are more often than not defence mechanisms against stressful situations during childhood, probably to protect your brain from further damage or something.

You will feel these moments come and go during the rest of your life even as adult, usually without even a good reason, good luck!


>Be financially independent
>Be able to settle down and form a family if that's my wish without fear of failure caused by lack of something I should have covered
>Become the most beautiful self I can ever achieve through fitness and diet
>Be healthy to live long and avoid sickness
>Have time and money to be able to dedicate to my hobbies without feeling I should be focusing my time in more important matters.

I have to say my stress levels have been high during a long time. A month ago I had my first panic attack, and yesterday I got so pumped up playing overwatch I felt blood in my mouth and almost instantly felt I was going to die from overexcitement. Luckily I was able to impose self control and understand that was a stupid way of thinking and was able to calm myself down and win the match.

But it's scary how can stress fuck up the mind.

Based Schopenposter

I used to have anhedonia.
Nofap seems to be fixing it - I’m on day 30. You need to reset your dopamine receptors.

Drink a strong cup of coffee before forcing yourself to go out and do something small(like a peaceful walk outside just to start). Your brain will build a dopamine connection overtime

if you have serious psychological issues you need to talk to a psychiatrist, not some broscientist on Jow Forums

This may sound bullshit, but the only way to enjoy life is to enjoy little moments and being healthy as you can. This doesn't have to involve mindless hedonism, tho.

Sure, it's good to have these mid-term goals and _some_ directions in life, but most people are either happy, depressed or stressed by default regardless of their career, hobbies, money, even relationships.

Well, unless you start to develop some plans that overlap generations, first having a family of course, then that's different but I'm not in a position to give advice there.