Everyone says cardio kills gains, I walk for 4 hours everyday at work

Everyone says cardio kills gains, I walk for 4 hours everyday at work.

Am I ever going to get gains?

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HIIT increases test and test increases gains

if you arent gasping for air you arent training hard enough

Put on a heavy backpack (20kg+) and enjoy getting a v-shaped torso on your way to work
t. Military man

Is jumping rope ok?

stop being retarded and eat more if you're concerned about burning too many calories
also enjoy your joints getting fucked up

That's literally the same as a golfer, a round of golf is 4hrs walking, and they have the best physiques in sport. Some of the strongest men are golfers. You'll be fine

Just make sure you're running AFTER lifting, and not before.
Jumping rope and burpees are amazing cardio

Eat more to compensate for the calories burned while walking for 4 hours.

>he doesn't own a mobility cart
>wastes valuable energy on movement
>enjoy losing all your gains

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I made gains with cardio.

Cardio gains are the most important gains.

Run too much and you wont have the gains to punch your enemy to death when you arrive. Lift too much and you'll never be able to run your enemy down. The vicious circle.

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Cool, I guess it should be done rounds style rather than 30 minutes at a leisurely pace?

Burpees are a shit cardio, they are anaerobic.

Isn’t all hiit anaerobic?

Yes, for cardio to be cardio it has to be aerobic.

Why not do cardio before lifting. Explain coon

You have obviously never seen people on a golf course. Everyone uses golf carts and are fat fucks.

No. Unit PT is already shittly programmed enough and I'm supposedly in a "big boy" unit.

It depends on what type of cardio you're doing and what type of lifting you're doing. if you're do long steady distance runs, do those after your lifting sessions. If you want to do a track workout / get some sprint work in, you might want to do that before and then in your workout avoid lower body compound lifts. I honestly don't do much sprint work and when I do, most of the time I just put it into the end of my gym session. So usually I just run in the evening after all my workout sessions for the day. Figure what works for you and be smart about it.

No it won’t, just don’t do marathons

and say goodbye to your back