How fit were ancient hunter gatherers? How well would they do at the olympics?
How fit were ancient hunter gatherers? How well would they do at the olympics?
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They were probably otter-mode due to little protein and low calories.
Good at running, reasonably strong and fit overall since they were much less sedentiary but they'd get absolutely fucking floored by modern olympic athletes because they are 1% genetic freaks with access to roids and other PEDs, professional trainers, dieticians etc.
They ate around 5k calories.
>thousands of tribes around the world living this exact lifestyle
>distended bellies and absolutely DYEL muscle mass
>they were probably ottermode
None of them are white.
We're talking about white people here. White people naturally can't have shit body.
wtf are you talking about fucknut
nigger detected
LMAO It's so easy to expose niggers on this board.
not the homo sapiens
>5' manlets
>eating or even having access to 5k calories a day
What makes you think they need 2.5 the daily food intake of a grown man who's 20% bigger?
im eurasian and ill fuck your sister
Average human was around 5'10
I think the germanics were even larger.
There's actually some truth to this, we were good af at hunter-gathering and that's why we're not hunter-gatherers anymore.
There were some seriously alpha mofos in early human history. The dudes who fought the actual Trojan War were fuckin big, I think significantly bigger than that
Jow Forumsequesting [citation] but I know it's true
Modern scandinavians who are tall (at least 190cm) blonde and blue eyed are closest to those people.
Extremely unlikely. Probably more like ~3k in cold climates, less in warm climates.
t. dicklet Jow Forumsfag
>How well would they do at the olympics?
They'd win all running, jumping and throwing events very easily.
>Good at running, reasonably strong and fit overall since they were much less sedentiary but they'd get absolutely fucking floored by modern olympic athletes because they are 1% genetic freaks with access to roids and other PEDs, professional trainers, dieticians etc.
And they still can't keep up with ancient records.
This isn't even a long-gone phenomenon, btw. People even 100 years ago were mind-boggingly strong and fast - they usually just didn't get into sports, which was a hobby for amateur rich people who didn't even train (training and sweating was seen as unbecoming). The rest is just American education as usual. L2sports history.
Is there a connection between living in colder areas and growth? Heard the gauls for instance were big compared to the romans but small compared to the germans.
Just because they ran a lot doesnt mean they could compete with an actual modern Olympic sprinter who is more evolved and has access to modern day techniques and most importantly nutrition
t.hasn't l2sports history
>Just because they ran a lot doesnt mean they could compete with an actual modern Olympic sprinter who is more evolved and has access to modern day techniques and most importantly nutrition
Not compete with. BEAT. And easily too.
Modern day techniques and nutrition are a meme and in many cases reduce to better equipment which makes the task easier.
Listen to this. Maybe you'll learn something. But probably not.
tl;dr: "Modern" athletes are way, way, way overrated.
Lmao you coping faggot. Cro magnons were 5’10” to 6’6”. They had massive wrists, square big chins, strong jaws, brow ridges, flanged high cheekbones. They exterminated mammoths armed with rocks, genocided the neanderthals. They would absolutely mog any modern human. They lost their distinctive features after generations of cucking african and anatolian manlet immigrants. They were absolute superhumans. Physically we are degenerate.
Just look at this majestic skull. Huge cheekbones, massive jaw, square orbitals(no bug eyes),...
This. Modern top athletes would absolutely eclipse any pre historic human by a huge margin.
Being a elite sprinter today takes a shitload more than simply running around in the forest a lot, it takes modern sports science and retarded dedication.
There would be no reason for a hunter gatherer to train in such a fashion, let alone having the knowledge of shit like that.
Only a moron would even attempt to argue otherwise.
Forgot pic
fuck off shill
>Modern day techniques and nutrition are a meme and in many cases reduce to better equipment which makes the task easier.
Why don't you train the old way and win a dozen gold medals then?
>Cro-magnons were 5'10 to 6'6
Demonstrably false.
Manlet cope
Cro magnon masterrace. Neanderthal was stronger though, but less aesthetic.
Dont forget that they were geniuses too, they made amazing art and had better tools than the neanderthals
> And they still can't keep up with ancient records.
Which ones?
Im so glad that I am not mixed. Every day I cannot notice how superior I am. I am taller, smarter, better lookkng than those around me.
And people still think that everyone is born equal.
Skeletons of ezelt modern man of that height have been found.
And in the balkans there are some of the tallest humans on earth, because of isolated cro magnon hunter genes (gravettian culture). Deep in the dinaric alps these genes have been able to survive undiluted.
So stfu you coping faggot
They did their best to be lazy. Walked around and chilled a lot. If they could get prey with minimum effort they'd do it with minimum effort. They might have had decent endurance and pain tolerance but I doubt they were strong.
Cro magnon were like 5'7. Very strong and robust though.
>they found a tall skeleton therefore all cro magnon were tall
All Chinese are 7'6 like Yao Ming right?
*early modern man (recent scientific name for cro magnon)
There are no undiluted cro magnons mate, sorry to dissapoint you. At best you have 15% cro magnon admixture.
Pic related would be incel amongst pure cro magnons, but is the closest we have. Shows how degenerate we have become
>ancient humans were pathetic 5’0” manlets
>no actually they were at least as tall, had bigger brain capacity, had higher bone density, were stronger and more robust with massive jaws, square chins, popping cheekbones, proven in skeletons, genetic research etc
>heh, how about this one chinese big dude
spastic mong gtfo
Post a source that says cro magnon averaged 6 feet tall. And a real source, not some pop science article.
I fucking bust a seam laughing just imagining yfw you realize they really are this delusional
THey averaged 5’10”. If they had todays nutrition they would be 6’3” average. You forget non-genetic factors. Average male was about 5’6” 100 years ago. Am on phone so cant oost resources. You are right that there were also cro magnons with height of 5’7” etc but that was below average. Fact is that tall skeletons have been found, that there are genes flowing directly from cro magnon cultures to contemporary ethnic groups with extraordinary height,...
>little protein
They woulda had a heavily fat and protein based diet, supplemented by fruits and berries, with roots and bulbs being more the norm and fish and game leading the diet
Anyone who thinks an ancient hunter/gatherer could run 26 miles in 2 hours is retard.
>but muh persistence hunting
Modern athletes run all day anyway and have the best nutrition in human history.
all of you brainlets forgot that humans on average were much larger than we are today both skeletal and muscular wise. they also had much more functional strength and higher dexterity due to a constant need for hunting, and also competing with rival tribes in wars. while athletes are good at the one thing they do, most of them would stay absolutely useless in a fight like the average obese shit stain today
Humans are currently the largest we've ever been.
Maybe those 220cm freaks, but we 190cm tall Aryans are average.
I choose to believe the reality I've fabricated
BS we have records from 100 years ago and Olympians beat them as a starting point nowadays.
the fuck are you talking about? most people experience impacted wisdom teeth because our jaws are shrinking and are literally too small to have them without significant dental problems. humans are shrinking not growing larger because there aren't any selective pressures for it.
Susquehannocks mogged the british back then, still size is not everything.
Bunga use cave gym and no pay berries to barter gym.
*Looks across cave bar flexing on your cave bitch* wyd
Anyone have a occipital bump?
ye me