Advise me Jow Forums brehs

advise me Jow Forums brehs
how do out of skeleton mode?
>1.86/62kg (6'1/136lbs) skinnyfag
>eating tdee + 600, diet not perfect but i do what i can
>bodyweight workout 3x/week

not gaining weight, prob genetics fucked me over
how do i make it?

also post body if same tier beta as me

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Literally eat more.

>not gaining weight
Then eat more. You're almost certainly shorting yourself.

eat more.

dont hard bulk though, that bulking/cutting cycle shit only works when ur a chad or on roids

Jow Forums wont admit this but not everyones frame/body was made to be lean/muscular, and you will be served better long term being lean than being muscular.

Same problem. I work out 4 times a week. I drink mass shakes and eat all day. I have gained 15 pounds in two months and i have celiacs disease. It can be done user

I was a little bit like you, 182cm 65kg. You should do a 3x a week full body routine, it will increase your appetite. Also eat at least 130grams of protein a day.

thanks for the support bros
gotta just keep at it then i guess

Drink a few glasses of water a few hours before every meal, no snacking in between. This will make you hungry.

As for easy calories drink juice or milk with every meal. Peanut butter mixes well with milk.

>pb and milk
sounds gross desu, thanks for suggestion tho

Eat more senpai. 3-4x a week full body workouts will do you wonders. Increase the weight but don’t compromise form. Watch your diet, and 2 scoop some Gold Standard Whey in whole milk or some shit. Your frame has aesthetic potential senpai.
Cute dubs bb

which is how many cal?

stahp u makin me blush

for real, never bought whey before cuz i thought it was for chads, does it help a weak faggot noticeably if just kinda casually working out?

2200, i try to eat 2800

I casually lifted due to schedule. It can happen senpai. Cut bullshit out of your diet, 2 scoop that fukn whey in some milk every day. Depending on how dedicated you are to your fitness, you can gain at a rate that’s comfy for you. Don’t get intimidated by the Whey senpai. Hide your power level and reach the aesthetics you desire bro.

No, it's a meme for new lifters. Completely unnecessary if you have protein from food in every meal.

I'm 6'1 and I was 64kg when I started lifting a year ago. Had a lot of stalls and layoffs with diet and gym, now 80kg and still DYEL. I've visibly filled out, but still look slim. I heard a good rule of thumb is to match your weight in kg with your height in cm, minus 100cm. E.g. we are both 186cm, so at 86kg bodyweight we should no longer be skeleton mode. I think this was on the Stronglifts 5x5 site - there was an article about not looking skinny.

If you're not gaining weight you need to eat more. Your TDEE is probably wrong, or your diet tracking is wrong. Use myfitnesspal to track your cals. Personally I'm gaining 0.5kg per week by eating 3100 cals. It takes a long time.

Went from 60 kg @ 5'11 to 82 kg @ 6' within a year and a half from eating loads (clean) and fixing posture. Its hard work but worth it. Make sure you lift heavy aswell.

No, lift weights. Pick any solid routine that centers around the big compounds and get to it. Also, eat more. Pro-tip: whole milk is tournament best friend.

Also correct. It does say supplement on the side. Budget enough time and eat food, you won’t need Whey. Or live the 2 scoop meme.

>1.5x body weight (lbs) grams protein per day
>4000 calories per day
>350 carbs per day
>only light cardio like walking and basic swimming
>go on stronglifts until 1/1.75/2.5/3
>after you reach this
>intermittent fast a couple times a week and eat at deficit for about 2 weeks
>start hypertrophy routine
>3 months later go cut for 2 weeks >back to strong lifts

OP here
thanks for all the opinions bros, gotta leave but feel free to leave advice for the lurker skeletons

also Jow Forums is real friendly, i appreciate that

>1.5x body weight (lbs) grams protein per day

Stopped reading there.

I don’t know why this board is against large protein consumption while doing heavy lifting now

You know what OP, way to not be super defensive. Some of the responses were curt but you took it in stride and seem to be responsive to advice.
You're gonna make it.

>going back to stronglifts
do people really do this

This fucking cunt has my ideal starting weight.
Why are skinny people such faggots? I was >300lbs as a kid and now I'm down to 175 but still tubby and out of shape looking.

Fuck skinny cunts, just fucking eat food, it's so fucking easy if you can't gain weight you're a pathetic, pathetic chump.

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This. Literally got me out of skelly mode and doubled my lifts. Everyone who says shit about GOMAD and SS should die.

Because it's an industy meme directed at newbies.

Because it's completely retarded and pointless. You want your lean body mass in grams every day, anymore is pointless.

God, you literally have the body I want to get to.


Until I started working out with a workiut partner who helped force feed me, I had mentally convinced myself that i couldnt eat enough. Its all about MINDSET. You need to eat a lot more than you pribably think you do

>diet not perfect
>body weight 3/7 days
>136 lbs
>but probably genetics fucked me over
You aren't trying hard enough, and probably haven't read enough.

The sticky is the start, and there are dozens of other sources. If you do light body weight things you're not even going to have the advantage of progressive overload and balanced exercise from compounds that usually use a 3/7 work outs. You may as well be working out 6/7 days maybe.

people saying it's unnecessary are right. but it's still an easy way to swallow some extra protein. it doesn't hurt to try it, it may help you.

bitch, i'm also 62kg and eat 3000 to maintain my weight. listen to everybody and eat more.

also, don't forget to drink lots of water

keep an eye about because a lot of diet/exercise tips are for people trying to lose weight, not gain it since overweight is a more common exercise reason than underweight. just make sure you're reading the right tips

Whole milk dude. I was as skinny as you a few months ago. It's fucking hard to eat 3000+ calories at that size. Milk is the only way.


>>eating tdee + 600
doubt it
>bodyweight workout 3x/week

>>bodyweight workout
Found the problem


Peanut butter

OP here back from the graveyard, I'll reply to most posts cause common courtesy

those are some good fucking numbers my dudes, you're both doing great. Thanks for the hope

uber chad workout plan looks scary for a weak cunt, i'm not even close to that power level

I'm just a newfag looking for someplace to start, bodyweight looked convenient. Honestly I just keep away from lifting with shit beta excuses like fear of going to a gym with no muscle and also lack of moneyz. That said i'll make an attempt at lifting when uni starts

You're probably right user, thanks for being constructive instead of being a cunt. Commitment is hard

I can't even begin to imagine how people do that. Even 2l of milk is impossible, no way i could do a fucking gallon

Overall thx to everyone for civilised discussion, I'll make sure to lurk moar before bothering the good people of Jow Forums

Disgusting brah, eat more

Don't worry about feeling awkward at he gym, everyone starts somewhere. Do something like StrongLifts 5 x 5. Look up the lifts on YouTube. Bring a spotter or ask someone to spot you in the gym for bench press. Drink a shit ton of whole milk.

Define light bodyweight excercise.

Exercise and diet is hard. If you're just starting out you probably have a lot to read about macros, supplements, isolation exercises, form, programming, etc.

Its not as simple as just doing body weight exercise until you're tired 3x a week. That's all.

>6'4" (192cm)
>187 lbs (85kg)

I haven't started lifting yet, but my genetics are absolute trash. Will I be able to change my physic significantly (looking buff), or am I doomed?

I only weighed 74kg last year. You just have to overeat. The only weight I gained was fat though. I didn't do any physical activities at all while gaining weight.

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Look here tubby, not all of us can shovel food down our gullet and expect things to go right. You've been a fatass since pre-school so the thought of getting 5000 calories in is a cheat day for you, but for a skeleton that is a herculean task which will probably end with you vomiting up 2000 of the calories and making up for the lost food. If you had eaten chicken, broccoli, and rice for 5000 calories instead of pizza hut for a year you'd want to kill yourself half as much as i do, and that's a massive fucking half.
Maybe if your mouth wasn't a vacuum for processed trash then you would understand how going from a sandwich a day to a bucket of rice is daunting.

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>I didn't do any physical activities at all while gaining weight.

Water instead of soda or anything sugary. This will help your endurance and prevent the jew fatigue

I wasn't physically active during this 6 month period in which I gained 11kg. Thus I likely gained little to no muscle mass. What do you not understand?

I don't understand why the fuck you'd do that you mong

Nigga look at how I looked last September. I feel much more confident now and I finally look good in cloth. Anyways, could you answer my initial question please? Do I have a chance to look somewhat buff? I hate my narrow shoulders.

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you're more confident now that you've put on like 10lbs of fat? You're weird dude... You looked fine before, now you just look huskier.

And no I'm not answering your question because it's a dumb question. Just lift idiot

huh, didn't know the longheaded nigga from starwars was posting here

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Bullking / cutting is a meme. I'm glad someone else recognizes this. You can easily increase your skeletal muscle mass while actually lowering your bf by making sure to get your conditioning in.

I gained 24lbs. Yes I do feel much better. I looked like a twink before. What kind of guy doesn't want to look huskier?
I know it's a dumb question. I just wanted some cheap motivation and I'm unsure about about my genetic potential

based dubs

You just lack willpower. I was the epitome of skinniness last year () and I've started eating 4000kcal a day (not through trash food).

Just because i said it's hard doesn't mean it's impossible you fucking idiot
How would i know the problems of eating 5000 calories a day if i don't eat 5000 fucking calories a day?

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Get a chin strap and mew, you gotta try and shorten your head

>outie belly button
Maybe stop being a literal child?

am 20

>>bodyweight workout
Do barbell compounds 3x a week following a full body routine

>not gaining weight, prob genetics fucked me over
eat more until you gain weight, you are either fucking up counting the kcals or fucking up estimating your TDEE

did you even read the sticky unironically you fucking cunt?
literally all of this is answered within 2 minutes of clicking the sticky

If you can't afford corrective surgery you could always tattoo it to look like an innie.

>tfw alex jones body type with dad strength
Pretty good except for the neck chub

You're 5'5 with a normal sized head

I was in a similar position. Try drinking 1-2 glasses of milk after every meal

You unironcally have a good body for a trap