Have fun dying in your 40s
Have fun dying in your 40s
This just in, everything that lives, dies.
This post was made by a roastie that doesn't even lift. This ia true for all vegans on Jow Forums
Maybe the majority of people cutting carbs are fat fucks and already predisposed to dying early? No, that couldn't be it.
oh boi, I eat like 400g carbs a day
what's my prediction?
Even if keto meant i could live for 200 years i wouldn't do it...Life without pasta....rice....potatoes....THAT AINT LIFE
Hamburger are a valuable source of B12. Chicken has basically no nutrients besides protein
Shit like this is why i never get in shape. I chose a diet and routine. Them someone debunks it. I do the alternative and someone debunks that
that study was made asking a bunch of people what they ate
>falling for the tricks of the carb jew
>The study, published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, found that people whose diets included a large amount of high-glycemic foods — like white bread, potatoes, and refined/processed foods, saw their risk for lung cancer increase by 49%!
>Before you start to panic, it is worth noting that this study included only non-Hispanic whites so we don’t yet know how these findings would translate in other populations.
Nah, fuck off.
>not giving a link to the article
>implying I will cut carbs for my entire life
Nice try.
>listening to (((them)))
Enjoy dying young.
>non-Hispanic whites
Fucking racist carbs
you either die making it or live long enough to see yourself become a boomer.
(((New York Post)))
This. Almost all of these diet comparison studies are bullshit because thry dont control for anything. Previous conditions, how fat the subject is, whether or not the subject is eating a healthy diet independent of carb consumption level, etc.
Show me a longitudinal study where they take a normal selection of people, randomize them to either high carb or low carb diet, where each group has similar baseline characteristics, and then follow the groups and take not od disease incidence and mortality over time to give hazard ratios
Stop overthinking food and all this extreme meme diet shit. No need to reinvent the wheel, just focus on consuming a balanced diet of trafitional whole foods. Basically if your ancestors commonly ate something over the past hundreds/thousands of years, then its probably a good choice
If anything the effects would be worse in blacks/beaners, because those groups didnt really evolve with agriculture for thousands of years like we do. And its a fact that nonwhites have higher rates of most common diseases including pretty much every type of cancer except skin cancer
Why would a smart person cut out carbs?
seems stupid.
This is every post on every subreddit. The OP is somd guy suggesting a bealthy or wise lifestyle choice or perhaps an alternative way of thinking, and then the next 40 replies are people telling him hes a delusional idiot for not conforming exactly to the mainstream consensus or narrative while they also accuse him of being mentally disabled or tainted by a bad childhoos for trying and thinking something new
This study is bunk because white people are just predisposed to getting all kinds of cancers at much higher rates than other races to begin with. Its god's catch 22 for them.
Black people have violence, low IQ,and AIDS.
White people have cuckolding fetishes, depression, mental illness, and every cancer in the book.
Latin Americans have to be Guinea pigs for socialism experiments that will always go wrong and cartel shenanigans.
Asians have suicide, gutter street oil, and tiny penises.
Indians and Arabs have poop covered streets, radiated water supplies, rape gangs, and never ending wars.
All other peoples are mutts that fall in between the groups and will die for not having a match for bone marrow or blood donation.
Any study which does not consider and control for these universal truths cannot be taken seriously.
Remember like a decade ago where people were people said carbs were bad for you?
Just eat whatever you want.
Yeah right. The reason you never get in shape is youre an undisciplined lazy slothful degenerate unintelligent fatass that wastes his life probably playing video games and at a dead end job. Fuck right off and go rack to beddit
This. Just finished some Brioche and having pork belly later.
every fucking dumbshit post ever
>Hey, you know that really bad thing you do? ACTUALLY IT'S GOOD!
>Hey, you know that healthy choice other people are making, that you're too weak and pathetic to do yourself? ACTUALLY IT'S BAD LOL!
Yeah dude, load up on carbs and drink a lot of alcohol and masturbate regularly, every hedonistic pleasure that you enjoy is GOO FOR YOU even though that completely goes against what you would think would be true.
Also smoke weed and do all kinds of drugs, everything that feels good IS GOOD! SCIENCE PROVED IT!
Thats actually not true. Whites have lower rates of cancer than nonwhites, particularly blacks. Blacks have the highest rates of lung cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and modt other common cancers too. I believe they're highest on breast and blood cancers as well.
It still specifies that it's large amounts of high-glycemic foods that increase the risk of cancer.
If that's the case then it's pretty much: "you get cancer if you eat like shit".
It doesn't state anything bad about eating a moderate amount of complex carbs (oats, fruits, vegetables).
Carbs are just the best. Keto just gives you acid reflex and bran fog.
>whites have lower rates of cancer than nonwhites
Citation needed
Stop doing diets and just eat less you fucking faggot.
Have fun running your mouth. You'll be dead in a few weeks
Look it up yourself, I'm bot going to spoonfeed you. The post i responded to claimed that whites have higher cancer rates, and i don't see any citation or demand for a citation from that him. Ball is in your court.
>make an outlandish claim in response to an outlandish claim
>someone else asks for a citation for their outlandish claim
>begin REEEEing
Alrighty then
Just google cancer incidence by race
this was a horribly flawed 'study' and can be safely ignored. No followup, not an actual low carb comparison, diet recorded at the beginning of the study but not during. so many flaws and so poorly done. population 'studies' are not reliable indicators of anything.
>carbs causes insulin resistance and leaky gut syndrome
>research is paid for by corporate interests in keeping their production methods
>corporate conspiracy to keep Americans sick to extract money from them
>Even if keto meant i could live for 200 years i wouldn't do it...Life without pasta....rice....potatoes....THAT AINT LIFE
t. the sugar industry
Did you have a stroke while writing this post?
i just went keto for past 2 weeks. best thing ive ever done. i could seriously eat a pound of pasta then a xl pizza and still be hungry. keto broke my food addiction now i have to remember to eat.
i plan on going for 3 months. im marrying this bitch soon and i want to look good. its not a way of life, but it is a fresh start.
I agree but not with that picture.
It's implying that white pasta is somehow good to eat. Less bread and pasta, more whole foods like sweet potatoes.
New study finds that news sources making claims regarding healthfulness of common dietary practices are almost always misinterpreting or misrepresenting results of inconclusive and usually not peer-reviewed studies to make a headline that gets attention.
The recent Jewish fake news media shilling against low carb is just more proof that it's the optimal diet.
Always do the opposite of what Jews say.
>eat your carbs goy or die young!
t. (((new york post)))
this just in moderation is fucking key
Daily reminder that a healthy diet is one that allows you to keep low insulin and glucose, and that can vary from person to person. Here's a tl;dr on how to find out what works for you:
>take fasting glucose measurement (should be 70-100mg/dl)
>eat 50g carb from something you normally eat
>do 2 hour post-prandial glucose test
>ideally it should be avoid that carb source if it's >130mg/dl
The result may surprise you. Rice had me borderline diabetic, sourdough bread had me back to fasting level.
Also daily reminder to stop eating seed oils. Excess omega-6 PUFA is as big or bigger a piece of this metabolic syndrome puzzle.
Do you see parts of your body looking slimmer? What external changes have you seen so far
>eat your carbs goy!
im 5'9" - started about 193, im down to 183 now. close to 10 pounds. my goal is as close to 160s range by next 3 months as i can get. honestly, i see no difference yet. im guessing first was the extra water from holding carbs so thats why i dropped it so quick.
my calorie intake is significantly less and i feel satisfied all day - thats the biggest thing i notice. before id be looking at my cabinates every 2 hours at least.
Followed by some guy saying, "wow you must be fun at parties" when you dont agree with them
possibly the best summary of race I've ever read
already in my forties, summon the meteors
Just eat your normal 3 meals a day. I was on vacation with no gym literally only meme pushups and walks. Got back home since i was only mainly doing upper body just recently legs. My bench went from 205 to 230 in two weeks. OHP 95 to 120. Stay away from junky shit and eat your pork hops potatoes, fish , chicken, beef, veggies, eggs, bacon , milk all that shit fuck gay diets. 3 MEALS A DAY IS NO JOKE BULKING MASTER RACE 5'9 165 right now
I switched all the wheat in my diet for buckwheat, I feel a lot better now
>Everyone I know that's died has been shot in the woods and then taken to a hospital, where they died
I did keto for 6 months and lost 19kg.
Now, I'm mostly low carb. I have some starchy vegetables like corn and peas which I like, plus I hate oatmeal and milk.
Don't have any potatoes, rice or bread though, screw that.
I think I'll be fine. Its the Halo top that will kill me.
Nice strawman, retard.