This kills the none-european man

>this kills the none-european man

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asians can drink milk

Mexicans can drink milk

full fat milk fuck its so good im writhing in absolute pleasure on my couch just fucking thinking about it holy fuck

Everyone can drink fresh new milk

same bro same

Asians can also eat live animals like weirdo savages

>only whites are able to drink proper cow milk
>and it's white

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how sad is it to be you?

Im kurdish and i can easily over 7 glasses a day

You down with RBST? (Yeah you know me)

Man I fucking love milk. I don't know what it is. Is it it's creamy texture, it's rich delicious flavor, the fact that it's nutritional and makes my bones strong and my muscles bigger?
Nothing like coming home after a hard day's work and chugging a liter of milk from the bottle.


Kurds are white

What difference does it make if I drink raw milk or milk that they sell in stores?

only a very small percentage look white.

Even in Germany many people don't look white. Look where Kurds live. It's no surprise some are mixed with shitskins.

I'm half white and can drink as much milk as I want

Pick one

Yeah, being invaded by everyone around us throughout history also doesn't help

Doesn't this specimen look like human?

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>a full grown human man drinking a liquid meant for baby cows
>an adult drinking milk in the first place

White men with dark features (Medoids) >>> nordoids with albino, sickly appearances

shitskin cope
the paler the skin, the more human you get

I'm Ethiopian and I fucking love milk.

them narrow shoulders tho

>it's nutritional
Nope. Cows milk is nutritional only for a growing calf.

>makes my bones strong
Again, nope.
Drinking milk actually leeches calcium from your bones. There is a reason why countries that consume the most dairy also have the highest rates of osteoporosis.

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Nordcuck cope. Don't even bring up Germany because it's Europe's version of the U.S wrt being a mutt race lol

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my autistic cousin is black and he drinks milk all the time. His breath stinks and he never wipes the mustache

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Humanoid cope

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Ohhh yea? Well how did I gain almost 20kg in a bit over a year and go from left to right drinking 3l of milk a day? And how come I never broke a bone in my body and had some very nasty falls in my life mostly while skiing? Hmmmmm?
Milk is the best liquid in the world. The fact that your body can't process it and only makes you fart, doesn't mean you get to insult it and spew your lies.

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I hope you don't think you gained more than 9 kg of muscle lmao.

>he doesn't go to the bar and order a tall glass of milk

Does it mean whey will fuck me up too? Would I still make gains?

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This is the inceloid narrow skulled pheno. You want robust eastern-pulled Chads

Actually Chads have narrow and tall skulls. Wide face makes illusion of short skull which is subhuman af.

Vegan moron
>Cows milk is nutritional only for a growing calf.
says who?
>There is a reason why countries that consume the most dairy also have the highest rates of osteoporosis.
correct and that isnt it

False. Also that albino nigger doesn't have tall face, he just has norwood 50 and a huge nose. Pic related is a tall face, taller lower and upper thirds with relatively short nose. He is also WIDE

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nice homo sapien cope

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This is a meme btw. My family had no idea that Americans think they’re lactose intolerant until well into adulthood. Dairy products were all over the place when I was in Japan, and they’re weren’t squarely marketed to children either. Milk tea was a convenience store staple. It is a myth. America’s "fan death"

t. "shitskin" le 56%. Suck my dick, Jow Forums

Milk is aight. Todays milk which comes from cows kept artificially pregnant by hormal injections and artificial chemical insemination to produce more milk is absolutely not alright for ANY race
Stop drinking it if u want to be a real man.

It's a literal scientific fact. I thought gooks were supposed to be intelligent.

In Korea, it is a "scientific fact" that leaving a fan on overnight will kill you. You can find a bunch of published literature from snooty universities to back this up. Just admit that your racial science is just as fallible and shaky as anything else.

Pro-tip: Lactose intolerance doesn't mean you can't drink it at all.

Kurd too and can drink 2 liters without problems

It's almost as people descended from people entirely dependent on a pastoral economy would have lactase persistence or something.

Buddy, this here is an 8kg difference. I started at 73-74kg now I'm at 93kg (first comparison)

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Where the fuck does this Jow Forums bullshit about non europeans not being able to drink milk come from? I bet pakistanis, afghanis, persians, arabs, kurds, turks all drink more milk then what the average euro sissy boy does. Most euros can only drink coffee and shitty soda and alcohol. No wonder your people are becoming genetically weak.

Its believed that Blonde hair is a Homo Sapiens trait while Blue eyes probably came from the Neanderthals.
Grey eyes however origin from North Persia

Pro-Tip: You’re a white nigger genetic dead end like most people posting on Jow Forums coping by sperging out over "race realist" agitprop that tells you you’re actually superior. You are as bad as an unemployed MENSAn. You are Dunning-Kruger made flesh.

You can't gain more than 8 kg of muscle in a year.

There is a day and nicht differencd between Arabs, Pakis, Persians and Afgans on the on hand and Turks and Kurds on the other hand


Also what the fuck are you talking about?
Most of these groups ARE European. The meme started because Scandinavians are pretty much the only group to have near universal lactase persistance, and it is a fact that the vast majority of the worlds population are not. I do agree its kind of stupid in that it does not take into account similar lactase persistence genes in MENA and Siberian groups though.
Persians, Afghans and Pakis are more related to Kurds than Turks are though, they even belong to the same language groups. Arabs are the odd men out.

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>the feeling of the thick white fluid gushing down your throat

please put it in me fuark

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I mean lookwise they are totally different

If only you put as much effort into lifting as you did wikiing over anthropometrics.

If only...

>a full grown human man eating the reproductive organs of plants

Literally what did he mean by this? I have not mentioned anthropometry even once.
Well, kurds are naturally less diverse given that they're a distinct ethnic group and not a nationality.

>cow milk is only nutritional for a growing calf

LOL this is your brain deprived of amino acids.

All organic material can only be processed one way.

>t. dumb weeb going to Japan and making all westerners look bad


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Don’t sign your posts

You can still drink milk even if you are lactose intolerant, you just won't digest it.

Just pretend I mspainted "made for bbc" all over this map

I'm not white and you are literally a fucking idiot.

Lactose intolerance does not mean you get violently ill when milk touches your lips.

Different races have different levels of biological predisposition to certain conditions. You sperging out and trying to act like you're on a crusade against racism by arguing this fact is just making you look ignorant and emotionally unstable.

You picked the wrong hill to die on.

>inb4 b-but when mommy paid for my vacation i saw milk in asia:(

>what did he mean by this

He's a pseud parroting words he heard smarter men use completely out of context.

It's what happens when brainlets try to cargo cult the ideas of their puppet masters without actually understanding them.

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Push ups weren't invented back then

Asians can eat live dogs aswell

>mongolia 80-100% lactose intolerance.


Hey I think you dropped this

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Greenland are niggers.


Black guy here, i drink milk and Use whey. Both my parents drink milk too. Feels good.

How did Christian Bale do it?

Don't you get diarrhea or stomach ache?

Coping Mechanisms: Activated.


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yea isn’t Mongolia and Tibet where tea with yak butter is pretty much the national drink? Fuck this meaningless map. Just draw a graph with a squiggly line that says peepee doodoo and the Jow Forumscels here would parrot it uncritically

Did Rick and Morty make a phrenology reference or something?

*Black America who statistically has 25% white DNA.

What are you even arguing about?

Imagine still not knowing what lactose intolerance entails.

>imagine still being this mad over a lactose intolerance thread

Get some fresh air

The goalposts are moving on their own

>everything on the internet has to be le epic debate


Surprisingly, every map I can find seem to put it around 50.

Not really, i even put some milk and cheese and my eggs and im fine. Then again i dont really eat dairy all that much.

Remember that time when you had to be clickbaited into putting onions and garlic in your food, like a normal person that knows how to make food taste good, with some bullshit conspiracy theory about the jews?

Pepperidge farm remembers.

56.25% mulatto here. Drink a glass of milk everyday, either with breakfast or before bed. It seems that Lactose tolerance is a dominant gene.


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>this kills Jow Forumsack

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>old testament is arab in origin
>refers to the promised land as the land of milk and honey
>isreal is literally the worst strip of land in the asian badlands
Makes sense now

Bean here that can also drink milk and eat any other dairy products.
Based euro genes

Wrong. There’s this weird belief drinking milk makes you non-manlet in China, people there chug it. I myself do cos I have gout.

The only thing rough on this Chinese man’s stomach is coffee.

If these false claims of yours give you self worth then you are seriously retarded and pathetic.

You did this already, Shlomo.

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Hawal please, your people are indistinguishable from avg Arab, only difference is you're more inbred.

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What goalposts am I moving exactly? I'm clearly implying you're able to process dairy far better as opposed to pure Africans because you have mixed ancestry.

Your post is far more neckbeard than you think it is
Post your body in my next (You)