Go to gym

>go to gym
>bench day
>every bench is being used by skinny dyels benching the bar or 10 pounds added
>last bench being used by gym thot doing hip thrusts ON A BENCH PRESS

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Thanks for keeping us updated about your autism.

Kys. If seeing people doing meme exercsises on benches designed for BB bench doesnt piss you off then you're a faget

If it pissed me off I'd do something about it instead of going online in hopes of finding support for my lack of social ability. What did you do, go do some curls while fantasizing about what you'd post on an indonesian woodcarving image board?

This reminded me of that one guy who makes work out videos, I think it's bro-science. I'm not sure, but you'll recognize him from the headband and raspy voice. Anyway:

He was making a video explaining that you should never use the bar for an excercise below one plate. You'll waste time, look stupid, and have dumbells for those. This was before I even started lifting properly instead of using machines, and I took it to heart. Relying on dumbells for chest until I could handle 75's made finally moving on to bench one plate easy as hell.

>how many sets do you have left?
>can I work in?
Not that hard
>every bench is being used by skinny dyels benching the bar or 10 pounds added
The gym equipment is only for manly men such as yourself


So would you say don't use the barbell for a beginner? Use dumbells for a few months first?

It's stupid advice. When "looking stupid" is part of the argument, ignore it. The other part of it is "wasting time", but it's not defensible. You're not gaining time by using dumb bells. Either is fine.

I just worked my way up to 20 lbs on each side after starting with just the bar

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>gym profligates won't stop screaming from the gym crosses

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I fucking hate that shit. I had to move and no longer able to use my home gym, so I've recwntly started at a commercial gym. Every fucking DYEL is benching on mondays. I've had to rearrange my entire workout schedule so that monday is a rest day just to avoid this shit. Every monday it's hordes of brosplitters with their lmao1-1.5plate benches working in groups of 3+, making it a pain in the ass to even attempt to work in

>taking Dom's advice seriously
FFS dude, his channel is literally called broscience. Its satirical and youre not.supposed to take that seriously

>Doing bench when you can't even hit 135

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kek I don't even have that good of a 1RM bench compared to my other lifts but who the fuck benches just a 45lb bar or a bar with two 5's. That's not even a helpful warmup set weight unless you're doing some oly lifting mobility shit. You go to a uni gym (sounds like it)? If so, I can offer some advice.

So you're flat out admitting you're going to be the autist that goes to the gym thot and tells her to stop using the bench wrong?

Good job user!

IDK mang. I personally started with a 95 lb working weight for bench and it's not like I had any athletic base. But then here on Jow Forums I see plenty of people saying they could barely bench the bar to start, or that their bench is still sub-1plate even months later, so I have no idea whats going on there

Gotta love vorenus

Learn to plate math

idk that kinda makes sense to just use dumbbells early on so you don't develop a muscle imbalance. Something that is blatant for me now after benching for a while is that my right pec seems to be doing slightly more work than the left.

Jow Forums seems to have a lot of people who don't know how to program well or even select a good pre-made program. it is not what I expected.
Use the secondary cluster system. After your big lift (flat bench, incline bench), switch over and do a DB press variation (I like stability ball DB press). Rather than treating it like accessory work, treat it as a copycat of your benchpress work that day.

double trips

Two months ago, I was that guy who could bench 90lbs max. Now I'm up to 130 and one month away from that 1p8.

Or, get fucked.

>>every bench is being used by skinny dyels benching the bar or 10 pounds added
they're better themselves faggot

Yeet. Sign to never come to the gym during busy hours again. CAN YOU STOP DOING 5X5 OF 50 POUNDS WITH 5 MINUTES REST INBETWEEN SETS PLZ. Fuck I did 4 sets of ramping weight with 3 minutes rest and did it faster than these people. Wtf is wrong with people

I do that already and thank you for the advice I appreciate it

I couldnt do the bar starting and im at 75 pounds now faggot.

I'd be the guy that goes to any of the benches and asks to work in. If the thot is attractive enough, she'll be chosen.

Gj homie. I'm currently trying to 2pl8 for 5rm. Got to 3, hopefully I'll be there in a month or so

I go to a commercial gym in a densely populated area

How much do you weigh? How much are you eating? Finally, what program are you using? SS?

What's going on, big guy?

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I'm in the 130s, started out at 108 @ 5'10. Aiming for above 2500 cals / day. mostly liquid because I have a weak appetite I'm doing SL 5x5

>go to gym
>waiting to use incline bench
>feeling confident I'll be able to up my working weight to 1.25pl8
>fat fuck reps 3pl8 for 10
>not even struggling

also I managed to work my way up to benching 95 before but I slacked. starting again now


Do db press u fagget trips

lots of fat guys start out strong.


They're doing the least possible work they can do to seem like they're putting in an effort. Lying to themselves and others, because they lack the will to actually push their bodies out of the comfort zone they've cultivated all these years

Me too user! We may just make it

DYEL's usually leave the bench after one set so it doesn't bother me. Good luck to whoever is waiting for me to leave the bench tho, I use it uninterruptedly for over an hour on bench days.

If they don’t ask if they can work in they deserve everything they get

>over an hour on benchpress
what. no one needs that much time. stop looking at your instagram between sets for 10 minutes straight.

>fucking manlet beaner is using the only "suck your own dick" machine in the entire gym
>by using I mean he is on his phone for like 10 minutes
>the machine is set for someone whos roughly 7 fucking feet tall
>he half asses 3 crunches on the thing then goes back to his phone
>every benchpress has a group of mexicans socializing and texting on their phone
>gym roastie occupying the last bench press, also doing absolutely nothing
How do I avoid these faggots? The gym literally becomes unusable once more than 4 people occupy it.

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>that skinnyfat dude who takes one of the 4 flat benches and does an entire 5x5 workout next to it using the bar

Probably browsing this board right now

t. dyel

>tfw gym used to have 2 flat benches and an adjustable
>the adjustable bench and one of the flats were taken away
>now there's a flat bench, dedicated incline bench, and dedicated decline bench

WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS? I fucking hate this shit. There is no excuse to ever have dedicated incline/decline benches instead of adjustables so that at least the 90% of people who want a flat bench can use it for that. Especially decline. Who the fuck does decline bench? Now I'm constantly forced to work in to use the one (1) flat bench

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What's life like in Mexico, I mean California?

No I just use giant sets (antagonistic movement, primary movement, core exercise) and give myself a 1:30-2min rest between them. You save time, work on your conditioning, and get fucking yoked. Try that shit at a strongman/powerlifting gym and you'll get fucking laughed at for taking that long.


20min to warm-up, 30min of work-sets 15min of cgbp

Some of his advice and antics actually are laced with good advice, masked by jokes. His shit about benching sub-135 is true. Anyone that benches below that (and isn't a woman) should just use dumbells

If 55lbs is all someone can bench then of course it isn't a warmup. Intensity is relative to the 1RM, it doesn't matter how much absolute weight that is

How about you mind your own business and not try to tell others how to work out?

do whatever you like, I did bench when I started, but I had trouble getting the form right, and there's only one bench press station in my gym, so I changed to DB and I like it more.

You're right that there is good advice peppered in with the jokes and irony. But this isn't one of those times. That whole bit was just a satire on how overly-serious people take the bench press. There's nothing wrong with benching sub-1plate.

Is this bait?
Do you know what board you're on?

Nope. Be nice to people weaker than you, or your gains are in vains.

>every bench is being used by skinny dyels benching the bar or 10 pounds added

Us noodle arms have got to start somewhere.

>every bench is being used by skinny dyels benching the bar or 10 pounds added
you dont have to remind me bro, I know how weak it is.

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>using spongebob pics

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My commercial gym has five flat benches, two incline benches, one decline bench and a seated press. Also two smith machines for the thots. Only one squat rack though. I love hogging it for squats, deadlift, shrugs and press in a row.

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why do you think you are more important than skinny faggots, faggot?

only on my squat for some reason


Pick a declinable banch and go to this fucking thing you autistic retard.

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Id say read the sticky you fucking dyel

>all power racks taken up by powerlifter memers

Sorry, I'm one of the faggots that only adds 20lbs to each side when I'm benching. I used to be a fattie and just recently started lifting after my cut. Also, how quickly should I be making progress on my bench? I've gone from benching 65 to 85 in a week.