Does starting point = potential?

This both relates to roiding and not natty.

Does someone's starting point and potential closely relate.

Pic related example: The Dutch Giant. He's 7'2" and started out look anorexic at under 200 pounds, was a gamer nerd who hardly ate and had pectus excavatum. He had his ribs fixed with Nuss and the lifted and probably roided and is now a lean 352 pounds.

Did this require massive amounts of gear? Could a guy that tall who was healthy at 300 pounds with a normal build have gotten there natty or with less roids? OR can a skinny guy just respond and start adding muscle rapidly in the right conditions and have the same potential as a guy of equal height who started out with a heavier healthy weight instead of anorexic?

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Regardless of gear use, he must require a TREMENDOUS amount of calories.

Taller people have a more difficult time making visible gains. That photo doesn't tell us much, unfortunately.

He doesn't seem exceptionally vascular in that photo. Delts aren't in a good position to be scrutinized. Same with traps. We also can't see his abs and see if they're super-dry and super defined year round.

He's not ripped. He's lean as in medically lean, 15%ish, at 160kg or 352 pounds. Obviously in the front double bicep he V tapers. I don't think he has visible abs, but doesn't have more than 1cm or half and inch covering them.

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tall people are disgusting

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he just barely made it,
current manlet cutoff is 7'1"

Lel, nope.
I started out averaging barely 20 km/h on a roadbike.
Now I can do 35 km/h average on tbe same bike and route, 40 when realy pushing it and climb faster than most people on a E-bike.

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If you scaled him down to 6ft he would look like a typical gym rat on a little bit of Test, like 500mg a week and nothing more.

He's certainly not shredded by an means so I doubt there's any Tren or Mast or any of the really good stuff involved.

Would he have to use more than a shorter meathead? I doubt it. Even if he started out rail thin. Starting point and potential are NOT the same. He was capable of getting as muscular as any other 218cm basketballer, and the real work comes in the PROFOUND amount of calories he needs to take in.

This is why most tall guys are so thin. Sure bones don't grow thicker in a 1:1 ration, but they still do get thicker at maybe half the rate they are getting longer. So the reason they are thin has NOTHING to do with frame. It's lack of appetite. If you combine low appetite with low levels of physical activity and a huge skeleton you end up with a anorexic look. Add in calories and exercise and they will grow rapidly, even if natural - but only to the point a guy of the same height and similar calories and activity level was at. The rest is how roids enhance them.

So, in short, NO starting point does NOT indicate potential, OR the the doses of steroids needed.

Not even that mate. If he was scaled down he would look natty for sure

I don't know... His traps and shoulders seem just a step or two better than I would expect of a natty at 6ft.

For someone of that height to get shoulders and traps like his I would think at least a little bit of test has to have been used.

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>Does starting point = potential?
I think so. Some people are just naturally predisposed towards muscular development and strength. The "mesomorphs" as they're sometimes called. The guys that have a decent baseline of muscle even before doing any exercise/lifting, who have thick wrists/ankles and broad shoulders, who hit the gym and day-one can already put up decent weight without any previous training, who make really fast gains without as much effort.

Those guys who are built before lifting were more physically active and eating more as well however.

I have never seen a tall gamer who doesn't eat much be anything other than skinny.

Likewise everyone I've known who worked construction in the summer looked decently built.

Guys who played sports in highschool also were physically active, did also lift, but even the sport practice was GGP and worked a lot of muscle. Add to that enough food and you have a good build.

There's also epigenetics. Basically gene expression turns on due to stimuli. It can take months and even years but it still happens.

Based on this I would say starting point either doesn't matter at all, OR makes only a small difference.

I said without any decent baseline. I'm not talking about dudes who did wrestling or football or swimming and then hit the gym.
When I wrote that post, I was actually describing myself. I'm an absolute mesomorph. Even without any exercise at all, there are simply some people who naturally have more muscle. It's just like how taking exogenous testosterone will lead to some level of muscular development.

That's not due to higher levels of testosterone. Normal level variations don't significantly increase muscle mass. 370 ng/dl will only have about 2% less than a guy 730 on a 300-900 ng/dl range.

What DOES cause a different baseline is gene expression, epigenetics, like a switch being turned on or off. People who are natural mesomorphs are born with these genes already turned on.

Lifestyle changes like hard work OR lifting weights also can turn these genes on as well. The amount of time it takes varies but probably under a year of training is consistent.

Basically if an "ectomorph" of your heigyt started lifting properly and consciously eating enough they would still have the same or close to the same muscular potential as you.

Sure if you both hit the gym on the first day you would respond quicker, because you're starting with those genes turned on. Once his do he would gain muscle rapidly. You would also hit the point of diminished returns sooner, and after a couple years you'd both have similar amounts of muscle on your frames.

Fuck i feel like shit now

>tfw only 6'2
>will never be a literal giant towering over others

I finally realize how manlets feel.

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>Fuck i feel like shit now
>>tfw only 6'2
>>will never be a literal giant towering over others
>I finally realize how manlets feel.
No, you don't know either feel.
You can buy normal clothes, you can drive just about every car comfy, you can reach every shelf and don't run into low ceilings.
-t. manlet with a gigant friend

6'2" is a MUCH more ideal height for a human than 7'2". Humans aren't designed to be that big. To make healthy humans that large you would need significant restructuring at the genetic level. You would need even thicker bones, and a bigger, yet better functioning, heart and circulatory system.

Someone like the dutch giant needs to be very careful every day. He's mentioned is on his Instagram quite a bit.

He is athletic, in that he does kickboxing practice as cardio and to stay flexible - BUT he cannot get competitive with it, and as it is he has to always be careful and consciously aware of everything he does. Heavy bodyweight combined with joints that are extremely far from his center of gravity means it would be all too easy to dislocate something. So it's being safety conscious with everything he does.

His static strength is also limited due to his extremely long range of motion. There are 198 pound powerlifters who are stronger than him and he's 352.

He also has complete blood work done and a heart checkup every 6 months.

Sure it's cool to know that there's a human of such stature and muscularity walking around, but there is also a ton of upkeep and serious inconvenience just to make sure he stays healthy.

6'2" and you get to be taller than the vast majority of men without a giant's safety and health concerns.

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This and also the opposite.
I'm a 5'3" manlet and my body is almost indestructable and my cardio is not from this world.

I never broke a bone, have a resting heart rate in the low 40s and can push me beyond 210.

This a lot of male gymnasts are also short. Your bones are very thick in relation to their length I would thing, with tendons that are like steel cables.

cope much

Never had any issues with my tendons, is it common amongst normal siezed/tall people to have issues with them?

I have a friend of almost 7'0" (210 cm and growing) and can tell you at that height you have some serious issues.
Bones break verry fast, I can outrun him deapite beeing just 5'3" (160 cm) and he needs absurd amounts of food for maintainance and even more for physical activity.

That even neglects that our world is not made for either of our siezes.

Cope desu
Perfect height is 6'4, most doorframes are 6'7 so even with shoes on youd have no problem witg them

>5'3" (160 cm)

Yes, that is my sieze and it has quite a few benefits to be that sieze if you know how to use it to your advantage.
For example:
I can build muscle doing cardio on a cut.
You would need a shitload of EPO to get on my level.
>bone strength
I'm basicly indestructable, never get more than a few scratches and concussions, even in a motorcycle crash.
>space requirements
Ever been uncomfortable in a small aircraft seat?
They are fine for me.
Far away in your car and nowhere to sleep?
Just fold down your seat and you have a bed.
>food/supplement requirements
I only need about 2/3 of what a normal person does, when I take 2 scoops they are like 3 for you.
I have 2 sections instead of one to choose from in every store.

None of this matters, youre a height of a 11yo boy, you can be the most jacked and handsome guy in tge world and no one would respect you

Mmm... no one? I mean I'm sure there are social disadvantages to it - but you're going to get paid the same for the same work. Military profession won't exclude him either and it won't effect his rank. I had NCO's shorter than me and respected them just as much.

Ideal human male height is likely 6'2"-6'4" but from a medical standpoint being a foot shorter is better than a foot taller

>None of this matters, youre a height of a 11yo boy, you can be the most jacked and handsome guy in tge world and no one would respect you
Never had that issue except back in highschool, but after failing to beat me up that guy stopped.
It was hillarious, just because he had 4-5 inches, about 20 lbs and 3 years on me, he thought I would be an easy target.

wtf are you talking about? Your potential is ur muscle bellies size which are correlated to your bone size so just measure neck wrist ankles ,hip and shoulders and measure muscle bellies lengh on like bicep/tricep and u can alculate your potential.

Being that tall is a problem as u can break your long ass bones just jumping and u will have back problems and knee problems guaranteed