How is military pt training? Is it worth the propaganda spewing?
How is military pt training? Is it worth the propaganda spewing?
>joining the military
Just do work in porn as the cuck. It pays better and is practically the same job.
Hi there Mr.Snowflake Liberal! Don't cry when the draft picks you! People in the military are more tough mentally and physically than your kind.
I don't want to enlist, I just heard the training itself is intense and good for overall health, almost like a crossfit that doesn't end with *SNAP*
i'm in an infantry unit and it's pretty legit. 6 mile runs at 7:30 pace and on non run days circuits in the gym
The only thing I give credit to armyfags is endurance. Aside from that, I'm kinda skeptical on everything else. I saw some former marine hitting a punching so terribly with weird chops and he was saying he was trained to kill, not fight.
>wanting to risk tor life so Boeing stockholders can make more money
does your wife’s bull let you eat her creampie?
Depends on the unit. If you're in standard infantry line unit, it's pretty shit. 82nd has slightly better programmed PT. The 75th has a great program as they use both in-house rangers as well as contracted strength and conditioning specialists with D1 athletics experience to create a pretty unique progressive program. It's not perfect, but for a unit composed of a lot of young guys with minimal to no real lifting experience, it's pretty good. Once get to other SOF units like SF and SMU's, it's pretty much just do whatever you want so you'll have guys doing mountain athlete, crossfit (less so now), gym jones, powerlifting, endurance training. It all really depends. Occasionally they'll put people through some nasty smoke sessions / gut checks but most of it is just individual.
What unit?
I once saw a commando unit doing push-ups and calisthenics in pouring rain for an hour. A lot of military units likely expect their members to do actual fitness/exercise in their own time unless it's something to do with marching around with heavy backpacks.
of course, every psg ive ever had will tell everyone that pt is only meant to sustain and that youre expected to get better on your own time
>Risking your own life to make the world a worse place to live in and to accumulate shekels for capitalists
You seem a very wise individual user
Military fitness is fucking stupid. My experience is that its largely up to which ever nco has to/wants to lead it. I've seen guys seriously get fucked up doing gorilla drills and pseudo-crossfit stuff, but I've also gone to deny's as a squad for pt everyday of the week. Its ultimately up to the individual to maintain their own fitness.
Why the fuck would you want to join the military? Why do you wanna get yelled at by some boomer and do pushups all day just go to your dad's house lmao...
This is such a beta attitude
>Not just training in a worker's collective militia instead of joining the national army.
why do you give unsolicited advice to strangers on the internet?
At least his actions have purpose. What does posting that faggoty comment do for you besides make you look like a fucking bitch?
I would join but I disagree philosophically with what the military is doing right now. Military should be for defense. Give me one good reason America is in ANY danger right now.
>being a communist unironically in 2000 + 18
unironically also kill yourself
lol the redneck revolt is a joke. I honestly don't even think a quarter of its members could make it through osut.
>military pt training
I'm in the Navy so it's non existent.
>missing the joke in the year of our Lord 2016+6
Confirmed for never making it
Jeez, bro take it easy. Classic welfare queen taking the internet too seriously. Go do your daily jog before you pop a vessel.
Filtered, fag
No u.
OP Here, I said in the third post I just want to do the training and not enlist, they offer free pt under the guise of being able to persuade you to enlist. I have no interest in the industrial military complex but free training is free training.
No, he's just not a retard willing to throw his life away so others can get rich.
Answer me this - if the military is doing such a good job, why are there nonwhites in the USA still? Why aren't they defending us against foreign invaders walking our streets?
My unit is pretty decent. Structured PT 4 times per week, 1 of which is a sports afternoon on a Wednesday.
A very generic week is:
Monday - 4 miles loaded run, average time is about 36-44 minutes.
Tuesday - Circuits, with a focus on a whole body routine
Wednesday - Sports afternoon, I just go lift heavy objects and listen to angry music
Thursday - What ever they can be bothered to do. Usually something centred around hyper endurance, so 4 3 2 1 on a bike, or 200 metre sprints, hill runs etc. Generally heavy cardio.
I tend to do my own thing though seeing as I'm heavily injured thanks to being fucked over permanently during training
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
Any armyfag prove me wrong
How much swimming should I expect in training when going into the marines? Also how many pull ups/push ups should I be able to do? Thanks.
Someone just graduated basic
ADA does sham PT at all batteries except like UAE or Japan, even then it depends on battery. But ADA is pretty sham.
lmao. its more like
The squat bender!
By the numbers!
Ready, 1
Ready, 2
Ready, 1
Ready, 2
Ready, 1
Ready, 2
Ready, 1
Ready, 2
Ready, 1
Ready, 2
Ready, 1
Ready, 2
Here where I live is pretty much cardio non-stop.
Basics here is basically:
-Running everywhere, all the time.
-Lots of planks when you have dead periods or if you made someone wait
-Running 5k right after you had breakfast
-30 pushups, 30 jumping jacks and 30 crunches with your riffle in your hands if you fuck up, with increments of 20 if you fuck up again.
-They will wake you up earlier if they had the brilliant idea of taking you to the parade at 5am to do an insane amount calisthenics for 2h
Then the specialist course starts and it becomes easier, but with 10k everyday, running 1km between classes, personal defense, rock climbing, lots of field exercises and running with 30kg in equipment and a 5kg rifle and ballistic vest.
All this to then get to the units and do absolute jack shit unless you really want to.
>It's "beta" to not live your life for another man. An oligarch who will never know or care that you existed.
>falling for rookie tier anti-socialist propaganda on the internet
One day you will see the light
easiest fucking thing i've ever done. If you only go for the minimum PT score youre a pussy
shoot for 100%
Working for anyone isn't worth it in the long run, especially now days when people are just willing to bail on whoever isn't beneficial to self interest
This is the only real advice. If you're in a line unit, be prepared to run or ruck 5 days a week and gain no strength unless you go to the gym on your own time.
There are few exceptions to this rule.
Since when is common sense beta?
t. mossad brainlet
I have stock in lockheed, Northrop and boeing. Fucks like you actually reduce the value so just kys and dont join.
>why do you give unsolicited advice to strangers on the internet?
>At least his actions have purpose.
Oh, please explain further about purpose. This is gonna be gud.
>What does posting that faggoty comment do for you besides make you look like a fucking bitch?
Do you think military sevice makes you more manly? You get fucked over for some relatively good money when you're young. If the military was truly your path, then graduate college and become an officer.
Watch out for anything you sign, if they can't force you in it's a new experience. Go for it.
>He forgot
The majority of military personnel are non-combat jobs.
Lmao show me what an alpha males body looks like