Worst fitness memes

Post the worst health/fitness advice you've gotten

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most cheap fish is the same way and almost all shrimp sold in the U.S. except U.S. wild caught shrimp and fish. Actually shrimp is bad because it's all just fresh water asian prawns but they label it as shrimp and charge just as much. Even U.S. farm raised Salmon is horrible and the FDA said eating it more than 3x a month poses an unacceptable cancer risk. If you're going to eat fish either catch it yourself or buy U.S. raised/wild caught except for Salmon buy only wild caught.

[citation needed] on salmon

Fish farts are the worst

Buying any sort of farm raised fish increases fat content, and lowers nutritional value of fish. Not saying fats bad, but fuck. If I eat fish I don't want fatty fish. I want some lean up stream swimmers.

this isn't reddit you fucking moron, you are on the internet a 5 second google search will provide a retard like yourself multiple sources in seconds

>The FDA considers both safety and nutrition when setting acceptable pollution levels. The Science researchers instead used levels set by the Environmental Protection Agency, which only considers health risks.
Do you even read your own links, brainlet?

increased fats (especially omega 3) is good. so farmed salmon may be superior to wild, if you are able to get your micros from elsewhere

>you get enough ab training from heavy compounds!

>fat makes you fat
>conversely low fat yoghurts make you lose weight
>musli bars make you lose weight
>you will lose weight just by not eating pastry
>it doesn't matter what you eat, just work harder senpai

Damn OP I’m about to eat 2 tilapia filets, I love them shits tho


>Physique is 80% diet, 15% mindset, 5% training

Lol training and diet should literally be in the same fucking percentage, they to hand in hand in physique/gainz training
I'm sick of diet/exercise being categorized into two different things when it comes to fitness.

Enough for what? You probably do if you don't lift like a bitch.

I live in the middle of the country so I don’t eat much seafood but I never eat farm raised fish. They taste like shit and I’m not really an environmentalist but they’re horrible for the oceans.

I agree but it also helps retards understand that they can't go kill it in the gym and then eat fucking mcdicks all the time and still be succesful.

east coaster here getting lobster for $10/lb, moving Midwest and it's $18/lb if ur LUCKY. Teach me to hate seafood

I usually hear 80% diet and 20% training.

I wouldn't mix "mindset" there. Mindset is something abstract, while diet and training are real and measurable.

I wouldn't necessarily mark these two percentages as bullshit. It says how you should allocate your time/effort in learning about each of these and also, given that you're expert in both, how much each area of focus contributes to overall results.

i eat a lot of farmed basa, good shit

You do. You might not get a visible 6 pack, but your abs will be strong enough.

i stopped eating any farm raised fish long ago rather pay few more bucks for wild
besides salmon gets it's fresh pink color from eating shrimps and prawns in the wild farm raised salmon is all gray and they add fake coloring to it to make it look pink, gross

If the lifts are actually heavy and you don't have too much body fat, you will get a visible six pack.
The dude's not consistent with his workouts, not putting up respectable numbers, or he's fat. Probably a combination of the three.

This is what made me the saddest about moving off the coast. I used to buy a couple pounds of shrimp to use as fish bait, then cook the leftover shrimp with whatever I caught out fishing for dinner.

This is my problem, I was totally ignorant to just how much of a luxury shrimp lobster crab etc... Actually are in most parts of the US/world, meanwhile us coasties take them for granted and think of them as no different than going out to buy pork chops or steak. Totally see how some restaurants down midsouth can sell 9 shrimp for fucking $15

I mostly hear that about weight loss, though, and that’s definitely something fatties need to hear.
It may not be precisely accurate, but you really do need to hammer home tye fact that their workout, if what they did can even be classed as such, does not justify eating like a pig afterward.

If they need to believe a comforting lie for results and to start, they'll learn the true ropes by the time they're where they want to be I guess you're right. None of us came to fit knowing the true reality of fitness

Nigga I was getting those fuckers on sale for $5.99/lb last summer

You could say that about all the animals you eat.

Fuck store-bought meat that's all either female or castrated at birth males. Get something wild that still has its bollocks attached and has been out hustling for a few years.

Fucking Maine and New Hampshire seafood cutcity

Context was relating to just fish, but ur right dude. Leaner meat isn't just healthier, it's tastier. Fucking tacos with lean meat are gr8. Gimme some venison over couped up cattle any day.

enjoy your brain, ass and pancreatic cancer mong

$10/lb is not a good price on lobster.

>the FDA said
the FDA lies
a lot


Some people want to understand where (you) are getting your information from and how you are formulating a response. Of course anybody can fucking Google anything, quit trying so hard to be a pedantic autismo

If you're not lifting like a little bitch, all five of the major compound lifts (squat, deadlift, OHP, bench, row) will adequately work your core.

Citation needed

Diet 50% Training 25% SLEEP 20% braphog pics for test boost 5%

eat six meals a day
eat low fat, high carb to lose weight

Keto for sure. I fell for it for a few months and regret it hard.

50% food 25% training 25% sleep

That's not a thing

It has a different fat profile because they're only fed corn and onions

No fap


Of course not thats why the faggot got mad when you asked for sauce

Whats your neal routine now?

yeah this absolute crock of shit wins gold

Is sweet potato a meme? It has less protein and more carbs than regular potatos according to google.
Why is it supposedly better than potatos?

Sweet potatos:
>Carbs 20 g
>Protein 1.6 g

>Carbs 17 g
>Protein 2 g

Attached: 286.jpg (1000x1350, 185K)

did you look at the micro nutrients, and the composition of carbs?


>Including the weight of the bar
Unironically who does this?

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sweet potatoes are a meme, but they are definitely macro nutrient bombs. however, white potatoes are still loaded with nutrients and vitamins 2 so eat what you like

>Why is it supposedly better than potatos?
Because of the hating potatoes meme, which stems from the days where everything exotic is better than local produce.

>caring about protein from incomplete sources

Lol fuck you mean it's not? I'm just saying, even 'high' east coast prices is unheard of out west where they pay $20 on a good day per Lb. $10 is a price many would be jealous of even still.

>counting protein from veggies

you're not gonna make it

Attached: axel.jpg (600x800, 422K)

>you can't find tilapia in the wild
nigger what?


another brainlet btfos himself

fake news, Jesus ate Tilapia.

U forget they born with no skin too n they just bleedin out n shiiiet Brahhh haha jk

All srsns; right bro?? Id say it's b8 but it's about fish, so it'd just be a cancerous pun at this point even bringing up b8. But if you know nothing about tilapia, you can tell the image is a member by the time you read that eating tilapia is /worse/ than hamburger or bacon. Funny people still fall for this, and GOMAD.

Story please. It worked miracles for me (lost 1.9kg/week and still made pretty big noobgains during a 10 week cut) but I want to know when not to recommend it to people. I'm a physician so I appreciate this kind of information.

I live in Hawaii and tilapia has always been a garbage fish that homeless people catch in canals and we all nope the fuck out at it and were perplexed when mainlanders started embracing it as a health food.

Who doesn't?
If your bench 5RM is 2pl8 are you going to say 225lbs or 180lbs?


I only buy wild caught seafood. Fish farms are disgusting and so are industrial hog farms.

It has more fiber and beta carotin. I only eat purple sweet potatoes because the pigment is anti-inflamitory as well. Tastes good when roasted with curry spices and olive oil.

I'm curious, why would you consider a certain fish a 'garbage fish'? It is just the taste or something else?

Spot reduction. Just that, as a concept.

Because it is a bottom feeding river fish.

I dunno, when it comes to fish these days things farmed in an open net pen aren't going to be that good for you. The other problem with fish, is that it can be really mis-identified, you think it's red snapper, but it isn't.

To raise a meat eating fish, you need to feed it meat, now where/how you get that meat directly affects your profits. I really limit how much farmed fish I eat, I'll eat something like sardines, small fish, etc. Eating salmon....hmmmm not doing that so much these days. Kinda ruined sushi for me.

For starts if theyre bottom feeders like a lot of flatfish. They eat all the shit from the sea bed and act as bioaccumulators for toxins.

This is not true at all
Stop lying

Enjoy the rest of your life knowing that you are wrong and somebody on an anonymous basket weaving forum proved you wrong. On suicide watch.

Okay thanks, I can see how they might not work well as health food then.

>the FDA lies
>a lot
So do you shitstain

All these fucking retards. It's
>100% diet
>100% training