Gym closed till Thursday

Other gyms take money from me and they're probably all closed too because of religious purposes even though if my country is a representation of nietzche's death of god and morals

What do? I'm angry and i have a small house i can barely do pushups here
i will do a push pull on Thursday and Friday but till then i need an alternative because it's become psychological because it's the only thing I'm progressing at

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Are you muslim? Just spend those days with your family like everyone else

they only talk about food and they remind me that i have bad genes and wasn't born with a sliver's poon so thanks but no

Jow Forums is a christian board. out out out!

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Just enjoy Eid like everybody ? Also, where are you from ?

reminder that The Bugez is king of Jow Forums and you'll cowards don't even zercher squat

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why does every thread i make ends up pol related

it's not enjoyable when you're poor

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What are you suppose to do other than visiting your relatives which doesn’t need you to be rich

hello greekbro

Im pretty sure thats not in the sticky.

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going out with friends and having transportation means
i don't talk to my relatives and the ones i liked are now dead or in prison. i just wanted a home workout which doesn't demand lots of space

seriously hope if ricky delhagen ever debuts on NXT he will do the 80s pornstar shtick

Everytime I see a video of Ricky Haagen Dasz I become slightly more convinced of his insanity

when did Greece become muzlom lmao I'm not from there

I fucking hate eid some much

Fuck. Imagine being born with a silver poon

Imagine being spending your whole family's money into a degree which is only getting you minimum wage because you lack connections here and worrying about getting simple stuff like shampoo and toothpaste while you're 21 and have no assets not even a driver's license or anything which implies adulthood because you spend your money on stuff which other people don't even think about because your family is too poor and whenever you meet someone and they want to go out you decline because you financially can't afford it and end up with really few people in total that you talk to. It's really all pussy talk but watching other young people enjoy their lives while you try to get 4 hours of sleep so you wake up and go to work and get that toothpaste really brings its toll eventually. Again, pussytalk but making it isn't easy, and being born wealthy might not make you tough, but you won't have to be tough if you have money bud

when the Ottomans raped them
the impact left a wound that never healed

Greeks i follow on instagram are hot blondes, so they're not completely unsavable

happy protein I guess.

Ever considered suicide? because you're obviously some shitskin muslim scum.

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have you considered returning to pol tho

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Either leave your pedo religion or never post again. There is no other option.

well that's rude

wa dir les pompes fchi 9ent khawya wberka men lfchouch

Okay true, some of them still have redeemable qualities, but for the most part, it's tragic what happened.

I'm not Algerian or Moroccan or whatever language that is