new fat people hate thread
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Mexican Food is Hea-
What gender is that thing
God damn that foot is almost the same colour as her clothes.
>Mexican Food is Hea-
Mexican food is pretty healthy. ALL OF THE MEXICAN FOOD obviously not health.
>fat people are more likely to have diabetes, cancer, and heart attacks
>they're so much more likely to suffer from them that they're more likely to be the recipients of medical services as well
>when you have 5 times the number of heart attacks, you have more heart attacks to survive than the average person
so delusional
Monkeyland at its finest.
Traditional mexican food is pretty much ok for the most part. That retarded abomination would make a middle class mexican reeee in horror.
Its the urban poor who come up with that shit.
I don't think anyone would argue that Mexico is known for healthy food
I wanna burrow in this stomach
don't you have to piss those out?
how do you even get that through your bladder?
>That black and blue foot
Oh shit
surgery probably
Why do boomers always type in all caps?
So you can hear them over the long-distance of the web.
Just bulking
>fatty literally dies because too fat to save
God I love those, but only saw two I think. Please tell me you have more?
if she is so worried about health of all kinds, why don't she improve herself?
thin privilege = working hard to lose weight and stay fit
fat privilege = getting surgery to lose weight without changing eating habits
Jonah Hill really let himself go
perpetually angry
I only have a few
I have a hard time believing any of these stories and most of them are definitely completely made up (like pic related)
You guys know that "fat person personality" where they're "funny" for attention and get mad and defensive when their joke doesn't go over perfectly?
fuck I hate fat people.
>Friend gets surgery to combat extreme weight and risk to health
Noice, haven't seen that one yet.
what a chadette
Legit answer: bad vision, big chars are easier to distinguish for them
Look at the color of her foot. You can see her leg is dying due to her bodyweight
wtf! How could someone be in that shape for months/years with a hernia and not get treated?
medical FPH is the best
It would force her to acknowledge not just that she was wrong, but that she was wrong for years, her wrongness was actually harming her, she was spreading that wrongness to others and harming them, and that the entire HAES doctrine/movement/circlejerk was wrong and harmful too, and that she was stupid, gullible, and lazy enough to not just accept it at face value without even looking into it first, but to incorporate it into her person and make it her entire "lifestyle".
It looks much better to stick your finger in your ears and shout "LALALALA YOU'RE WRONG, I'M RIGHT, YOUR PATHETIC SOULLESS FACTS ARE NO MATCH FOR HUMAN EMOTION", so that you never look like you have ever made a wrong decision, even if it means taking great measures to make the truth look false just to save face.
Most self-aware people aren't even capable of such feats of self-deception. It takes the kind of person who's just selfish, lazy, and entitled enough to let themselves get obese, to think like that.
yours is much better than mine but exactly what I picture when I see these huge fatties
there's potential in all of them to get to this point but they refuse to
I like the Iron Pill.
>you’ll never do a standing, straight-legged toe-touch with your stomach
Get on his level, gymcells
t h i c c
Jesus guide me.
>using a sketch when you have him on video
It would be extremely painful.
for you
>TFW fit and just 3 months until my engineering degree.
Is there a video of this somewhere?
It probably was too blurry or the face was partially covered
>bebby has more room to grow and tumble in a belly full of lard and fattened organs
how is it possible to have a fat forehead
>I explored Europe as a fat woman
Is she going to explore Europe as a thin woman next time? Did she ever do so in the past? Hard to make any comparison when you can only do anything "as a fat woman".
When will we cut the bullshit and just start embroidering big red letters on people's clothes/skin so that we can pick out the special snowflakes who try so hard to segregate themselves anyways?
"F" for "HAES"
"S" for "Sexually-empowered woman who subverts monogomist relationship standards"
"?" for "Even this thing doesn't know what gender it is so just avoid talking to it because its mystery gender is also its entire identity and you better believe it wants to talk about it"
"X" for "Illogical and antagonistic person who, despite reeking of social privileges like wealth and beauty, will aggressively champion and police attitudes toward supposedly socially-disadvantaged people in an attempt to appear morally just, despite her obvious privileges. Avoid at all costs."
"A swastika" for "Literal nazi-equivalent gender-superiority extreme feminist."
>I dont understand this so I'm pissed off
What actually does through these people's heads when they're writing these stories?
Usually with lots of screaming, blood, and crying.
If you're lucky (see: "lucky?"), the stone is too big to pass, so they sedate you and surgically remove it.
Shit I don't want to be that guy but babies are starting to be born at lower and lower weights because of fitness moms.
Keep exercising ladies just remember its a prime time to bulk and breastfeeding slightly increases your BMR so you will be back in shape in no time after giving birth.
>Have Obese great-grandmother
>Have obese grandmother
>Have obese mother
>Not obese but my knees are as strong as steel
That one's obviously impossible to pass but even normal ones are really bad
>Renal Cholic is, and I quote, "The single most unpleasant known sensation."
>I hate being fat! Fat life is so hard!
>It's too bad I'm just a "fat person" and therefore will never ever experience the privilege and luxury of being a "thin person"
>If only I was born thin, or if there was some magical way to somehow... become thin, or "lose" fat
>But I know that's impossible and just fantasy. I will remain a member of the oppressed "fat" lower-caste forever because I will always be fat
>If only people will realize, like me, that fat people are just born fat and end up that way without even doing anything to become fat, and they're actually just as healthy as any other person, because they eat and behave the exact same way, not even guzzling buckets of lard or anything
>Exercise? Oh, you mean that passtime that thin people do? Sorry, I'm uhh... too busy... uhh... working! Yeah, I'm a working woman, I support my family. Yeah, family! My family keeps me sooo busy, because I actually have emotions and care about people unlike you cold heartless thin people. Besides, I'm a fat person, they made exercise only for flexible thin people so I can't do it anyways, not that I need to...
airsoftfatty best youtuber
basically when your body goes "shit I gotta put this extra fat somewhere and all the usual places are full"
Its not necessarily genetics but the children of the super-obese don't stand a snowball's chance in hell
>I can't wait for the day to come where you show pictures after the baby is born
Surely, SURELY, so that she can congratulate her on her devotion to fitness and her resulting desirable body that other women end up too busy/lazy/uninformed to maintain, right?
Surely it's not to laugh spitefully once she feels validated that a woman who was more devoted and in-shape than her ended up just as out-of-shape and dumpy as her in the end, right?
I just mean not genetics at all ree
Gotta change the head too, looks weird otherwise
Never thought I'd walk away from a FPH thread actually feeling hopeful and satisfied at the state of humanity. That was good.
their hand slipped and hit caps lock once and they dont know how to turn it off.
>the skin pulling in the back
based chinese
every single god damned time
That poor guy doesn't realize how far gone she is beyond regular movement techniques.
He's going to pull her top half right off of her bottom half, because that bottom half sure as fuck isn't moving an inch without heavy machinery.
Like, her giant concrete ass is literally going to tear right off under its own weight.
think it'll be like a balloon full of red paint popping where the skin retracts quickly and all the liquid makes a splat sound?
>magnum scrotum
I like the consequential side of it too:
Poor marketing. It's just a better deal for the consumer (her audience I mean, not her nickname - "The Consumer") not to pay her. They get the same service either way, whether they donate or not. In fact, by not paying, they end up getting a premium, personalized version of the same service the others paid for.
didnt she actually lose a lot of weight?