Any manlets here that are happy with their height? I'm 5'6-5'7 and it feels horrible.
Any manlets here that are happy with their height? I'm 5'6-5'7 and it feels horrible
more gains to be hadd breh
i've never looked better and it's all thanks to God for blessing me with goat manletism genes
not sure why others feel insecure about it, i'm barely 6'3 and the girls love it
5'10 here. All it means is you can't date really tall chicks, you'll probably get passed by for promotion a couple of times and you'll never play basketball at a competitive level. Life could be worse. Work hard on the stuff you can change. Stop being a pleb.
im 5'4 and it really does not matter compared to literally anything else. being obese/a twig, a brainlet, and having actual medical diseases like bone deformities are much more of a negative which most people are at least one of nowadays. it also doesn't make sense to be obsessed with height anyways, humans are apex predators not because of muh height but because of intelligence and dexterity with tools and weapons as we have much lower strength compared to most animals of relative size. caring about height over anything else is lowest common denominator nigger tier type shit.
>manlet gains
>tall enough to not having problems with clothing/reaching stuff etc
>I like proportions of taller guys like Chris Bumstead or Wesley Vissers more, never gonna reach them
>girls think I'm short but It's not like I'm gonna have anyone so it's not that bad
I'm neither upset nor glad about it. I'd like to be 6-8 cm taller but it won't change my life at all.
I'd rather be taller but what's the point of crying about things you can't change.
i'm the same 5'4 guy and i don't have problems with reaching for stuff because i have the arms of the average 6'0 and the only reason im short is because im a leglet. i tower over most people sitting height wise unless they're again like 6'0 and it's another reason why height obsession is absolutely retarded
I'm 5'10''. Honestly can't say I really notice or think about it much in real life. Would I rather be a few inches taller? Sure I guess, though I think if I could magically grow.grow.grow that I'd stop somewhere around 6'2'', you are pretty much taller than everybody at that point and past that it gets really impractical just in general life and for gains purposes.
Not like I've approached a woman in quite a while anyway, so making me taller relative to others would really not have much use at the moment.
You’ll live longer
Have to eat less to appear bigger in photos,
Finding fitting clothes isn’t hard
Spend less money on life Becuase your shorter
Taller women, and thots won’t like you, unless you have money or charisma
I'm 5'7 as well. Apart from the quick gains, clothing is also a plus as everything just fits perfectly. Never had problems getting girls, even taller, although I want my future wife to be same height or shorter. It bothered me as a kid though and I wouldn't mind being taller but since it's unchangeable you just gotta be good with it. Remember that only fellow manlets really give a fuck about your height, most others don't.
5'75-5'8 with any shoe or flipflops on, people usually estimate me for being 5'9-5'10
dont feel short at all, most women here are either my height or shorter. no problems getting women doesnt matter the age range (18 to 50).
I will live longer, have better balance, have better center of gravity, the world is designed for men my height and finding clothes is never a problem.
also I have a huge cock, so doesnt matter what any thot says, taller or not, were all the same when lying down.
**protip: if you want to appear taller, style your hair up so you gain an extra inch or two, wear construction/work boots so you gain another inch or two. with all these "buffs" I can appear to be 5'11-6feet. not to mention with steel toed boots you can blast any motherfucker with 1 kick. 1 kick and all his teeth are gone or you can break his shins.
My friend is legit 5'5 has the hottest wife and two kids and is legitimately jacked
Just live with it nobody cares outside Jow Forums
6'2 and feel like dogshit cause i saw a literal gigachad today...i know how u feel bros.
im 181cm aka 5 foot 11 or something like that and i kinda wish i was shorter so i could be more of a manlet. its a fetish thing kinda
I'm 5'6 and never got rejected for anything, even women.
Stop crying and stay strong, it's horrible but it could be worse and I bet you thought about that.
i'm 5'4" and have a current FWB situation.
It's pretty good. I'm fairly easygoing and life treats me well despite being the size of a normal 13 year old.
More to life than height.
Never really bothered me. It's not like I can do anything about it now, so why stress?
used to it so no point being a bitch about it. girls dont give a fuck when they're drunk so it's all good + I prefer short girls
Baseado postador de Viriato
If you’re short all you need is style and a idgaf personality. And not be fat of course
Idk if this is bait but, I can relate. Seeing someone significantly taller/broader than you when you're already 6'0+ is super unnerving.
it makes dominating all more fun.
>Any manlets here that are happy with their height?
I have to accept being 5'5", but man it sucks. I feel life would be easier with a bit more height, but I can't change that now.
The plan is to get recurring revenue going and move myself to East Asia where people are shorter, and perhaps my chances will be better if I go to a city like Fukuoka where there are more women than men.
I'm 5'3 but I'm asian and gay so people think I'm a college freshman or hs senior even though I'm 23.
A lot of gay people don't care about height and I'm in a relationship right now, but I imagine it's hard for straight people since girls are judgemental as fuck.
Pic related, body goals
I was okay with it until I realized my favorite character grew five inches from the time he was fifteen to when he was nineteen, then I started working like crazy to grow as much as I could, went from 168cm to around 173cm in a few months
I'm 5'9 and have a gf who is an inch shorter. things are great, i have nothing to complain or worry about.
You look good. (no homo)
5'5-5'6 six here.
Used to worry about my height but realised that there is nothing worse than an insecure manlet
5'10 here
Its suffering
Even the really short girls (4'8 was the lowest i've ever been with) had something to say about my height (yeah user I like you but if you were taller i would like you more)
Its one of the things that has made me as bitter as I currently am
Fuck women
I really hope this isnt you
>like 6'0
The average height here is 6'0
If I hadn't gotten to 6'2 I'd probably consider moving.
Majority of people outside of the Internet don't give a shit. Being an insecure manlet is 100x worse than being a manlet
Eren Yeager?
Accept it. Anyone that doesnt accept you is a piece of garbage. Most people are amoral and detrimental to your wellbeing and success anyway, being short just helps you spot those people out earlier. Its a shit filter.
At 5'4 you're not a human, you're a defected fetus that unfortunately didn't die in the womb and is now attempting to spread its midget genes. Wicked and nasty creature.
>le height doesn't matter outside the internet XD
manlet cope is real
5'8 here, not the shortest but below the threshold needed to have any kind of life people above 6'0 have
There's no point interacting with girls or men or all of society, it's all based on height, nothing else matters
You will never get promoted because you're shorter, you're less attractive because you're shorter, you're weaker because you're shorter
Just give up, stop trying to be something you will never be. Even if you fully dedicate your life to looksmaxxing, your greatest results will be less than what a 6'0 person gets without even realizing a single one of these concepts nor putting any effort into looking good
If you absolutely want to have success in life and you're no above 6'0, just commit suicide, you're not trying to swim upstream, you're trying to swim up a waterfall
Your only other option is to drop out of society and find something that works to your strengths
Also.. height is directly correllated to intelligence so if you're short you're probably stupid as well
>TL;DR become a trap
Damn, really makes me glad I'm 5'8
t. browses a certain trap discord
I'm 5'6 and generally happy with my height. Only times I get insecure is when I make shit progress in the gym and my physique falters when I have to prioritize other things. Then I occasionally start getting toxic thoughts about my height but it's never really the root of the problem, rather a symptom of my not taking care of myself properly.
As long as I keep improving myself and maintain a (lean) healthy body I'm honestly happy to be able to be the confident muscular short guy. Depending on how you look at it having a handicap can be attractive precisely because it's a handicap and that shows that you're good enough to not have a disadvantage drag you down.
Lanklets often start shit with me because I walk around with confidence. They become bitter when, contrary to what hollywood tells them, being tall doesn't automatically make you attractive to girls (don't get me wrong, it helps a ton, but there are other things too) and respected and confident. They become insecure because they feel like they're doing shittily despite having an advantage, and it's understandable, it definitely takes some retardation to fuck up being priviledged.
as far as rational reality goes being tall is definitelly a huge advantage in life but hey, life isn't math class and rationality and logic isn't how the world is run. if it were, scientists and philosophers would be running the world, but they aren't, are they?
It shouldn't mater but it does. 5'6" and I was in an elevator surrounded by guys all 6ft. I wanted to put a bullet through my skull it felt so demoralizing.
I think you just turned me gay
no but this sounds interesting, got a link to that discord friend?
it's a discord that shills robots into taking "pinkpills" to join their mentally ill cesspool of shit
wouldn't recommend/5
5'7 checking in
I've come to accept it
Tbh I have a friend who is 6'4, we've been going to the gym together for like 4 months
I look like I've gained a couple kgs, he looks exactly the same even tho he has gained some muscle kek and he always complains that I have an unfair advantage as a manlet
lol funny how this doesn't apply to womenlets. face it, you've been brainwashed by kikes to adapt the standards of brainlet women so that they eventually destroy societies with feminist bullshit
They also lead to a kid committing suicide on camera after they threatened to get into contact with his family and friends in an attempt to BRIBE him into being a "cute femboi trap".
The video of him blasting his brains out has been posted nonstop on Jow Forums for months and everyone has both outed their little group and steer clear of them. Full on queer agenda monsters who're looking to turn emotionally vulnerable imbeciles into transexuals for their own kicks.
Being 6'3" and seeing someone taller than me is discerning
like "who the fuck do you think you are being taller than me that's not how it works"
Especially if it's a woman (tho I love them pls b my gf any woman over 6'1")
This. At 5'4 you deserve a life of hardship and misery. I would beat the shit out of you if I got the chance, you vile little cretin
I'm 5'7" and perfectly fine with my height. Either you own it, or it owns you.
t. angry incel faggot that only has his height going for him
pic related for what would happen if you tried to oogaa booga height like the 3rd world nigger chimp you are. we are apex predators not because of muh bone structure and strength, but because of intelligence and use of weapons. go to africa if you're that obsessed about height with the spear hunting niggers since it's actually slightly useful there(not really)
> Coping this hard
Pathetic little cretin
>no argument
it's ok dude, i laughed at dicklets too back in the day but realized it doesn't matter. because remember that if these manlets or dicklets didn't exist, you'd be nothing among your manmore gaybros
Holy shit. You fuckers are so fucking insecure it's loathable. I love that my existence as a 6'4-6'5 man in good shape makes you feel awful and undesirable because you deserve that for being so pathetically weak minded and whiny. Being insecure is for women. My bro was being an insecure faggot about being 5'10 the other day and I legit told him to stop being such a fucking pussy and accept his height cause insecurity as a man is beyond hateable and he has no reason to be insecure when the average male height in most countries is 5'9 or under.
It must be fucking awful to be a manlet
I'm at 1.71(around 5'7 iirc), as a girl, and I feel short.
I'd kms if I had the same height as a guy
Shut the fuck up, faggot. That's such a transparent larp and you're such a pathetic little goblin for making it.
Just know that wherever you go people will be laughing internally and behind your back. You have failed as a human being. No woman will ever find you desirable unless you get insanely rich, and even then they will still cheat on you with a taller man. A 5'10 middle schooler is more of a man than you will ever be.
I'm 5.3 and I certainly would never say I'm happy about my height. But truthfully it's something I don't think about a lot. I'm Jow Forums, have a decent job, have a work girl and a couple of side girls on days off. I'm not happy about the fact I'm short but I am happy in general.
but you are short. Average height for a girl is 5'9" these days.
yeah, that's what I'm saying
I couldn't deal with that as a man
Not the same guy but I'm 5'7 and I have a hot gf who I have MFF threesomes with often. Nice projection though lmao
ultra cringe lmao
imagine playing life on easy mode and being this much of a faggot about it
I'll take my 5'8 over being an obnoxious lanklet
> 6"6
meh idk man i'd like to be a bit taller but i can't really control it so why bother
No, I wish I was a bit taller. I'm 5'6 and I'm tired of looking like a 14 year old boy. There are 15 year old girls that are taller than me. I know I can't do anything about so I just try not to think about it. I guess the only thing I can do is just not seem insecure in public and find a girl that likes me for me.
But you know, I've seen guys smaller than me get gfs. Some of there gfs are almost a foot taller than the guy. So I guess there's hope for me.
the tallest man in the world lived to be 35 years old
you want to live a short life just to be taller?
Lol you can tell he rehearses this to himself in the mirror every morning
5'7", no issues. I can reach the top shelf in my cabinets, I don't hit my head on things and I still get laid.
would you want a gf who's taller than you?
im 5'11" and think women who are taller than me seem extremely large.. dated a girl who's 5'10" the other day, and she was too big for me too even though im slightly taller than her
>the tallest man died early therefore all tall people will die early
actually kys
>manlets think being tall would make their miserable lives better
that's really cute my dude
I would rather have my gf be shorter than me but I guess it would be ok if she was an 1-2 inches taller. Nothing more than that though.
>girl who would be taller than me if she wears heels
>tfw 6"0 isn't enough
you guys give me hope!
I feel like if I was confident enough to have a gf already it wouldn't matter if she was only a few inches higher.
5'10 gang, it's nice enough
Aye, ain't easy mode, ain't hard mode, it's medium, if life was a game 5'10 is the way it's meant to be played
height literally means nothing when it won't save you from a weapon
I own a functional 1960 soviet tank, I'd like to see you fuck with that pea shooter when I'm charging your house at 120km/h
nice larp. anyways if you really did have a tank you just proved my point kek. weapons > height brainlet
no soviet tank goes that fast, i like your spirit tho
Yeah I was born 57 but at the same time I was also born rich good looking and with an IQ of 130 so for me to complain would be the height of ingratitude
Absolute larp, we got ourselves a lanklet right here who can't squat half way to parallel. My fucking sides bitch boy
tqhf i wish i was smaller
unlocking ultra dwarve mode
5'10 is not short god damn. Jow Forums has made you think so but everyone irl thinks you are normal man height
I'm 5'10" prince of manlets, and I've never really given a fuck. Just do your shit, nobody gives a damn how tall you are but you. The people on here are shitposting 99% of the time, and the 1% they're not I feel bad for them tbqh.
We're all gonna make it, breh.
I'm 5'6 but I'm strong as fuck so who cares.
you're a fool if you think someone that is 5'10" can't be good at basketball. Every time I go play there are at least 2 short guys who tear shit up. They are most definitely at a "competitive level"
You're replying to my day old post I meant pro level, sorry for not being clear. Though that really wasn't the point I was making.
Never heard of Spud Webb or Mugsy?
I'm 5'8 and my bf is 6'3. Looks like I'm blessed with being gay.
I'm 5'9.5" and I really don't give a shit
Acting like you don't care, yet you have protips on how to not be such a manlet LMFAO
5’8 and nope. I know damn well I’d be more successful respected and desirable if I were taller and that life would be better in general. Can’t change genetics though. Get a tall girl drunk enough and hope for a tall son. Be the change.