Is olive oil :
A) good for you
B) Bad for you
C) Not great, but less bad than butter
Let's settle this once and for all fit
D) tastes good
From a mitochondrial standpoint, saturated fat is better than monounsaturated fat - more energy yield via beta oxidation. Olive oil is fine though, just more heat sensitive/less shelf stable.
Seed oils a shit though, that we should all be able to agree on.
>C) Not great, but less bad than butter
but butter is good for you you brainlet mouthbreather retard
Olive oil is great, it has good unsaturated fats, giving a nice amount of calories, great taste. Also heavily used in the mediterranean diet which is the best diet based on correlational studies
oil is good for you.
Good for diet and good for lube
Today I was drinking 100g of olive oil to get easy 800 calories. I think olive oil is good.
Itsa super juice
Good in moderation.
It's excellent, I'll just dip some bread in excessive amounts of it if I don't feel like cooking
What's moderation for a 5'9 150lb boy
200 grams of olive oil per day.
Maybe a bit too high go with 150ml
its a decent source of fats
only stuck up diet nazis that want to live to 100 years (but they dont understand genetics) will say oh no its sooo bad for you
Fat people get fat on soda, pizza, pasta, pastries, ice cream and other assorted carb heavy junk. Blaming butter which is barely even used in processed foods anymore (fatties rarely cook from scratch) is so fucking retarded it hurts.
Be sure to get (extra-)virgin olive oil, but yeah it's good
Fuck that nigger im getting 2k calories of this shit per day MINIMUM
Individual foods being "good for you" or "bad for you" is an absolute brainlet mentality, concentrate on your overall diet.
its good
>D) Greatest oil and staple food of all time
4000+ years of use don't lie lads. Can be used:
>for food
>for hair
>for your skin
>lubricating your catamite's boipucci
>oiling weapons
>lanterns and lights
Don’t put olive oil in a firearm
Why not? vegetable oil can be used on machines.
>Tfw own a premium imported food business so I get an endless amount of the best olive oils in the world whenever I want
Name a few places
I make my own olive oil
E) great for hiking
If you're going on a long hike into the woods you gotta be calculating in how much weight you carry. Olive oil is calorie dense as a mofo so good to have some with you. For a quick burst of energy drizzle some on bread and you're good to go all day.
Living the dream fampai
I meant swords and armour and Bronze Age shit
I agree with you, but correlations in epidemiology studies are almost next to useless.
>pasta, pizza, pastries
>all those refined carbs mixed with saturated fat
>it’s only the carbs guys...
Not saying it isnt, but its not the -only- thing.
How? Don’t you need some sort of centrifuge or some shit?