Eating your fellow mammals

>eating your fellow mammals
Why not just enjoy poultry, fish, and the occasional reptile?

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Mammals eat other mammals all the time. Why do you freaks act like its so wrong when humans do it?

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I'll eat chicken and fish, and I feel no relation to bovines and love steak

Mammals are objectively the smartest creatures on Earth. Birds and fish are brainlets and reptiles are just mindless drones

>fish are mammals

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I already do that user. Fish and chicken don't need as much water as cows plus they don't emit methane, which is causing global warming. The fact of the matter is, meat fags don't have a good reason as to why they eat meat. Even when you give them all the facts, they still resist because they're low iq scum who only care about themselves and nobody else. These are the type of people who will eventually lead to the downfall of humanity.

It's ok to eat fish, cos they don't have any feelings

>I drank the kool-aid and have all of the answers, NON-NEGOTIABLE. the post

>not regulating wild animal populations by hunting and thus collecting the best possible meat available

are you fucking retarded?

jesus christ you have to be extremely stupid and retarded.
does your mom tell you everyday how to use a toothbrush?

Magpies and crows are actually one of 5e few animals aware of their existence
Only elephants represent he mammals

Birds aren't stupid, only some of them are. Crows and Parrots can problem solve as well as an ape.

fish (especially raw) is awesome but too expensive. chicken is just blah

Where is this rule that you shouldn't eat things that are more intelligent?

I bet a crow typed this

These are the people I'm talking about OP. They don't have any counter arguments. They just insult you instead of trying to understand what you're trying to say. It's kinda like when vegans tell them everything bad about meat and all they respond with is "fuck off vegan fag."

eat more ostrich

Attached: ostrich.jpg (480x546, 31K)

He just asked you why you do it. Is that you're answer, because it's not illegal?
Fucking lawcucks

other mammals can shut up and die. how can we gain their strength without eating their hearts?

If you think you're worth the same as a retarded chicken, sure, go ahead. Not everyone's as much of a retard as you are though.

pigs are smarter than doggos, but we still tuck into the bacons and boo the asians when they eat dog

>if I can assert 100 points in the tiniest amount of words while calling people who disagree with me "low iq scum" it means I'm 100% right if they don't feel like untangling my web of bullshit

i don't give a shit about animals besides how they taste

are any reptiles worth eating? i've tried gator and it was terrible

>chickens are mammals

Attached: brainlet.jpg (121x125, 4K)

Mammals are most like your proteins. This does even apply to long pork.

I never said anything about laws. His premise is that intelligence should factor into whether or not something should be eaten. All I'm asking for is a defense of this premise. Please explain WHY I should care about the intelligence level of the meat I consume?

Do you think people should care about your intelligence when it would be convenient to kill you?

>fellow mammals
Sentiment like that is why you're never gonna make it


Here’s another example OP

Then there is no reason you should care. 'Should' is a man-made concept that you apparently don't buy into.
Are you legitimately an unfeeling pschopath btw, or were you just trying to btfo the argument you thought I was going to make?

>they still resist because they're low iq scum who only care about themselves and nobody else. These are the type of people who will eventually lead to the downfall of humanity.

Look they just insult me they have no arguments reeeee, lmao. Building an "argument" built on a tower of statements which rely on the verity of things you asserted just prior and cementing it with insults and blanket statements about anyone deviating from what you just laid down as irrefutable fact being "low iq scum who only care about themselves" isn't arguing, it's proselytizing. Your "arguments" don't merit actual rebuttals.

Ought to take some b-12 for that brain fog sweetie.

What are you even talking about? No, I do not think my intelligence level should be a factor into whether or not I should be killed. "oh Bob here has an IQ of 67, toss him in the bog"

Species are a social construct you shitlord

hello there friendo

You're misunderstanding everything out here.
Do you or do you not think that people should kill you at their convenience? If not, do you think they shouldn't because you are a sentient creature?

>Do you or do you not think that people should kill you at their convenience? If not, do you think they shouldn't because you are a sentient creature?
oohh.. dirty little trick there shifting the frame of the argument to set a trap for your opposition. typical leftist move. not gonna work here, sweetie; this isn't r*ddit

Yet lizzards control us all

considering the size of their brains birds are actually freakishly intelligent

thank god their brains are the size of a pea

In for the reptile gains

Why do you think whether or not someone should kill someone at their convenience be influenced by intelligence level?
This is the third time now that you've avoided this question. You just throw this in as a loaded assertion within your entire basis of thinking.

exactly. i must absorb their essence. i dont want to pollute my body and mind by consuming brainlet filth

Nigger that's a cat

>shifting the frame
Yeah, back on topic.
>to set a trap
How are you so scared of internet posts.

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That nigger don't know about the intelligence of Ravens, who are capable of problem solving and using tools, putting them ahead of most africans

i'm not him. i just read your post and felt the need to point out your dishonest tactics. back 2 reddit you go!

Why do you think whether or not someone should kill someone at their convenience be influenced by intelligence level?
I don't.
I think that people should not be killed, because people are intelligent in general,
not if they are intelligent in comparison to each other.

There's two of you? ffs
Read the posts slowly, and twice. The fuck am I being dishonest about?

>The fuck am I being dishonest about?
i already explained it, sweetie

Holy shit, you're retarded. You say you don't, and then go on to explain how you regard intelligence and delta-intelligence are factors.

Why don't you answer my question. This is the forth time you've dodged it now. Why do you think that intelligence factors into whether or not it's okay to kill something?

For me, this whole mental exercise is really simple. I am human. Animals are not human. I don't treat animals with the same standards that I apply to humans. And no amount of trying to morally equivocate animals and humans will ever change that. I don't care about the intelligence levels. I don't care about pain perception. It's about being human or not, in and of itself. you're trying to boil these things down to platonic universal principles. I reject this world view.

>shifting the argument back on topic
You know there's a dictionary or two on the internet, right?

So if aliens were to kill you for funsies, it'd be okay even though you're intelligent?

Original poster here. I've kept asking you the same thing. you're the one who keeps shifting away from the question I've posed and trying to go down rabbit holes and mental exercises about human-on-human killings.

All I ask is for you to explain WHY you think intelligence is the metric for whether or not it's okay to kill something?

5th time, same question: Why do you think that intelligence factors into whether or not it's okay to kill something?

Your premise relies on people accepting a universally-applied moral frame.



>Why do you think that intelligence factors into whether or not it's okay to kill something?
Because the concept of murder hinges on its will to live.
My premise relies on you desiring to be consistent with your views and not be hypocrite.
So like I said, if aliens were to kill you for funsies, it'd be okay even though you're intelligent?

nice b8, you hooked some real smarties

Mammals eat their own shit all the time. Why do you freaks act like its so wrong when humans do it?

>Because the concept of murder hinges on its will to live.
No. It relies on being human or not.

>My premise relies on you desiring to be consistent with your views and not be hypocrite.
Morality is not universally consistent. This is just you saying "no" and then going on to explain that it's exactly as I've explained. You want everything to fit neatly into your autistic universalist moral frame. I do not adhere to such a moral frame. You can screech about "inconsistency" (ie, non-univeralism) all you want, I do not care. I do not treat humans and animals the same

those populations aren't magically out of control, they're like that because humans killed wolves and other apex predators for their pelts and other dumb shit like that and now the entire ecosystem is out of whack

the long term solution would be reintroduction of their natural predators

>No. It relies on being human or not.
So then it definitely would be okay for aliens to kill you?
>Morality is not universally consistent.
No shit. It's still internally consistent. Unless you have multiple personalities or something.

>No shit. It's still internally consistent.
Then why are you trying to equate what an alien would do to a human to what a human would do to a human to what a human would do to an animal?
You fundamentally do not understand how morality works, and only extreme autismos such as yourself see it as some sort of consistent logical set of rules to follow. For the other 99.9% of the world's population, morality stems from gut feelings and it's not internally consistent. So either the vast majority of the world has multiple personality disorder, or you need to recheck your fundamental principles.

>So then it definitely would be okay for aliens to kill you?
The alien would try to kill me and I'd try to not get killed. What more needs to be said? There is no right or wrong to it. Obviously I, as the human, would not be happy with it, but I cannot speak to what is going on in the aliens mind.

Expensive af where I live

Okay, but it gets boring fast

Wtf are you on my dude

Don't fall for the herbivorous Jew lads

this post made me realize I haven't eaten beef in about a year. Honestly, despite how gay OP is, beef isn't that good. Steak is overrated, and ground beef is the plebeian choice compared to ground turk and chicken.

didnt think it would be so easy t b h

then again, it is Jow Forums...