
Blah blah something something you're all too lazy to make an OP edition

You're fucking gay if you do drugs.

AI is bad and you shouldn't take it.

Steroids are good and you should take them.

Anzu is the best and you should give all your money to her.

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Anzu has a bigger dick than me. I bet that roach’s sack is like a brillo pad.

Remember, if you’re not natty you’ll never make it.

"her", I got bad news...

This faggot needs to be banned from making threads.

Sup /fraud/, I’ve been hitting it off with this weeb chick lately. I think I’ve finally found a long term gf. :)

>pic related

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She has an ugly face which is why she's hiding it.

Bro come on don’t be mean I’m in love

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>stop hcg
>love having my balls sucked
>start hcg again
>having my balls sucked hurts

Anyone else? Thinking about dropping it for just this reason.

>went to see a chiropractor because of recurring back pain since I was 17
>dude popped everything and it felt good but didn't help much else
>only explanation was "you're tight so you just need to get loosened up. Come back rest of the week."
>this has been occurring for years and that's the only explanation I get?
>planning to see my regular doc to get an xray done.

That being said;

Can anyone recommend a leg day routine that doesnt involve leg press or hack squats? I can lunge thats about it.

Thinking about using the bikes on high resistance then finishing with lunges and lying leg curls and calves. Ive gotten to the point where I couldnt even pick up fucking 10 lbs off the floor so I wanted to cry. Not sure if I should rest and continue losing my gains or go to the gym and see what I can do.

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Chiropractors are full of shit 110% of the time. It is no closer to science than homeopathy.


Then why the fuck didn't you make one?

I'm not generic.

She does have a very pretty face.

Because I'm phone posting from a bar at pub trivia, shitbrain.

That's... definitely not true. Though they aren't as important as they wish they were, hence all the bullshit they are sometimes known for

I made the thread on my phone. Are you just dumb?

So should I trust his judgement or what? Last Chiro I saw said id need an xray but that was a year ago. I didn't have the money for it. Thats why I wanna get one done right now through my insurance.

No wonder you managed to fuck it up this badly.

You literally fuck up every little thing in your life.

What a fucking useless tool.

can you get a roid gut as a natty and if yes how ?

Eh. Roid gut comes from growing organs. Which is caused by GH + slin.

Should balding be a concern on steroids, or only if you're predetermined to have it and it just speeds up the process if you were going to get it anyways?

I made the thread on a whim because no thread was up. Beggars can't be choosers fag.

Literally nobody asked you to. You did so because you have absolutely nothing in your life other than /fraud/ and couldn't fucking wait until somebody made a proper thread so your life would have some sense of meaning again.

Should I add deca to my test/EQ bulk?


And you're posting in said thread. Projecting much?

starting my first cycle (test e + dbol). wiki says tdee + 30%. do i ramp up or do i just start eating the full calories from the second i pin?

>Fuck he got me on this, better say he is projecting

The only posts I've made are shitting all over you and you've replies suggesting I've struck a nerve. And, no, nobody is projecting anything. I know you. You're a failure at life and the only friends you have are some random trip fags like ES and lardo Sept.

I hope your next post is about another gook rejecting your advances so you can post a picture of your ugly ass baby face that looks like it's been crying like a little bitch again.

>Giving money to a Turk

I am the most self-deprecating trip on here. I never disagreed with what he said, I just think it's ironic.

Read above. I get told to kill myself and that I'm worthless everyday in these threads. You have to try a lot harder to strike a nerve than just saying "Hurr you're a loser with no friends".

>Giving money to this little dolly

Sign me the fuck up. Sell all my tren.

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There's a reason people tell you to kill yourself on a regular basis. I bet your parents do so as well.

Literally nobody that knows you likes you. Nobody. Noone wants you here. Fuck off and go back to slitting your wrists to anime.

And, no, I've struck a nerve considering you've read and replied to every single post I've made so far.

>Kill yourself, you're worthless
There it is.

>I struck a nerve because he's replying to my posts with me talking about him

Because I don't literally reply to every post that talks about me whenever I'm here because I'm an attention whore? You're going to have to get better evidence to suggest I'm being triggered rather than describing my normal behaviour.

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Are you still blasting?

TDEE + 30% is for natty twinks. Double your TDEE when on roids you pussy then eat 30% more than that.

I wish I wasn't.

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I’m watching the MTV awards. Is this a sign my e2 is too high?


>tfw bodybuilding and tren has ruined my chances at being a qt trap
think i could have been a good one too

no, but posts like mine are

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Tren fucks with my head a lot

I have never met a sane chick with silver hair. Good Luck man

>the only friends you have are some random trip fags like ES
tfw you and estp will never rung out on heroin and do degenerate stuff together

If your back is really tight then have an adjustment is useless. The muscle tightness will just pull it back to the wrong place. Get remedial massages until your back is loose then see chiro if pain persists

Are you at least putting any mass on?

no he doesn’t eat and skips the gym if there’s someone else there

had the same problem with my chiropractor, they are used to people who dont lift, couldnt fix my anterior pelvic tilt but did fix my elbow and i havnt had a problem with it since.

tldr: chriropractors need to be very strong to fix shit, and cant really do much about muscle imbalances

so I've been wondering, why does everyone hate you? should I hate you too??

girl taking my blood said

>see the problem with being so muscular and fit is that your bicep gets in the my way when I’m trying to poke your vein

think I’ve made it lads

Very slowly because I'm shit.

I post a lot of anime. I cry and whinge a lot too.

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You seem like an alright guy, I think you need an older male role model in your life to help sort you out (no homo).

Lol gay

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Not unless the balls actually touch bby.

he needs more lolis so he'll be arrested and cant shitpost from jail

chiropractors aren't real doctors

Wouldn't hormonal fluctuance be more in control if you gradually lower the test injected instead of jumping from 100 to 0 in the next inject?
And as a result less acne.
Say go you do like
>500mg test week 12
>400mg week 13
>300 mg week 14
>200 mg week 15
Into a cruise
Or go to zero into a PCT

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this is recommended by Dan Duchaine in the USH 2, pretty useful

slow flucuation over 4-6 weeks
or sudden flucuation over 2 weeks

So, my last injection site is still hard. Looks bruised and has a visible lump.

But it doesn't hurt unless I press on it, hard.

Area is +- 9cm2 and pressing it burns a bit. Pinning was painful too. Burned like hell.

I'm thinking that the tren wasn't fully dissolved and crystals are fucking my shit up.

how old is it?

have a hot shower and massage the muscles around the injection site, pres your fingers into the creases in the muscle insertions and pull down repeatedly, works for me,

24-36 hours.

Not sure whether I Pinned yesterday morning or late evening 2 days ago.

I'm dosing double the first 2 weeks so my regular schedule is off.

what a beta


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Tren or deca second cycle?

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Lol you faggots acting like youre hot shit, crusader probably has his life figured out a lot more than all of you do

I would give it 5 days from pin day before worrying unless you start getting a fever or major swelling

I thought it was assumed knowledge that if you are on 4 chan you are a loser

9 centimeters squared? antibiotics asap, that is huge

Guys can I use test e to drop bodyfat? I’m not planing get that big. Just look full and vascular at 8% bodyfat.

Thinking about 500 mg per week and then cruise on 250mg


lmao just eat less idiot

based anavar girl

The lump was pretty big after pinning. It's between 2x2 and 3x3 now. But it hasn't really grown. I can feel it but it's hard to tell by looking at it.

not sure what you are trying to say. there is something happening inside your leg. inflammation has occurred already and an immune response began a few day ago. before the condition worsens, take action.

Kill yourself

>few days ago

Some time between 24 and 36 hours.



I'm not sure it's inflammation, that's just it. And the lump that's there is basically the exact same lump I had just after pinning. Just slightly flattened.

If it does get worse I'll start eating antibiotics. But atm I'm just wondering if this could just be pip.

I've never had pip before.

Anyone have a good btc pharmacy source?

lmao suck more tripfag dick you faggot

Jeebuz why do you guys have shit genetics jfc. Im done with this shit thread, fuck

We can say the same with pony fuckers, kys

What is the fucking secret to big arms? I can’t for the life of me gain much size in my biceps and I’m going to start hitting them every day with high reps if I can’t figure anything else out.

Also, made my first no-heat batch of homebrew tren, overdosed too. Shit dissolved beautifully in 8 hours with just a little swirl and shake every 4 hours. I usually used atleast a little bit of heat but guess I don’t need to

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No source talk.

But yes. 7 last I checked.

Heating pack dude. I just sit there for a couple hours at night with one on my leg or glute if I got pip. Or if you have a jacuzzi watch some Netflix and chill in there with hot water, Epsom salts, and a little essential oil. Shit feels fucking amazing

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uh why when i google dbol test e progress pics do i just see a bunch of dyels with no progress? have i fucked up? im expecting more than that..

Even needles? Fuck off

Can you send links pls Commander555 tutanota

Those tits are fake af, would let her suck my dick but thats it

That was my plan.


Source talk is forbidden.

Sup nerds? Is this the general where I can learn how to find true love?

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El capitalisto, sup?

How to find manic pixie dream girl?

>El capitalisto, sup?
Chillin mang. Bored AF.
>How to find manic pixie dream girl?
You will find her where endless meets the end...

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Sdrol is fucking with my sleep. Or I'd be asleep right now.

>You will find her where endless meets the end...

Can she pls be a self destructive mess of a dopefiend as well?

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>Sdrol is fucking with my sleep.
Man I still have sdrol laying around that I have never used. One of these days...
>Can she pls be a self destructive mess of a dopefiend as well?
Oof you don't want an ESTP in your life trust me. Go find a quiet loyal nerdy girl that isn't fat and then give her a few good tren dickings until she will do anything to keep you and make her lift with you and do all your meal prep. Continue to apply tren dickings and if you don't get sick of her after a while you should probably marry her.

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Considering 800mg dnp for 2 weeks while on amphetamines or meth.

Then lift my days away in my home gym listening to depressing music.

Bored me has the best ideas.

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>Considering 800mg dnp for 2 weeks while on amphetamines or meth.

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Nice blog

>you don't want an ESTP in your life trust me.

I've had one. Two, sort of.

But I'd prefer things a bit less Hollywood. Because ffs, 6 months and never sober for longer than a day.

I've done pretty much everything I've wanted by now. 11 wild years behind me yet I was ready to settle down before they even started.

Not really possible when your girlfriend dies @ 19 years old.

Plsgib manic pixie gf to fix me.

>Still as healthy as a 29 year old can be
>Dem genes

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This is mostly a blog for fraying tipsters right?

Was the girl you loved at 19 super trashy and broken and into drugs just to kill herself?

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Frauding tripsters*

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