What do you call your fists? Mine are "Math" and "Science"

What do you call your fists? Mine are "Math" and "Science"

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a thread died for this

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I call my dick the Italian Stallion

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I call mine "The Mayonnaise Monster"

*snap* and *cringe*

Mine are called tolerance and reason and they're here to punch Nazi's

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Autism and spectrum

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>i can suckerpunch some onions with his hand in a salute
>won't even include proof of knocking him down at all in picture
>probably barely fazed him apart from freeze frame where his eyes were closed the whole time

tough guys lmao

Quaker and Babe
I'm rather hamfisted with my right and my left wrist tends to sprain a lot.


"Rick" and "Morty"

Physically assaulting someone based on their political beliefs, might as well bow to the King of England, because you're not an American.

"Dub" and "Dub".
Wubalubba DUB DUB, bitch

Mine is the meat seeking missile

I call my right Jessy Hall, because that's the closest I'll ever get to her jerking me off

Bofa and Ligma

'Nigger monkey killer' and 'Kike smasher'

gf 1 and gf 2

Des and Troy
Put them together and they’re troydes

"Despa" and "cito"

>have a violent revolution for political freedom
>v-v-violence is unamerican d-don't punch me s-so yboy!

why is the right so full of pussies?

both sides are full of hypocrites
welcome to politics, faggot
post fists

Guy and Big