Thinking of switching from keto to low-carb

Thinking of switching from keto to low-carb.

These 20 grams a day of carbs are killing me, plus no sugar is brutal. Maybe I'm just being a fatty tho.

I've been on keto for almost 2 months and I've lost almost 20 pounds. Started at 156lbs now at 139lbs. So this shit really works, but I'm annoyed that if I even eat a cookie it'll fuck up my shit.

I guess I'm wondering what Jow Forums thinks of a low-carb diet over keto? and if I were to switch over, what would my macros be? How many grams of carbs do you personally take in if you're doing low-carb? General questions and all that.

I started off with a Dad bod, and I still have one (not really sure when it goes away) but once I'm not fat (I'm guessing it'll be around 125lbs) I'm going to start lifting and toning n shit. That's my main plan.

Just need some bro wisdom. Or maybe someone to tell me to stop being a weak fatty and ignore sugar cravings.

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dude you don't even lift it literally doesn't fucking matter, just stop eating fat fuck

You could fast for 20 days and would be fine

how in the fuck are you overweight at 154lbs?? Don’t wait to lean out, learn the lifts and get your ass to the gym. Don’t even bother fucking around with keto, carbs are not going to kill you. Lift heavy, track your macros, eat high quality carbs (things with fiber like fruit and veg) and you’ll be fine

Thanks user :')

You can go up to about 50g carbs and still get the keto effect, if you workout.

Are you a woman?

Well, I'm only 5'5" so, I was overweight for my height, but only in my gut, everything else looks fine. No massive fatty legs or shit like that. I guess I still am fat tho. idk I thought I would have looked skinnier after losing almost 20lbs, that's why I'm guessing at 125 I'll look semi normal?

You think I should just start lifting now though? Say "fuck keto?" it seems to be working for my weight loss, then when I hit my goal weight (and hopefully won't be fat) I can start packing on muscle.

idk, is low-carb as good of a weight loss diet as keto?

are you a female? why the fuck would you want to be sub-150 pounds?

No. I'm a 25 year old man.

post body

>wants to lose weight at 159
unless you're like a 5'2 male..

I'm a man, but I'm a manlet too. Only 5'5". Once I lose the fat weight I'm just going to pack on muscle. That's the plan at least.

>I'm going to start lifting and toning n shit. That's my main plan.
Holy shit fuck off you newfag. Why do you homos make such a mystery out of carbs. Carbs are fuel for exercise, use them for exercise you dumbfuck

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you need to be working out now. dont wait. you'll lose the weight healthier quicker.

Here you go

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Should I still be doing keto?

Well I'm not exercising right now, only dieting. That's why I'm asking if I should switch over to low-carb when i do start exercising.

If I eat a lot of carbs now while exercising that won't make me lose this gut.

jesus what the fuck bro

yeah dont wait to lose weight to start exercising. just jump on a PPL program and eat more lean meats

lol that bad?

You think a PPL will help me lose this weight? I'm just sick of being skinny fat and want to lose it ASAP.

You know weight lifting promotes fat loss, right? You know you'll make noob gains and gain significant amounts of lean mass right?

if you want. it doesn't matter. keto is a nice goal but realistically is unattainable if you're living life. low carbs, intermittent fasting, exercise at least 3 times a week, yoga once a week. have fun.

newfags gotta start somewhere right? That's why I'm getting the wisdom of Jow Forums

I figured it's better than reddit.

I can def start working out, but my two big questions now are

1. What should my diet be? Should I say fuck keto? Should I just do low-carb?

2. What kind of exercise should I do? Someone else mentioned a PPL program.

Fuck keto and fuck low carbs. You need carbs for fuel. Do any begginer strength training routine. I did Greyskull with a 500 calorie surplus and that worked for me.

Yeah man, I never intended to be a life long keto fag. Plus it is really inconvenient. I had a cheat day the other day and had to go through the keto flu again for like a day. I shouldn't be exhausted because I ate a certain amount of carbs. But ti's tough to complain because I have lost a decent amount of weight, even if it's only been slightly noticeable.

What kind of macros should I be looking at for low carbs? What amount of grams should I be staying in for protein, carbs, and fats?

Should I do hot yoga? Does it matter? Where would more girls be?

Were you fat tho?