How the fuck do you tell randos in public that they're fat as shit and need to do something about it...

How the fuck do you tell randos in public that they're fat as shit and need to do something about it? I'm tired of not saying anything, but I don't know how to approach calling them out.

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>First step lose autism

Do you have legit autism? Why do you need to tell random fatfags they're fat?
All you really need to do is give that subtle look of disgust when looking at someone who looks disgusting. It's autistic to go "excuse me sir, but you are obese and should lose weight! kthnxbye"

Become chinese

You're fucking retarded. It's not your business. I hope you get the shit kicked out of you.

>do this in america
>get shot

>do this in europe
>get arrested for a hate crime

Dress up as Ahab and throws harpoons at them

I completely feel you user.

Would also like to tell hipster/yuppy white chicks theyre dressed like shit

We live in a time period where the public normalizes horrendous looks. I mean, everyone has the right to live in peace, but when theyre hurting themselves, people should call them out.

In the case of the hipster/yuppies its more so that they think they can just make themselves look like they crawled out of a trash can, but still hit on me and im supposed to accept it because #feminism #equality.

this is why we need bullying. bullies kept fat people in check. look at the 70s. there were practically no fat people. now we normalized that shit and its everywhere. its a fucking epidemic. people just think its ok to weight 300-400 pounds

why waste the time energy and effort on subpar people?

>How the fuck do you tell randos in public that they're fat as shit and need to do something about it? I'm tired of not saying anything, but I don't know how to approach calling them out.
For women:
>Oh, when's the baby due?
While showing a friendly smile and with a cheery and charming demeanor, then when they say "I'm not pregnant" immediately switch to a pitying and slightly sad expression and say "sorry I just, ugh, I'm so sorry" they won't know whether you mean your sorry about thinking their pregnant or that their current state is so depressing for you that you felt the need to mourn their weak and neglected body.

For men:
>You need to lose weight
Men aren't as odd and liable to blow up as women are.

Holy shit this comment is just awful

>dressed like shit
lmao stay poor

>/threading your own post

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Can't pull the trigger if your finger is too fat to fit in the trigger guard.

Satan pls go

I see the women part working on solo women, but not a pair or a group.

I'm tired of seeing fat Americans. I just want a healthy country of capable people.

>are you ladies pregnant?

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Why do you even care faggot? Let them be the subhumans they are and die of a heart disease

No fat fuck can compete with an autist, they have anime fighting moves.

Are you too underage to remember the 80s, user?