ITT: the reason why you lift, even if its impossible

ITT: the reason why you lift, even if its impossible

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I'm an actor/director bulking up for a role I wrote for myself

I want to wear a superman costume for halloween without looking like a tryhard

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Lmfao the way she lost her shit when she got put up on the blocn

to get her back

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to fight in righteous conflict

i want to attract a nice husband and start a family

In hopes of fucking women and beating men to death

so you're also a writer and busboy

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I lift so that one day I will have strong children

To stop this man.

My daughter. I don't want to be the fat overweight dad that cant play with his kid

high test

i want to fight in mma. if i do well as an ammy, i will go pro and see where i can get.

I lift so i can be worthy of her.

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I wanna be strong enough to defeat God. not like spiritually or metaphorically or any bullshit like that. Just fucking strong.

I live in a country where 100% of females are stuck up shallow bitches and in their eyes if you dont have the physique of a greek god you must be a fat slob
Honestly i've gotten rejected so many times I'm not even attracted to women anymore, not attracted to men either

also for this guy's daughter.

What a disgusting looking butter face, and inferior brown eyes

sorry to hear that user

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not white so it doesn't matter.
you wouldn't want to stain the Aryan race with a 'shitskin son' would you?

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>ITT: the reason why you lift, even if its impossible

The difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer.

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Sauce. Please sauce.

This is my everything

a sensitive gf who cares about what's important to me, and loves me for who i am

i just wanna learn how to play hockey and play basketball. I dont give a fuck about getting pussy I just want to play sports but i keep having cravings and it feels like im gonna die every fucking time i dont have a donut in my mouth

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To do well in life, I realized I needed to maintain a good mental state, and exercising was one of the easiest ways to boost my mood.

Tangentially, my desire to be a good cryptocurrency trader was very dependent on maintaining a good mental state, so that gave me enough motivation to get into the gym daily. The physical gains were nice, but the mental gains were absolutely crucial. Some days are just light cardio, but in the last 2 months, I might have missed 4 days total.

I want to strengthen my mind and spirit, and physical exercise is a good gateway for that.

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>he doesnt lift for his people

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hitler isnt your "people"

To get her back

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hey man, I believe in you!

as somebody who lost 100lbs, you can do the same, just count your calories and have discipline.

just don't trick yourself into ever thinking it will be easy just because you "want it". it's not even. even in 6 months and 50 lbs lost it will still be hard. you still still want to eat pizza. there is no magic cure for that. it doesn't go away.

you need to battle every single day and you need to win every single day.

I always found this video very inspiring but maybe you've seen it already

good luck user

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My 4'9" Japanese girlfriend

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One of the impossible goals reporting in. She keeps me going though.

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That's a man, a well known transgender activist.

Not him, but I'm going to fight the jews for the rest of my life too. All the fucked up shit the jews have done gives me tremendous motivation to keep going, because someone has to fix this shit.

What is wrong with her face

ugly chink

based and redpilled

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I know it's you Lamarck


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>My imaginary unatainable cute gf

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I want to stop hating myself, its the only way I know how

Close, but you picked the wrong lancer... Again.

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so that when i die, i have a decent chance at fighting god


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This thread isn't about picking and choosing.
If you like Alter then that's fine, I wish she had more content as well.

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Lol this guy probably thinks hes a fucking king with this post.

Listen you awkward tryhard: NO ONE posted their body in this thread.

I hope you plan on adopting because your sons will be immasculine as fuck - also shorter than you. If you have a daughter, she'll be fine... getting dicked down by the same jocks that probably made you turn to spending your time on Jow Forums.

The funny thing is I have a 5'1" Asian gf but I definitely plan on adopting or using a surrogate. But at least I'm not blupilled like these other Asian worshipping nerds.

>actively seeking to become a genetic dead end
Peak numale

this, im dating a 5' korean shick atm and while giving her the dick is fun and all, shes not reproduction material. thinking ill try and find a Scandinavian or something when ti comes to settling down.

I want Rei, but am not good enough by nature to deserve her.
I hope I can circumvent that by lifting

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not a racist or concerned with race like this board. But the response brings up some correct points

So I can make 18X and lead people.

I want to set an example for my family. An example so my cousin will drop his actual retard gf, so my brother will stop acting g like he's gay and get rid of those depression. Bags under his eyes.

I never cared before but I do now.

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This world is overpopulated, and our species will definitely die out one day. I genuinely am not concerned with reproducing, but if I do, I'll make sure to create a suitable person.

Plus I have three siblings who have 13 kids between them. My families bloodline will continue just fine without my assistance - and I get to save money and have more freetime.

It feels good. I like dopamine. It makes my arms and my chest and my back and my core and my legs feel really good. Stretching feels better. Sleeping feels better. Sitting feels better.

found a picture of you

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Yourr father's bloodline will go on. Yours will not.

They've been saying that since the 70s. Would you be surprised if I told you that humans have only touched the top .2% of the earth's surface?

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To tear these two apart and tell them it's not worth it.

who dis

Three kids? Never.
First off, I'm too literal of a person to not point out how retarded that sentence is. Secondly, boo fucking hoo

You kids crack me up with this "I must spread muh genez!" mentality Jow Forums has injected you with. Do you realize the smallest bacteria all the way to the largest known lifeforms all have the same ultimate goal - survive and replicate? How does it make you feel to know you are literally conforming your whole fucking existence to a thought process literally anything that lives can follow - so you can have shittier more internet obsessed versions of you running around on an already overpopulated planet?

>small jaw
>flexed mentalis
>lip incompetence
That's vertical facial growth, ugly as hell

>not lifting for Brett

It's like you don't even want to make it

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Oh, okay, I guess that's why theres no traffic and no one starves to death.

You do realize that a lot of the shit on earths surface has to stay there right? Or else the ecosystem goes to shit and we all die. You'd have made a better argument by talking about space exploration. Whatever.

Yall gay. I'm done for tonight.

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I want to die, and it's painful to fail so I like it

> ctrl+f "ulster"
> phrase not found

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Never gonna make it, Lamarck. Sorry. Chad Darwin got you beat, fair and square

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im rooting for you, user.

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Hitler is a quarter Jewish you half blood worthless twat. He also only had one ball, fuck you estrogen-man

Son, that’s a girl
Likes unicorns. That’s a girl.
You are have the girl.
We a

Want that.
Grab that.

>beobles personal choices dont cause inconveniences.
>literally trees and plants live to break down dirt for the nutes. Being as destructive as humans
>whatever mankind does affects the earth for any lasting time

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Fuck the Jews, who says we don't deserve it in the first place? We let them survive after all. Kill everyone now

oh fugg im aboud to gum

I fucking love these pls post the rest of them if you have them

>me no reproduce in uggo homo sapiens for no reason
fag, I know you love chink boys more than girls anyway

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>actively wanting to pay child support

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Stop using the term "butterface", you don't know what it means.



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Anchor nuts!
You Thalia. Even for a day, you can keep your friends and family alive.
We all came to the city.

"u gotta nice, big, spacious p00si?"

"pls I need this"

>thinking you don't have to pay child support for children you adopt

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The world is not overpopulated you retard. That's a meme.

>adopting children

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you didn't put in a question mark... she might not mean what you think she means

To make my body stronger, more flexible and less prone to injury so I can continue to learn new tricks and bigger airs faster and maybe do what I love as well as this guy does too.

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No it's not, prove otherwise with evidence

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>I did it all for the nookie

I have a bag of the green funny herb, you look like the kind of girl that would appreciate that.