How do I get my poop to be more solid and how do I stop having it stink

How do I get my poop to be more solid and how do I stop having it stink

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Cat looks way better on the left

Eat the cat.


But it looks like it's starving. A cat of the opposite sex would definitely prefer the one on the left. It has meat on it. Bones are for dogs. The one on the left is a real cat. The one on the right is a boring victim of the media who spends all their time worry ing about dieting and isn't enjoying life. It doesn't even hAve room for its organs when it's that skinny and will die earlier because of it. Plus, every cat's body turns saggy as it grows older, I'd rather my cat be an interesting old cat than a boring "healthy" cat.

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Woah, mirin the masseter hypertrophy on that lad.

How do you want your caca to smell? Like flowers?

My kitter, 32 pounds.

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>how do I get my poop to stop smelling bad
Nigga what

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mirin that jawline

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>mfw a fucking cat is more fit than me
fuck it im gonna go play in traffic

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Because of protein? Or are you an amerilard who consumes so much fat that so much is left undigested and turns your poop yellow, liquid, and gives it an unholy odor?

Maybe I’m having too much fat, I eat fish chicken black beans protein powder salad??

If that's what your diets actually like, doesn't look like that would be too much fat. You'd have to be earning extremely unhealthy to turn your poop yellow and liquid with fats, like mcdonalds every meal. Stink may be because of protein. Dunno why it wouldn't be solid though. Do you run?

I run often.

Ah. It may be running then. I never had a problem running, but last year I tried getting into it again and after a couple of months started having horrible runners gut. The bouncing up and down during running can push the stuff in your intestines through faster than they were meant to be, causing liquid poop because it wasn't in your intestines long enough for most of the water to be absorbed. I don't know how to fix it though. I never had that problem before and I haven't been running since because every mile I had to take another dump.

Eat a shit load of fiber

Stand aside twink

Probiotics fren. Invest in the good quality capsules that come in a dark glass jar and need to be kept refrigerated. Take one a day with food.

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Looks dead inside.

I agree, fat pussy is always the best.

Unsure what part of that was confusing you, he wants his poop to stop smelling bad. Fuck man learn to read

The cat on the right weights almost 5kgs and looks completelly normal wft

Euthanize it and then yourself you gormless cunt

I wonder if shes every tried to fuck her absolute unit of a toe