How on earth do you guys go to the gym and do 15 sets before leaving?

How on earth do you guys go to the gym and do 15 sets before leaving?
3x5 takes me less than two minutes, even doing the most "intensive" routines only have me at the gym for 30 minutes. My gym is almost 30 minutes from my house, so I always end up doing at least 30 minutes of cardio in addition to my lifts, sometimes upward of 1h. Unless you live upstairs from the gym how do you justify driving there to do a couple sets before walking out and going home?

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Warm-up? Stretch? Lift heavy enough close to your max that you're pushing yourself and need at least a few minutes to properly recover...

30 minutes is pushing it for even the most intensive workouts I've tried. Why not just do some cardio while you are there? I really can't justify spending half an hour to get to the gym and only being there for 30 minutes before spending another 30 getting back home.


I'm in the gym 3 hours some pull days

Define "intensive"

And besides the point no, if you're going low volume something like an RPT program from LG designed for cutting, you don't need to be in the gym for an hour. But if you do the right thing and warm-up/stretch then you probably still will be.

Lift heavier.
100% positive if you lifted properly on 3x5, you wouldn't be there for 30mins. If you're lifting heavy you need at least 5mins in between each set to recover, otherwise you're simply not lifting enough.
3x5 should be intimidating as fuck to you. Every single time you get under the bar its going to be fucking hard. By the time you do your 3rd rep, you should be questioning yourself if you can even make it to 5. That's how intense 3x5 SHOULD be.

Simply put, you're not doing it properly.

It seems like even when I accidentally lift to failure on a 4th or 5th rep I can bang out the next set with only a couple minutes of rest tops.


well then you're a genetic freak and I highly recommend you become an endurance athlete or strongman.

Maybe excessive cardio helps? I do generally spend 5 days a week doing extended cardio sessions. 10s as hard as you can go 20s just going repeat until you can't anymore then just go for 3 minutes to get your heartrate back in check then repeat. I usually go 30m-1h this way and have been doing it a lot longer than lifting.

Well as long as you're adding weight every session (or already lift heavy) then there's no issue. Most people need 3-5 minutes to recover from doing 5RM's constantly. Why don't you do some more exercises after your 3x5 if you want to spend longer at the gym though.

You probably have just started and lift babyweights

I do 30 to 60 sets with maximum intensity lol I don't buy that over training thing i love volume and doing different excercises

DYEL detected
What are your stats?

lift harder. 3x5 squats should take up at least half an hour, what with warming up and needing to rest between sets (if you can do 1 set, but fail the second, you'd have gotten it if you had rested longer).

you are probably shockingly weak if you can do 3 heavy set of 5 in two minutes

The stronger you get the more your rest times increase.

Dyel weaklings do not know this.

>b-but bodybuilder x has y rest times

Yes but he is lifting at like 50% if his max, and he had steroids that enhance recovery time not only for the week but for every set

what are your lifts? Im willing to bet youre weak as shit

stop doing brosplits

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You're lifting kid weights, OP. A proper 5-rep set of squats or deadlifts should leave you gasping for air for at least 3 minutes. Some bodybuilders can over 10 minutes of resting time between each set.

There has been no clinical evidence that resting increases hypertrophy or strength

>The stronger you get the more your rest times increase.
Kek, if you'd ever left the eternal intermediate stage, you'd know rest times go down SIGNIFICANTLY.

>2 minutes 3x5, DYEL
Your not lifting heavy enough weight come back when you aren’t smaller than your mom

resting isn't to increase size/strength, retard. It's to give yourself some breather room to recuperate before the next heavy set. It takes roughly 3-5 minutes for 90% recovery, IIRC.

>30 minutes is pushing it for even the most intensive workouts I've tried.
Clearly youve never tried lifting more than baby weight.

>3x5 takes me less than two minutes
you did wot m8? it takes me longer to grab my phone after one series of DL, it will improve with heavier weights

This. Don't know about you longterm lifters, but I'm a newb doing SS and I set personal records every workout, and it's a fucking bitch and I'm scared every rep just like this guy says. I barely make the 5th rep and I have to take at minimum 3 minutes rest between sets, and more if necessary. This progression stuff is taxing.

You're not doing 3x5 if you count warm up sets. If you jump straight into a 2plate bench without building up to it you're gonna kill yourself. Plus once I've done my 3 main exercises for the day I do a couple of other shit like curls, pull ups, dips, whatever I feel like. I spend like an hour and a half in the gym every other day.

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Try doing something other than only DL, squats and bench. If you have multiple hard lifts (pull ups, ohp, rows, bench, deadlifts, farmer walks..) in one training, on which you go 3rep max I can guarantee you, in 30 minutes you will have done only half of those lifts. Plus accessories at the end

That's pretty good actually. Next thing you know, it's as taxing as before, if not more, but you're glad if you add some lbs every week.

>Do 30-60 mins HIT cardio a day.
>No idea why my cardio conditioning is better than average persons.

Is this a humblebrag user? come on we're friends here.