If fapping is bad isn’t sex bad?

Just asking. I fuck once a day every day and I’m staring to feel weaker at the gym, not humble bragging because my girlfriend is a hamface but I don’t have the drive to find anything better.

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Are u eating enough cals and do u meet ur macros? Do u get enough sleep? Do u drink alcohol often?

Based on that single chink study which has never been replicated, yes. Particularly since said chink study which is the basis of all the "MUH TEST" claims assessed the impact of ejaculation, not masturbation.

back when I was roaming tinder I had an "18 but actually 16" match with me and want me to drive 20 minutes to fuck her

noped out of that one pretty quick

legal in most states
you fucked up

Why? That's legal.

When was the last time you spoke to a 16 year old?

No sex is good. Fapping is lonesome and bad for your mental health.

You're not going there to discuss foreign policy m8.

I mean if you're on tinder you're a degenerate anyway so you may as well go whole hog.

Meh I fucked a couple other girls from there before finding a long-term gf but it always baffles me how people complain about being >tfw no gf but refuse to take easy steps to get one

With every ejaculation you will lose some energy. That's why sex without ejaculation like karezza or taoist teachings exist. You have to relearn a slow type of sex because there won't be any orgasm, it becomes more like a meditation. That doesn't appeal to everyone and there is nothing wrong with fucking your GF. But fapping is outright retarded and wasted.

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>girls on tinder=quality gf material

Sounds like a shitty excuse for not having any discipline.

If you are using an app that exists purely for hedonism you are a degenerate. If you engage in one night stands you are a degenerate. That's simply all there is to say on the subject.

You don't fuck people's brains user.

You don't fuck people's brains user.

>people born in the 21st century are not only old enough to read and write, but old enough to have legal sex
Still having a hard time coming to terms with this.

One of my friends got one of those messages got arrested when he went to meet and it fucked his entire life up and now he is a registered sex offender. Don't do it.

>You don't fuck people's brains user.

>fucking a girl of legal age fucks up your life

lol girls get incredibly horny at 14
Imagine if they're not allowed to get laid at 17

it's almost like time moves forward or something

He was in Ohio where it wasnt legal. And I think a lot of states have a 5 year grace period for min if it's below 18, like you could have sexbwith a 17yr old if you're not older than 22. But this poor soul swiped right on everyone without reading their profiles. The cop then lead him on with promises of sex and he went to meet her. Entrapment, basically

My two cents:
Jerking off is bad because its instant gratification, you can do it whenever and as often as you want.

Sex takes work in most cases. And you get it less often, so its not as bad. Even a very sexually actice couple will be spootin out less jizzes per hour than your average neet.

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If you'd ever had sex you would know your jizz is almost always completely different than what comes out while fapping.. much more fluid and a lot less "goop" so it's purportedly healthier based on this fact alone

That's some high level bullshit m8. Have you considered a career with a lobby group?