How do I quit coffee when I completely rely on it, not only in the gym but for day to day life? Is it just a vice I have to keep up with and manage?
How do I quit coffee when I completely rely on it, not only in the gym but for day to day life...
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man the FUCK up
just have the willpower to not drink it for about 48 hours and its easy from there. have some headache medicine handy for withdrawal. drink water
everytime I tried for a couple days I would not feel normal, just worse
itll go away dude just stay hydrated. have to just not drink it. you could pussyfoot it by gradually reducing intake day by day but thats more torturous imo
of course. you need to give your body time to adjust.
how long? it's unbearable to feel half tired
not to mention my lifts will surely take a hard hit. bad news on all fronts
Just switch to caffine pills user. They're all the rage.
i used to drink soda everyday. i just stopped and went cold turkey. had a bad headache following day, entire day next day was easier. after that i barely thought about it.
im talking about ALL caffeine btw, not just coffee
Caffeine pills seem to do it for me. Every few months I stack caffeine and yohimbine while cutting. Not hard at all to kick it. Way cheaper than coffee.
I think the sipping action is what makes your coffee addiction so strong. If you just give your body the result, you wont want to perform the action. Then just stop giving your body the result. I'm totally brosciencing this, though.
you're probably right about sipping though. it's that way for cigarettes. there's a physical addiction, the cig to your mouth, and then there's the obvious mental addiction.
just quit. you'll feel bad and want to sleep for about 2 days and then you wont want it.
Drink yerba mate instead
Replace one cuppa of coffee each day with one cuppa of green tea. Then, if you wish to do so, replace one cuppa of green tea with one cuppa of nothing.
Like at least a month to be fully normal.
I know where you’re coming from. I used to ingest at least half a gram of caffeine everyday. Multiple sips, rockstars, and caff pills every day. I needed it not to fall asleep during the day.
It fucking sucked quitting. Absolute worst month of my life. But you have to do it now. A month of sleepy misery is well worth the multitude of health problems down the road.
>health problems down the road.
like what? inspire me to never do it again
Why do you want to quit coffee? It's relatively cheap and doesn't fuck your body up much.
Well, i dunno. Im speaking out of my ass, but I’m pretty sure 400-600mg caffeine every day is going to fuck you over at some point. It’s an ungodly amount.
Look the only reason you should need to quit is because a healthily functioning person wouldnt rely on a stimulant to make it through the day.
no thanks
Just take L-Tyrosine supplements, you will lose the craving pretty much overnight
Not drinking coffee is for beta males
You'll probably feel like shit for a while
expect 1 day of withdrawal symptoms for every 1 month that you've been taking coffee daily
It'll probably wear off sooner but its better to expect a long haul and be pleasantly surprised once you've alleviated your symptoms
For me its 1 small thermos of coffee only before 2pm a day.
Drink yerba mate. It has relatively small amount of caffeine but it can still keep you going and its not addictive. It also contains lots of vitamins and minerals.
That is if you can get over the taste.
Coffee has a lot of different health benefits user. Don’t quit coffee completely because it’s actually really healthy for you. There are more pros than cons when it comes to drinking coffee. Always drink coffee black because sugar is the worst enemy.
Im not saying you should try modafinil but you should try modafinil
>40+ days in and I still don't feel normal.
>feel tired and a tad depressed ever since I quit coffee
did the liquid jew break me?
+1 for moda, it's genuinely all it's hyped up to be then more
>aquired taste
I'm intrigued. What's the catch? Is it expensive or something?
Drink decaf. Works for me
>quitting coffee
Not worth it
just dilute it with decaf coffee. 90% coffee, 10% decaf for a month, 80% coffee, 20% decaf the next, not that hard at all. if you can stick to a lift progression you can stick to this too
I also quit coffee because of the raised cortisol levels. Just reduce it gradually and man up.
Get a good night sleep m8
Anyone else take large amounts of caffeine everyday? On weight training days I take 400mg+ pre workout (3x a week), and sports days I take 200mg+ (x4 a week). I havn't had less than 200mg of caffeine a day for probably 1.5 years lol
this here. two weeks no coffee here, green tea has a bit of caffeine in it but also lots of antioxidants that are good for you. I feel a "calmer" focus after my cuppa green tea, where coffee is more jittery.