Who wants to hear the story of how nofap may have just ruined my life?

Who wants to hear the story of how nofap may have just ruined my life?

>Be me
>19 year old manlet in college
>Gf cheated on, then dumped me, so decided to try and get Jow Forums
>Do all cardio for 3 weeks before figuring out I lose the same amount of fat just by dieting and lifting
>Lose body fat much more consistently now
>2 months in I learn about nofap
>Threads talking about a natural test boost after 7 days
>Go for 2 days then give up
>Try again and go for 3 days and then give up
>3rd time I manage to go the full 7
>Around day 5 I start unconsciously staring at gym thots asses and have to catch myself
>Day 6 I find myself staring at a dudes ass who was squatting 3pl8t
>The night of Day 7 was tonight
>Feel so fucking horny that I try for 4 hours to find local thots in my area to fuck ASAP
>Live in small city and also manlet mode so this is a near impossible

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Did you fuck the guy? If not, you can stop here.

Waiting for the rest here

Where's the rest reeee


Fuck it I'm just gonna keep going

>Download grindr
>Make basic ass profile and post shirtless pic
>Get flooded with dudes wanting to suck me off or have me fuck them
>Most are disgusting but a few are okay
>One semi-feminine latin guy messages me and asks if I want my dick sucked
>Say fuck it and drive 20 mins to his apartment
>Door open
>Kinda dark inside
>Glad I left my wallet at home because I get a feeling I might be getting mugged soon
>Thankfully I walk in and the latin boy greets me
>So formal that it feels like I'm at a fucking ikea
>He leads me to his bedroom and immediately gets on his knees and starts sucking me off
>Legitimately the best anyone has ever sucked my dick
>Knows exactly what hes doing, licks my balls, deepthroats, the works
>All I can notice though is his ass in the mirror

You fuckers have warped my mind so much that my first thought was "I bet he only squats 25's"

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stop trying so hard to prove you "fit in" and dump your story, dickhead

So instead of breaking your no-fap or trying harder to fuck a girl... you become gay? goddamn i hope this is bait

you left your wallet at home and you drove without a license? this story is fake news

>bet he only squats 25s


>About 40 minutes later I waste my precious protein gains in his mouth and leave
>Drive home and only as I get back do I realize the weight of my decision
>My family is Christian and dont fervently hate gays but definitely dont want their son being gay
>Not only do I have to hide the fact that I'm agnostic scum but now I'm also a faggot
>I try to rationalize that I'm only bisexual since I've now fucked men and women
>Still probably not good enough explanation for them
>Now I have to either keep this a secret forever or face the wrath of god

And this leads us to now

>TL;DR: I got sucked off by a dude and now I gotta take it to the grave all because I wanted some high test gains

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This is the worst "coming out" story i've ever read

And then OP caught the AIDS and died. The end.

You do realize it is possible to take your license out of your wallet right?

This... this has nothing to do with nofap. A heterosexual man won't start having sex with guys after not orgasming for a week.
I am gay and wen't on nofap as well because I had troubles staying hard and I didn't start getting turned on by women.
By the way, nofap is bullshit. All the problems are in your head. Once I learned to relax and trust my big dick energy my erections were fine even after masturbating 4 times a day.

If you are 19 yo and need nofap, you are beyond lost.

>You fuckers have warped my mind so much that my first thought was "I bet he only squats 25's"
I know what that is like, I don't even feel horny looking at anybody's body anymore I just think about what they can improve/are doing wrong

>I'm gay

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based. Now what are you going to do with your newfound sexual orientation? Keeping the Grind(r) or backing off? I bet you're gonna keep doing it haha

how tall r u

Expected something funnier or more autistic, being a repressed faggot and blaming a shitty meme from the fitness section of a chinese cartoon forum doesn't make you any less of a faggot for finally coming out