Veganism is not healthy

Veganism is not healthy

If veganism is so great why do vegans eat highly processed and carcinogenic "meat substitutes" like Tofu, Quorn and other bullshit .

Pic related is a "healthy vegan", look at the dead eyes and the bags of vitamin deficiency under his eyes

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He's just a mutt. Pajeets have dead eyes because they have shitty bone structure.

Tofu is a healthy food, you dumb fuck.

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his eyes are ugly because he has a 2D flat face structure from being low T through puberty

Post proof.

I'm sure your bone structure is the best. White monkey

>kike tries to shill meat again

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>carcinogenic "meat substitutes" like Tofu, Quorn and other bullshit
Wow, you're actually retarded

Alphadestiny is vegan? Since when?

Vegans simply can't enjoy life not eating meat, so they try to arrange their grass and leaves to taste or look like meat, but creating a highly processed estrogen cancer bomb instead

Not all plants contain estrogen.

Stop coping like a bitch OP, he had like 3/4hrs of sleep when that pic was taken. This is him from his latest vid he uploaded today

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>Stop coping
>B-b-but he had 3/4 hours of sleep, played volleyball for 15 hours and was in a car accident
kys fuckhead

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Yeah sure, vegans eat highly processed foods do they? What argument are you trying to make here? I don’t think vegans are the ones eating McNaldos


>highly processed and carcinogenic
how is tofu 1. highly processed 2. carcinogenic
you fucking maron lmao
are you that milk jar sv3rige cock sucker?

That’s not a real man, now THIS is a real man

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>veganism isn´t healthy because there are meat substitutes and here is a picture of a vegan with "dead eyes"
oh boy you sure showed dem veganz OP, how could anybody ever be vegan now

He looks like a donut

He is not vegan you fucking dumbass retard.
Also, post face and body and lifts fucking subhuman faggot.

Nice pube face ahmed lmao

Based PakiChad poster

he is like 99% vegan, he said he does eat animal products if they're offered, but he never buys any

He is a vegan subhuman, he mentions it 15 times in every video.

Eating Quorn right now
Test levels 980ng/dL
Fuck off

I can farmers walk 2x150kg, I eat meat. What can you do, basedboy?

Look at younger pictures of him. He used to not have dark red rings around his eyes and a sickly pallor

Eating steak and eggs with brocolli and brown rice right now, test is 1887ng/dL
U mirin?

Is he really a vegan?
You'd think it conflicts heavily with the Alpha/predator thing.

>he used to look younger
>when he was younger

He's not vegan you fuckin dumb retard, he literally posts pics of his dishes sometimes with minced meat on them.
He also repeatedly says he's not vegan since he does eat animal products from time to time,
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You either are or are not vegan, he's not vegan, at best he's "plant based" still eating meat and other animal products like eggs.
He's about as "vegan" as the average traditional okinawan centenarian.

he's a 22 year old kid lol

He is 22 now faggot he competes in the junior powerlifting divisions. In a few months of being vegan he aged 10 years and looks sickly and discussing.

>22y old kid
ok grandpa calm down

>highly processed
I am announcing Sage.

>22 is old
>looking like a weathered 42 year old at 22 is absolutely fine

okay little boy lol

there's nothing ethically wrong with what he's doing he said he's not gonna worry about some chicken in a buffet, that chicken is already dead, the problem comes when you pay to buy that chicken

>going from teens to early 20s makes you lose all the color in your skin and develop swollen dark red rings around your eyes
>"i-i-it's just normal aging!"
The absolute state of vegans

>He doesn't pay to eat in a buffet

Retard he posts pictures of "meat substitutes" on his plate that his mom cooks for him

>you need to eat processed deli 'meat' containing a wild mixture of chemicals, patees filled with cow anuses and industrially farmed animals like chicken that never saw daylight and ate onions exclusively to be healthy

Fuckhead no normal eater is claiming that deli meat or processed food is healthy, unlike vegans who claim that their eating disorder and mental illness cures cancer.

Literally everything you posted was a strawman

Either lying or pathetically low levels for a juicer
Not mirin

Bruhs I just ate chicken meat after not eating meat for 2+ years and it tastes amazing. I might go back to eating meat. Any ex-vegans give me any tips ?

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your body wants m ore of where those nutrients came from. go eat more meat lad, listen to you body

Yeah I was vegetarian for 2 years+ but now the meat cravings are getting real bad. These cravings are telling me to have a giant meat dinner tomorrow... Were you an ex-vegetarian?

holy shit they look fucking similar

he wears make up, it's pretty obvious

Brb eating chocolate tastes good man better eat more chocolate for those nutrients

Tofu isn't highly processed, it's literally just bean curd plus a mineral salt to coagulate it (sometimes not even that). Cheese is more processed than tofu.
I've never seen any evidence it's carcinogenic either... care to link or are you just talking shit?

Do you think eating highly processed and carcinoggenic food is exclusive to vegnism, or inherent to it? You need to remember it is a moral commitment, not a diet, and aside from the simple rules of avoiding animal products, allows for a lot of variety in what and how you actually eat. Of course you can eat terribly and be unhealthy as a vegan. Not exclusive to veganism though, nor inherent to it.

>It's s moral commitment and not a diet
THANK YOU based vegan. Can we now ban all vegan threads from Jow Forums?


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>look at the dead eyes and the bags of vitamin deficiency under his eyes

He's been rubbing Minoxidil on his face for years, this is a common side effect. These minox beard fags are going to be in a world of hurt when they hit 30, their collagen has been massively depleted just to grow some temporary fluff which will fall out within 6-12 months after they stop

keep eating the way you were and add meat? congrats you've completed your well rounded diet

IDK that sounds like bullshit to me. I know there's some anecdotes of rogaine causing people to age quicker in the face, but I think it's just
1) normal aging and people coping by claiming it's this drug and not their genetics/lifestyle choices
2) the excipients in minoxidil formulations.

>Each gram of cream-coloured foam contains 50 mg of minoxidil. Nonmedicinal ingredients: butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), stearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, alcohol SD 40B, lactic acid, citric acid anhydrous, glycerol anhydrous, polysorbate 60, propellant Aeropin 70 (propane, butane, isobutane), and purified water.
And the liquid form is alcohol, propylene glycol, and water.

So either way a large part of it is alcohol and you're rubbing that on your face twice a day. If anything that's the factor for alleged aging and not minoxidil itself.

His eyes speak of the pain he feels inside a terribly malnourished body. Veganism is suffering and needless useless pain.