Daily reminder that traveling is out of the question:

Traveling is the ultimate non-Jow Forums lifestyle.
>not being able to sleep in an actual superior white bed, or at times sleep at all for that matter, constantly sleeping in planes, cars or shitty mud huts
>having to eat disgusting, inferior local food, can't eat when you want, can't eat enough, have to eat out like a cuckold
>expensive as fuck because everyone wants to be an "adventurer"; unbeknownst to them travelfags are actually instagram addled millenial cucks running from their own weakness
>most of the time, no gym nearby, or shitty treadmill-and-elliptical gyms in main shitskin cities
>no internet, can't even browse Jow Forums and watch jason blaha vids
>have to pretend to be interested in muh local """culture"""
>have lost a fuckton of strength by the time you get back

real men stay in their cities their whole lives and do & eat the same thing every day non negociable. anything else is just fucking with your recovery.

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I get physically sick from anxiety when I travel so I'm good haha

is that an actual thing?
I'm the opposite, I don't feel anything when traveling except crushing boredom, and anger since I can feel it fucking with my gains and can't do anything about it.
>in b4 "lol do pullups/pushups its not hard bro"
yeah that's useless as fuck. start lifting pls.

>blaha vids
Yeah, want to know how I know you’re a fat bitch?

>implying you can strict press 100kg on any given day no warmup

I was born and raised in an island, and all there revolves around tourism.
I guess it's capitalism that changed holidays to rest to holiday to keep consuming.

I biked 500miles earlier this summer. Took just under two weeks, so muscle degeneration didnt have time to set in. Got into the best cardiovascular shape of my life, lost 3kgs, and met a bunch of nice people.

Connected with nature, but had 4g everywhere i wanted to so could still shitpost. Oh, and didn't upload a single pic anywhere.

Tell me again how that's bad for a cut.

The only reason you think travel sucks is because you're bad at it, and so are the attentionwhores on instagram.


what kind of island? I mean the uk is an island (well mainly) so...
don't know about capitalism but travelfags are just in search of authenticity because they have none, they just latch onto whatever culture they can find and pretend to ""connect"" with it on some deep level, they feel like indiana jones or something just taking a plane and learning 3 native words kek. truly pathetic leftist scum. ironically enough, the people who would have been actual adventurers back when it was a thing don't give a fuck about entertainment travel which is basically escapism. traveling is the equivalent of watching adventure time for 9gaggers with money.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is so fucking funny to me. pls post max DL&OHP before (lol) and after traveling (lolol)
also cutting illustrates to me that you are the ultimate attention whore.
btw endurance sports are bullshit and biking is the most overhyped Jow Forums wannabe normie shit :)

>not staying in 5 star hotels with gyms

This board is truly chadfree.

post body

>hotel gyms
tell me how many "5 star hotels" you've stayed in again?

doesn't matter what I look like, why would I care, am I 14 or something?
point is, I can deadlift 275kg and strict press 100 (maybe a bit more), which I've had to climb my way back up to after getting back from 6 weeks of not lifting due to having had to travel, which strengthened my resolve to never leave my city ever again.

Anyone else spend their holiday time going on meditation retreats instead of meme travelling

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The kind of island of an archipelago... Lanzarote, in Canary Islands.

It's the kind of place where you can only rest, because there is not too much to do, anyway everybody is obsessed with tourism as if the main reason people go there was not good weather in (politically) Europe.

ideal holidays are staying at family house in the mountains alone with dogs, watching tv, eating whatever the fuck I want whenever I want and lift like a madman in secondary homegym.
I don't understand why everybody gets so jumpy on holiday like they have to go out and do stuff they probably don't even wanna do. like chill the fuck down you know you just wanna stay home so do that.

post body you dyel larper

post lifts you dyel larper
also I'm not posting from my phone and I don't feel like going through that whole thing. Body is unremarkable. Still deadlift 275 and C&P 100 which is what matters.

>Body is unremarkable
>Still deadlift 275 and C&P 100 which is what matters

Plenty of places to travel in the US with hotel gyms/ day pass gyms

>still have visible abs which is what matters

I'm a catholic, God made me french, not going to the US to associate with dirty protestant mutts thank you very much.

Quit getting caught in the tourist traps and building your self worth around show muscle you dingus. Build travel plans around activities like backbacking, rockclimbing, skiing, etc.


Then stay in your moms basement user.


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>frog says we're mutts
>country is overrun by Muslim rape gangs

Last month I had to travel for work 2 weeks in a row. Basically two weeks out of the gym, two weeks of barely eating and when I did eat it was mostly trash. Slept horribly, and then when I got home I got sick because of something I probably caught at the airport, which resulted in me being out of the gym for another week.

I know other people that act like traveling for work is exciting and a fun opportunity. It's not. Don't believe them. You're sacrificing your body for your job.

>I don't understand why everybody gets so jumpy on holiday like they have to go out and do stuff

So they can post it online.
And maybe they just have cabin fever. Working 9-5 day in and day out is relentless and 2 day weekends are not enough time to really do anything. Those vacations are basically the only time you've got so you gotta force yourself to do stuff sometimes.

my mom doesn't have a basement, I usually just stay in my apartment since I've been living alone since I was 17.
>building your self worth around show muscle
that's not what this is though.
kek. I don't know what CNN tells you but your culture literally bows down to bbc, using their retarded black twitter lingo, praising everything and anything they do, bending over backwards to give them college spots they don't deserve and make everything about "they ancestors' sufferang". Meanwhile my country has a few arabs (read: CAUCASIANS) that nobody even likes and everybody makes fun of, and where I live (southwest) they're few and far between and know to keep quiet. :)
now say it with me mutt, "god is french"

>been traveling for 2 years straight
>have lived in madrid, rome and currently in paris
>still have made solid gains from 100 push ups, 3 min of planks, and 60 bodyweight squats a day
>language skills through the roof
>foreign pussy

gymcels continue to COPE

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this. traveling is garbage. fucks with your sleep and eating habits, plus sitting down for 10+hours straight is not good.
if you have a choice and you care about your lifts just stay home

>still have made solid gains from 100 push ups, 3 min of planks, and 60 bodyweight squats a day
nice fic you homo
>"language skills though the roof"
>from learning 3 languages that are basically one and the same both gramatically and like 90% of the vocabulary
sure thing

Basé et rougepilulé

t. monolingual copecel gymlet

like most of the world outside of muttania I speak 2+ languages (three in this particular instance, and could probably learn italian in a month like anyone who speaks both french and spanish)
saint barthélémisez la zone

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I travel to first world countries where I can pay for drop in lifting in gyms for maintenance. Of course I only travel to countries where I can speak the language. Of course I'm no monolingual brainlet so this is more than the anglosphere.

do you care more about your lifts or about your memories, building relationships, learning life lessons and stories to tell, gaining new perspectives on different things in life, making friends and meeting new people and developing your personality?

there's muscle memory and you can gain everything back in a blink of an eye, but you can't go back in time to invest time and money more wisely

Not him, and have only recently started deadlifting again so am still a weak bitch compared to my former self but
>went mountaineering twice in three weeks in July
>deadlifted 200kg for reps before
>lost 3kg
>still deadlifted 200kg for the same amount of reps

Dunno about OHP because lordosis means I had to cut it out of my routine, but amount pull-ups I was able to do remained unchanged.

lifts, hands down
don't need to leave my country
>learning life lessons and stories to tell
nothing to do with traveling
>gaining new perspectives on different things in life
doesn't mean anything
>making friends and meeting new people
doesn't have anything to do with traveling, also what's the point
>developing your personality
doesn't mean anything

>gain everything back in a blink of an eye
lol no 6 weeks without deadlifting means at least 3 weeks to a month to get back to where I was

>Of course I'm no monolingual brainlet
is this considered impressive by mutts or something?


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I see what kind on person I'm dealing with here. of course you wouldn't understand what I'm talking about, you don't enjoy lifting and probably do it for some faggy ulterior motive such as girls or health. not surprising.




enjoy "growing as a human being and getting out of your comfort zone" or whatever, you absolute nonsense-brainwashed instafaggot

Usually I'm all for trying to formulate a proper response to any argument given here, but you can't expect me to take you seriously when you basically say "blablablacan'thearyou!"

>>gaining new perspectives on different things in life
>doesn't mean anything
Like this. That's simply saying you refuse to even discuss the point you raised and downright invalidate any other opinion than your own without even considering the merits it may have.

thats almost pure bullshit that people who travel tell among themselves.
I have friend who was hitchhiking almost every day through europe and some other countries.
Yes, he has interesting stories to tell but apart from that, he has nothing, its almost as if he wanted to run from everything every day, endlessly.

Man should build strong foundation and career/ skills to build on.

*every day through europe and some other countries for last 3 years

I can't believe you got this many people to fucking reply to this thread

ok, what does it mean then? for any given thing there is but one perspective to have regarding it - the right one. I know it's cool to spout bullshit that sounds open minded and "woke" but the phrase "gaining new perspective" literally doesn't mean anything, and even if it did, how it's connected to traveling remains to be explained.
like on what, give an example. what is it about getting on a plane and going to a same-but-different place with same-but-different people that could possibly change my mind about any aspect of life? why would it need changing in the first place? what would even be gained?

>endurance sports are bullshit
t. obese """power"""lifter who can't even do a fucking pullup

>thats almost pure bullshit that people who travel tell among themselves.
this, these people are experts at making gramatically valid sentences and phrases that otherwise make no sense, such as "developing your personality" "grow as a person" "getting past your limitations". What the fuck does it even mean, and what does it have to do with tanning on a beach for 10 days or biking through some impoverished 3rd world shithole?

>he doesn't want to go on an 8 hour hike in norway in order to behold a breathtakingly beautiful view
>he thinks that traveling by plane/car is the only way to travel
lmaoing @ non-caravan fags

not a powerlifter, don't squat and don't bench. Also I can probably do 12 or so solid pullups, I don't do them though because I don't see the point and they're boring. I could do way more back when I was a twink like you but I'd rather be heavy and pull 275.

meant to say rv, not caravan
sry for that

>hiking aka low back pain central
>nordic cuck
>caring about beauty like a woman
>wasting valuable calories on useless activities

>i dont do them because i dont see the point
dont you want to have nice lats?
>pullups are dumb and pointless but deadlifts are not

Alright I'll say it with you
>Allah is french

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>t. fatty

You know fat is estrogenic, right?

Traveling is kinda gay. It’s such a pain in the ass and makes me feel awful. I hate planes too

>traveling to poor people countries
There is your problem. Stay in the West, dumbass

I found they didn't help my deadlift or OHP. don't really see the point in having nice lats (or nice anything for that matter) as I'm not trying to impress anybody like a fag.

>pullups are dumb and pointless but deadlifts are not
sort of. pullups are pointless to me because I don't enjoy them and they don't help the lifts I care about. DL is not pointless to me because I like it. also one could probably make an argument that we don't live in trees anymore but still lift and carry objects, effectively making pullups pointless and DLs ((functional)).

yes, and so are milk and beef, everything is estrogenic. estrogen is bad. memes, memes, memes, come back once you start lifting

literally nothing wrong with cardio
>>hiking aka low back pain central
>he get's back pain from fucking hiking
>>nordic cuck
>>caring about beauty like a woman
caring about beauty is not exclusive to women, if you can't appreciate an amazing fucking view then you should just off yourself. like, what the fuck do you even live for if you hate everything that involves running around AND every activity that has pleasing your eyes as a goal
>>wasting valuable calories on useless activities
oh yeah, because your diddlies are oh so important. who needs good cardiovascular health and seeing new things when you can just be an obese pig and lift a heavy bar off the ground while never seeing the world and just sit on your ass in your room amirite?

I'm not talking about food fat you faggot, I'm talking about the fat spilling over your waistband

Can confirm, I travel to third world shitholes for work. There's never a gym worth walking about, so I can never make progress and just piddle about with babby weights when I'm home. While I travel I just skip dinner and do sit-ups and push-ups to keep my bf% low, but I'm certainly not getting stronger.

Think I'mma change to a normal job. Travelling is fun for a year or two, but like everything else, it gets old.

>like, what the fuck do you even live for if you hate everything that involves running around AND every activity that has pleasing your eyes as a goal
deadlifting, watching /tv/, talking shit with senpai and friends, socking normies
>oh yeah, because your diddlies are oh so important. who needs good cardiovascular health and seeing new things when you can just be an obese pig and lift a heavy bar off the ground while never seeing the world and just sit on your ass in your room amirite?
that's exactly what I mean actually, yes. health is a meme, so is looking good and so is "muh seeing the world". I just stay home and do stuff I enjoy while outlifting 99% of Jow Forums

I know what you meant and what I meant was hormones are fucking complicated and afaik there is no one on Jow Forums who has any convincing understanding of them. litterally 100% of the shit you hear on Jow Forums about high test/low test/high est characteristics, factors and causes is broscience

>he lives to deadlift and watch tv
you know what? arguing with you is pointless, it's not like i can convince you to stop being a sad excuse of a human being.
enjoy your amoeba tier life, i guess.

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>for any given thing there is but one perspective to have regarding it - the right one
Incomplete. Have you considered there's many perspectives that are not outright wrong, but utterly incomplete? Then there's those that could be labeled as 'wrong' but even these may contain perfectly valid reasoning or arguments.

The point here is that if you refuse to a priori think your perspective is the right one without considering others, you have an incomplete perspective at best. It might even make sense and still be wrong.

To give a simple and direct example: I drove a motorcycle through much West Africa with a random dude from /trv/ once (google Jow Forums trv archive [random West African country] if you want to verify) and got to meet the man who's basically in charge of the Catholic church in Liberia. From my perspective, all I knew was that there were Catholics in Liberia, which was neither a good or a bad thing. Over the course of a week, he told us what he was doing for the local people, how he survived both civil wars, ebola etc. When I left, I knew he and the Catholic church had had a significant impact on the stability of the country and its social progress. In short, my opinion on the whole matter had changed significantly, and I am now more likely to not outright dismiss the church as a bunch of child rapists, black people as lazy or incompetent, etc, which in turn has led me to adopt small changes in my personal life. And that's just one tiny bit. Overall, that journey has taught me more about self-reliance, having a positive attitude in shitty situations and getting shit done than almost anything at home could've done.

And i normaly get drunk every day at holidays. I know it is so bad for my gainz, but damn, I always enjoy it.

yeah but what's the point of knowing super specific shit like that?
also why do you think you couldn't have acquired this attitude without traveling?

used to enjoy it too but it really fucks with your performance

let's have a laugh, what do you enjoy you normie wretch

Haha retard

You better become a world class athlete

Have fun knowing you literally wasted your life if not

... Oh wait, even world class athletes have down time

what's your reasoning here?
I'm not sacrificing anything for lifting, you understand that, right? I'm just chosing to avoid things that are shit.
It's not like I'm struggling to achieve some goal, I just lift because it's the one thing that's not shit. so it's the only thing I'll ever do. well that and darts.
>world class athlete

First of all, you guys way overestimate how much strength and muscle you lose. You can go two weeks with literally no gym and lose only minimal strength and muscle, and it'll be much better if you do some calisthenics. And it doesn't work if you have to pretend to be interested in the local culture, you have to actually be interested in it. Trust me, it does some good to take a week off from the gym from time to time. I took a week off in upstate NY with some buds, just chilling in the Adirondacks, and it was great. I had loads of fun, it was very relaxing, and I came back having not lost any strength. Trust me, traveling can be good

Traveling is the ultimate non-Jow Forums lifestyle
>Someone in Europe called me fat
>I'm afraid of brown people
>food tastes funny
>That Cambodian turned out to be a boy

The point is that the trip was full of such small experiences, day after day, and when puzzled together this allows you to gain a far more complete perspective on a great deal of subjects, allowing you to make more informed decisions.

And I live in a first world country, which is life on easy mode even if my income is below the official poverty line. Life was simply harder there, which learned me to get shit done.

>>That Cambodian turned out to be a boy
I fail to see how that is non Jow Forums

>people ITT are unironically addicted to lifting
I realized I was addicted to video games when I turned down a vacation to the beach in order to play more world of warcraft.

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im moving to montreal from boston soon

will i be ok

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yeah they literally don't even know what the fuck matters in life
it's like grinding in MMOs but requires more effort and isn't even that enjoyable

the real redpill is travelling 3-5 dats at most in your own country

outside 1 week shall suffice

People here seem to be deluded about what is important. None of them are training for strongman events, 1/3 are training for "strength", 1/3 are training for "aesthetics" and the last third are just trying to lose weight. None of these things suddenly disappear when you take a break for a week.

When I go to Florida in October this year for a week I'm going to be swimming for 5h every day with my shirt off even though I look like shit then eating a fuckload of food at a restaurant for dinner every night because I will be doing nothing that can't be undone in a month.

Reminds me of the Roman who was disgusted by wrestlers and athletes. He was a natural born chad, urged to become a professional wrestler but told he'd need to stick to a strict diet and training regime, but that would have made him a poor soldier, which in contrast would require long periods of going hungry, nights of guard duty, long hours of travel etc.

Not AS much of an issue now with easier travel, supplementation and the fact work is trying to steal your gains anyway.

go to the manlet's gym
>doing and improving at something I enjoy
>doing something shit, boring and useless that'll destroy all my efforts in the one area I enjoy
idk about all that, never played video games
>when you take a break for a week.
6 weeks in my case. still lost time. and strength does drop significantly. I can't stand struggling with a weight that should be easy.

>doing something you enjoy instead of doing something that will objectively be good for you in areas outside of the thing you enjoy
Literally fat logic, broaden your horizons. 6 weeks is almost a justifiable amount of time to buy a membership at a shitty gym and continue to lift if it is really that important to you.

lol are you serious? do you really think if there had been a gym nearby I wouldn't have gone there?

also I don't give a fuck what is "fat logic" and what isn't since I'm not a mentally scarred ex fatty. I just do whatever I enjoy basically yeah.

>Why would I care what I look like

Niggers in prison are able to get swole with virtually nothing. Switch to a weighted calisthenics routine or just live with the fact that you lost a couple weeks of progress in exchange for a valuable life experience. Just wondering, how old are you?

Still havent posted body retard.
Afraid your larp has been outed m8.

no seriously why would I? I've given up on girls, friends, life, and focusing on looking good will only destroy my deadlift.
virtually nothing but a whole fucking gym and smuggled-in roids yeah.
calisthenics are a meme and there is no way to maintain or improve your deadlifting and OHPing with them. also stupid high reps are just that, stupid and yield no strength gains at all.
listen here you fucking faggot. you can sit here all night and frantically spam "post body" but the fact is as soon as I get back to my based homegym I will strict press over 2pl8 and deadlift 275kg, and that is all that matters, and you know it.

How old are you? There's nothing wrong with being a teenager, but I had the same mindset toward the things I wanted at that age.

I would much rather have raided with my world of warcraft guild than gone on vacation with my family and I regret that decision just like I imagine you will regret your choice to not do anything in your life except for pick stuff up ever again.

Can I ask you a question? Do you plan on competing in strongman? Is this a career path for you? If it isn't maybe you should re-evaluate your goals.

im american prison you can buy whey protein at the prison store.. pretty much every where except supermax

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Or you have an executive membership at Equinox and have worldwide access in Places That Matter.

And it is a massive waste of money in prison. Those poor sacks use salt as makeshift creatine.