/SIG/ - Self Improvement General

You Can Do It Edition

Welcome to Greatness.
Let's start the process, and let's thrive.

- Sticky, feel free to contribute: 4chanfit.wikia.com/wiki//sig/_sticky

- Another great guide covering lots of fields, including the Spirit, the Body, the Mind, the Social Being, Money/work/Jobs, and General Skills
Anons are working on a new version of this guide, any suggestions/help is more than welcome :

> We don't want it to turn into a 'roll thread' only, so you have to make an actual useful comment with your roll, either on someone else's post or at least by answering the OP questions.

> Rather than rolling in this thread, you can find a random number generator just right there: mathgoodies.com/calculators/random_no_custom

Last : > What sort of self improvement challenges get you going? What fuels you?
> What sort of music have you been listening to?
> How is your diet?
> Tell us about one or more awesome things you have done lately.

You GOT THIS lads ! You can BE ANYTHING ! We're ALL gonna MAKE IT !

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Other urls found in this thread:


Started learning to code a couple weeks ago, gonna try and get to the point where I can make a neat game before the end of 2019

>moved on from a toxic relationship
>succesfully ignored all her attempts to contact me
>hitting the gym every day now
>hanging more with my bros
>spending more time with family
>making my own food
>dropped vydia and porn addiction
>reading actual books after many years away as a new hobby
Overall I feel good, its just the moments where my mind is not busy with the things above that all the pain/rage/frustration comes back (my rest days in particular have been hell), I just want to keep my mind under my control all the time and actually relax

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That's a hobby bruv. please reconsider.

I come to /fit mostly because of SIG threads, I love to hear self-improvement tips from my fellow fitizens. It is quite rare to see long posts here these days, and since I always value those so much I decided to write a post of my own.

Body & Health
>darebee.com/ has been a great help for me. I dont do gym year around, but I want to do some excercise every day. Doing the workout of the day, daily dare and monthly challenges helps me keep in shape when I dont have the motivation for gym
>Getting bored of going to the gym? Take a break and try swimming (my personal favorite), running, rock climbing, football, whatever you like or always wanted to try. Return to the gym after a while and try a different routine/gym.
>Stretching, yoga, martial arts (or just self-defense videos from youtube) are important. I personally love just air-boxing while listening to my favorite tracks until I've worked up a heavy sweat. Also helps to control my aggression. Even better if you have a punching bag
>Eating is important (everybody surely knows this). Eat a banana every morning, reduce the sugar and processed foods. I've found intermittent fasting works for me (this is good info on the matter goodreads.com/book/show/7529642-eat-stop-eat). Also great because sometimes I'm very lazy to cook
>Going somewhere close? walk. Invest in a good bike
>Take care of your skin & hair. Use a sunscreen, a cleanser and a moisturizer suited for your skin type (find out your skin type). I like to do a clay mask once a week, makes me feel great. Good informative video by a hot math professor youtube.com/watch?v=X61DJTWjVX0
>Sexual health is important as well, try to stay away from porn and excessive masturbation (I used to have real difficulties to orgasm with a real girl because of heavy porn use and always fapping with a tight grip, took a lot of practice to overcome that issue)


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>goodreads.com/ start tracking what books you read, and always rate and save the book afterwards here. Also a great tool to find books suited for your taste
>noisli.com/ I like to use this when I work/read, lots of calming background sounds
>unplugthetv.com/ start watching 1 video from here every day, its nice to widen your knowledge
>duolingo.com/ Everybody also recommends to start learning a new language, and this website is the most popular one. Pick a language and do the homeworks every day, doesn't take much of your time and you gradually see if you find a certain language interesting. I've tried over 10 languages here. Start watching series with the subtitles set in the language you want to learn, listen to music/radio/podcasts in that language, gradually improve your learning curve
>Interested in something? Start researching that subject and get a notebook for notes and to track your progress. Having a real physical notebook helps me stay motivated and I like calliography/drawing so I can include that in my notes
>Watch the news every day from a wide range of sources, fake news and stuff is real


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>Read a lot, this is obvious and everyone recommends this. I've been reading regularly for over 10 years, and some of my personal favorites so far are:
the Lord of the Rings (maybe my favorite of all time)
the Dune (best scifi I've read)
Scar Tissue (Biography of Anthony Kiedis)
The Stand (Stephen King, the battle between good and evil)
American Psycho (very fucked up but I like this kind of things)
How to Win Friends and Influence People (a very generic recommendation, but as a person who has read tons of self-help books, this was still the number one)
All Quiet on the Western Front (I love war history, and this book is a masterpiece), Flowers for Algernon (an idiot goes to a experiment that turns him into a genius, this book made me cry)
The Vegetarian (a very strange book, try reading one chapter, one of the most captivating books I've read)
I, Claudius (I love Ancient Rome)
Catching the Wolf of Wall Street (this book was so much fun)
all books by Conn Iggulden (historical fiction, one series based on the mongol empire, one on Julius Ceasar and one on the War of the Roses) and Dan Brown (I just love the religious history of these books)

Okay these are just some of the things that came into my mind, sorry for weird structure. I could honestly write a much longer post including more topics, but I'm not sure if it would be interesting. Anyways, hopefully somebody finds this helpful. Keep improving my friends...we can all make it


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How did you overcome the tight grip and porn use thing?

> What sort of self improvement challenges get you going? What fuels you?
Probably knowing that no matter hiw well I do I can always do and be better.
> What sort of music have you been listening to?
Mostly christian praise and worship like bethel music or jesus culture. Grew up listening to a lot of metalcore though, so I still go back to that pretty often.
> How is your diet?
Cut off refined sugar and have been doing intermittent fasting/OMAD for the last couple months with few exceptions on weekends for social reasons.
> Tell us about one or more awesome things you have done lately.
Performed at festival with over 10k attendees last month

Pic related:
>tfw still too autistic to make physical contact with girls even after second date.
What do?

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>Alia’s morning toilets

>What do?

Holy shit user, this girl is into you. Literally netflix and chill, snuggle up on the couch and make out or something. Though it sounds like she wants a straight answer from you, so here, if you do like this chick, just say something like "fuck yeah I like you, lets totally go tomorrow" then at whatever event you're at, if it's a concert or something hold her hand or shoulder during the music, or have her sit on your back/shoulders to get a better view. Then maybe make out in the car or if you go back to one of your places. If you go back, just literally say "lets put on a movie or something" then cuddle up on the couch and maybe make out. You got this user, it's just butterflies, everyone gets em.

What about social/relationships/friends? I feel like I get so caught up in self improvement that I isolate myself

> What sort of self improvement challenges get you going?
Helping out the community gives me a sort of purpose in life that I felt I didn't have before. It really helps keep my depression at bay. Currently fostering a kitten for my local animal shelter that was sick and thin when I first got him, honestly was worried he wouldn't make it for a bit. Now he's an active little shit. Feelsgoodman. At this point I'm just gut loading him so he'll be big enough for adoption
> What sort of music have you been listening to?
I have like an hour+ drive to college so I've been listening to classical music. I heard that classical music and symphonies triggers more activity in the brain. Even if that's not the case, its a lot better than the nigger pop I was listening to before.
> How is your diet?
Probably pretty awful, I actually need to work on it. I just count calories. I have coffee in the morning, I bring a few granola bars to school since I'm gone from 9am-4pm, and when I get home I usually have something that's mostly or all meat. Last night I just had left over chicken wings
> Tell us about one or more awesome things you have done lately.
I am all set for college, finally going into something I'm actually interested in. Hopefully that will make things easier. I know it won't lead to the highest paying job, but it will be a job that I would thoroughly enjoy (I worked in the field before, just with a glass ceiling because I have no degree)

Thoughts on diary keeping? Just like a paragraph a day

Daily reminder to BE SOCIAL. I'm back in a social setting every day due to getting my shit together and holy shit, social interaction with girls boosts test like crazy - don't think of flirting or fucking or anything, just normally talking to girls is enough.

Very advised. I got a journal on my computer that I update semi-regularly and reading through past entries really gets my head straight when I feel like a failure. Being able to track your progression is really big, especially if you're the type to put a lot of pressure on yourself.
>thought I was being useless and weak
>read entries from half a year ago and realised how far I've come
>suddenly get the right mindset back

I like it because I just like writing in general. But I think it's also very helpful for people who are easily discouraged or give up over small things. I keep a journal where I write down all the shit I got done today, and even if it seems like I didn't get a lot done I can still find something small to write down even if it's basic hygiene. And if there's something bad that happened that day, I only write it down in a constructive manner. It helped me get through a few bouts of sadness. I would definitely recommend it.

Lads I need some advice. I'm currently distancing myself from my immediate family (Parents, Siblings). We don't have a bad relationship per se, it's just that I don't get anything out of it. I live 9000 miles away from them, and for the most part our weekly skype/phone calls are meaningless conversation. "How are you doing? Are you eating well? How's the weather?". The thing is, the relationship is cordial enough, but every once in a while they'll come visit, and I'll put them up and they'll add stress into my life disrupting my routine and rituals and all that.

Recently, I've been thinking that if they weren't family, I would not have kept in touch with them i.e. I don't respect them particularly. I have little in common with them in terms of shared beliefs and values, and I don't enjoy their company. If they were not related to me by blood, I would not have kept their acquaintance. And so I thought to distance myself. Currently the only thing stopping is this sense of guilt. This idea that my parents invested time and resources into me and that I should pay it back. My family also has emotions invested in me and it would hurt them to be distanced from me. But, I'm not sure if that's a sufficient reason to chain myself to this relationship.

It sounds very selfish what I'm writing, and I wouldn't have thought even months ago that I could think this, but I really am just tired of pretending to care about my family.

How do you talk to women without being an autist?

how the fuck do I Jow Forums in lifting during my hectic school schedule?

Imma assume you mean "while being an autist";
once you've implemented nofap and noporn for at least a week or two, learn how normal conversational patterns work - ask them how their weekend was, what they're up to, whatever, and fake some interest. Just by listening you can get really far with most girls, wether on a social level or if you wanna bang.
It's a snowball thing - the more you do it the better you get at it.

Learn time management and stop fucking around on the internet.

>if they weren't family, I would not have kept in touch with them
No shit. I have nothing in common with my brothers besides that we're all related, but I still hit them up occasionally. You keep up with your family out of selflessness, so they don't worry and to give them a person to go to if they ever need it. They are the only family you have. Most people don't have much in common with their families besides history, but they keep in touch as to not put undue stress on them about if you'r ok and shit. Unless they are truly toxic or they are addicts that try to swindle you out of money or something, you should keep in touch with them. You can cut contact with them if you like, it's your life. But I'm not going to lie to you and tell you there's no reason to feel guilty about it.

I feel you man, I'm in a similar situation. I am moving home in 4 months, but I lived like this for 5 years, upholding all family and friend relationships via facebook and skype.

I mean most relationships after a while are like that, about those meaningless questions, you are just inquiring how the other peeps are doing.

My advice: Just limit the times you skype to once per 2 weeks or once per month, just tell them you cannot come more often because of XYZ.
I don't think you should abandon them or not let them visit you, they are family after all, and as you said they are emotionally invested. Why not try to get to know them from another perspective, try to actually befriend them? That worked for me.

I urge you not to distance yourself from them, you will hurt people who truly love you, and you will hurt yourself in the long run.

This, too.

if you are somewhat of an autist (you probably are because you are browsing Jow Forums) then you should include socializing in your self improvement routine. Unless you don't care about human interaction and will never marry.

You should call you mom every sunday, mine had to move away i know she misses her kids and definatley gets lonely. :(

I'd do it for her, not you.

>How do you talk to women without being an autist?
what said is okay. At first, you have to be realistic: if you have been an autist all your life with almost 0 social interaction, it will take you some time to get a gf or fuck a random woman. But you need to start by reducing the anxiety it causes you to talk to them by just talking simple things, listening, asking questions. Then you will start to understand how normal social interactions work, and you will be able to make small talk without anxiety, or at least 80% less than usual. The more you practice, the less anxiety you'll get and you will even start to enjoy it and seek social interaction.

This is coming from a former 100% social sperg who couldn't even talk loudly or eat in front of people because of anxiety.

Does anybody know how that chewing gum that's hard to chew to have face gains is called? I want to replace my typical chewing gum that's filled with onions extracts and is just shit to chew.

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I fucking forgot the moderation is so cuckolded that it had to filter onions, holy fuck

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z0y 5oy 50y

It's called mastic gum. I'm not sure what to buy in relation to it myself though, as it appears there is a health supplement in pill form of the same name.

Start calling it programming or you're never going to make it. Also I hope you're not looking to get a career in game making because you'll be overworked and underpaid. You should also be aware that making games is less about programming and more about working with an existing framework. If you're thinking about starting from the ground up to do anything serious I'd advise you to reconsider.

I might ask this in other threads so if you see it repeated im not a bot, just need some opinions.

So I wanted to get big gains this summer, and programmed a routine of 6-7days a week for the whole 2 months, because i have a Powerlifting meet in september.
Now the problem is that while i made some gains, they get interrupted because im getting calls of going to party and drink or just go and play DnD. And because of my situation, i need to travel to that place and lose 1-2 days of training. On top of that, Im a neet at the moment with limited bux, so i need to carefully choose what I spend the money on.

So my question is, are the social gains worth it? should i cocoon mode and make gains? or spend time and booze with everyone i can because YOLO?

What is with these autists dissuading anyone from game development as a hobby? I've seen it multiple times where an user casually mentions they enjoy amateur game dev and someone replies to them with ACKSHUALLY ITS A SHIT INDUSTRY AND YOU'LL NEVER MAKE ANY MONEY AND MAKING TRIPLE A RPGS IS HARD.
For all you know this guy is planning on making a cute little point and click adventure or a simple mobile game, which is a great way to gain experience and totally viable as a side hustle if you get good enough. You can remind people to be realistic without assuming they have delusions of grandeur.

If it's impeding on your personal goals I'd say you can cut down on the social gains. Is there any need to spend more than 2 days a week drinking and having fun? Why not just keep it to weekends or something?

well its just the weekends.. but i personally feel thats too much. I rather go out once a month or alternating one week on and off

Getting back into things but with a real focus on nutrition this time. Chicken and veggies/salad every lunch and dinner during the week. Question though: is pan frying a chicken breast in olive oil a bad idea? I know that it's more calorific but overall does it make it utterly pointless if you aren't baking your chicken?

Olive oil is fine, it's a relatively healthy fat, just a tiny dab will be fine enough to pan fry the chicken.

>the virgin chewing gum vs the chad ball gag


I teach undergraduate CS classes and they're always filled with people saying they want to make videogames that never make it past sophomore year so pardon me if I'm short on patience with them. From my experience the kindest thing you can do is shatter people's delusions of grandeur before they're 30k in debt. But regardless I encourage everyone to learn programming and making your own games is a fine hobby.

I think he just means he wants to make a simple little game as a proof of concept, nowhere in there was aiming for game dev implied.

What seems to be the barrier preventing people from pursuing these game dev dreams, besides lack of drive? What area of study is keeping them away? Is it something to do with the actual programming, or is there more to it, such as video games needing some artistic knowledge or skill to develop?

>wanna be social
>live really fucking far away from my college so the ones I meet are usually only during college time
>the girls I try to talk to hardly ever respond because their whatsapp or instagram is filled with 100+ messages
What do

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I don't know about siblings. But the relationship with parents is inherently asymmetrical.

Just imagine this: you have no idea what happened in your first years of your life. But your parents were there all the time, especially your mother. They saw your growth, they taught you lots of things and probably read books to you. They might know things about you that you aren't really conscious about or don't even think that someone might know.

You will probably never love them the way they love you. They can still see a little bit of that sweet, not necessarily innocent child that you once were. On the other side, the respect you had them throughout the years might have diminished, simply because they are human and do not have answers for everything. When you were a child they had answers for everything.

It is okay to feel. It is natural to feel this way if the relationship is falling apart and getting artificial. However, I am sure you have a lot more in common with them than you probably know. After all, these values and beliefs had to come from somewhere - and probably a fair bit of them came from your parents. The problem is that meaningless questions don't really help to connect and our parents can be socially retarded as well.

For me the key to connecting back with my parents - especially my mother - was to ask questions about her activities, her hobbies and motivations. I know my mother loves gardening, so I ask her questions about that and try to incorporate her knowledge in my life (having plants in your room is beneficial for your health, especially if you live in a city). Fuck the weather and ask her what does she think about your problems. I'm sure both of you will be better off.

>ask someone how their weekend is
>they tell me

ok what do I ask after that. i feel like if i ask the wrong questions, they'll be either make me look dumb/autistic or be too prying. how to gauge?

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Talk to them irl and you've already beaten all 100 of those messagers

Pop two of these into your mouth and drink water when they get soft. Chew all day and you will be moderately sore

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If they're not boring cunts they will probably say something that you can discuss further

games aren't that hard, find a decent library/framework and you can get some nice simple 2d games up and running really quickly

i'm a total brainlet and I made some neat stuff in pygame

ok, then. how to bring a boring person out of their shell? I assume to be socially adept you have to do more legwork than the other person anyway

You'll have to be talking way more than them. I'm quiet myself and had to deal with other quiet people. Its just me talking about nothing in a desperate attempt to get them to pitch in on the subject

For the vast majority of people I think it's just effort. They don't realize how much work it is to get a computer to do literally anything until they start programming. Most of the people who want to make videogames and pass the introductory programming classes just seem to grow out of it or realize that they can make 3x the money with 1/3rd the workload doing something easy like webdev.

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How do I into meditation and/or mindfullness? Preferably without useless pseudoscience selfhelp books.

For mindfulness advice just listen to Alan Watts lectures on youtube.

What does SIG think of daily mass?
I'm going to start going to catholic mass Monday Wednesday Friday Sunday (those are the days my church has mass when I'm not at work)
Any thoughts? I am very religious, but I haven't been the best about getting to mass this past year. I'm hoping I can build a better routine

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Finally gone to a dietician my company hired last week, lost around 10 kg since then. I'm just waiting for our busy season to end so I can go to gym too. Maybe I can make it this time.

I too am Catholic, but for me, it's less about going to church to listen, but rather just time alone to think and sort of meditate. If it's a religious thing for you, then go and make peace with your mind. If not, try meditating at home and giving yourself that one hour of mass + travel to just think

this is gold

coming out of a video game addiction, and trying to figure out a regiment for my life to achieve all of my goals, hopefully I can go full commando with this

If I can fully regiment my life this one time and get a 4.0 for the semester, it'll boost my morale enough to be able to compete with the greatest and achieve everything I have set out to achieve.

Why do I do this? To be the man my father wanted me to be

When will I start this? As soon as humanly possible honestly school starts next week and I have already started abstaining

How will I do this:
practice guitar
watch my diet
Have a proper sleeping schedule (wake up same time everyday)
Mediate 20 mins everyday to embody the chad

What hobbies do you guys recommend? I am interested in cars, guns, church, history, lifting, etc. I am also into the outdoors, and would like to go camping, hunting, etc. but have no one to go with. The first part is finding the hobby, the second part of the question is where do I meet people who share my interests? How do I make new friends? University starts in 1 week although I am not going away to college I want to get involved in more stuff. How do I find people and activities, get involved, and make new friends? Btw I am typically an introvert, although I almost ride the line between introvert and extrovert. I was also hoping for hobbies/activities that compliment lifting besides reading. Its more than just /out/doors stuff, I want to meet new friends and find something I enjoy.


Anyone here into Real Estate? Looking to learn more about it.

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>dead end job, dead end relationship
>no motivation, horrible chronic sleep deprivation
>no will power, turn into a weak skeleton, not even hungry
>"user I'm not ready to be together forever"
>She fucks some rando that night
>Attempt to feel some joy with hollow sex, gaming, and alcohol.
>consider suicide because I'm just too tired

>New career, fulfilling, gained 35 pounds lifting
>Motivated as fuck
>finishing school
>Female coworkers mirin on the daily
>soul-quenching levels of sleep
>Banging 7-8s at my leisure

Thanks for reading my blog post. Sleep is life.

>What hobbies do you guys recommend?
One that makes you go outdoors
One that keeps you physically active (most sports, obviously lifting, cycling)
One that gives practical knowledge and skills (carpentry, cars etc)
One that stimulates your noggin (chess, reading, debating)
One that keeps you social unless your other hobbies includes that
Last one isn't really a hobby but git gud when it comes to personal finance - investing in stocks, budgeting your life properly, learning how to save and manage money.

Holy crackers, another fellow Catholic.
I'm unable to go to Mass everyday, although I will go once a week and on holy days. I probably wouldn't prefer it though, Novus Ordo is the only thing practiced for as far as the eye can see in my hometown. That, and I don't want to disgrace the Eucharist with my presence that often.

Pretty basic stuff that won't actually amount to anything. "exercise, be a student, have a hobby," What you need is entirely shift your world model and perception of reality if you are still thinking that small time.

For example instead of STUDY think of it as work, work means action, always work towards something. A fruit of your labor. Cultivation. Apply this to everything in life. Why are you practicing guitar? What good will learning guitar really do for you? Are you planning on writing your own music?

What is it you are studying? If it is math or engineering start learning LaTeX and write up all assignments in LaTeX. Then using multiple programming languages and algebra systems (R, MathCAD, etc) solve the problems and explore the concepts creatively. Start using Excel for everything. Even if you aren't going to use these exact programs in whatever field you are going into you will learn much more than your classmates.

If you are studying some non-STEM bullshit I have no advice for you. Maybe do alot of drugs and alcohol and prepare for your life as a barista.

Do you happen to have a text version of this so I can send this to my Kindle to read it at my leasure? Reading longass posts on the PC Screen is really rough for me. I know this is a long shot.

Different user
>studying some non-STEM bullshit
What's your point there?

Some anons have been hard pushing STEM stuff.
Guess the backlash against colleges and how useless they are and how STEM degrees are basically useless because they get slaves from over seas who'll do the work for nickles and women who honestly don't want to do STEM are being forced into the field by creepy middleaged whores and virtue signaling fuckwads is getting to them.
So everyone has

Did anyone ever end up doing this?

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This weekend I was at my cousins wedding and got real drunk with an 8/10 qt and made out a load, her brother pulled me to one side and told me she had a boy friend and I told him that wasn't my problem, it's the most Chad thing I've ever done, I really think I'm gonna make it boys

K, so what? If a degree is so useless, go ahead and work without it. If someone cannot get a job they studied for, that's only up to them to adapt and re-focus. No one owes students anything.

It isn't about the degree and jobs all degrees are a meme today. that user said he was in school if he is in school for easy shit he needs to fix that as part of his SIG journey.

If it isn't a clear career oriented major then its some bullshit academic user doesn't have the aptitude to succeed in and is studying it for god knows why.

>What self improvement challenges get you going? What fuels you?

Right now all I really care about is getting out of debt. Anything else is secondary.

>What sort of music have you been listening to?

Been working my way through the Deafheaven discography the last couple of days.

>How is your diet?

Kinda crappy to be honest. I was doing IF for awhile, but I don't know what to do actual eating wise that would be sustainable and realistic. I am trying to eat out less though.

Nothing too earthshatteringly awesome happened lately. Kinda on the tail end of a down period (August has been kinda crappy), but I'm starting to come back. Finished reading the first part of The 7 Habits of Effective People and it has given me a lot to think about.

i appreciate the concern, I am premed, and just finished the mcat, I'm biochem major, which is one of the hardest at my university, I have a friend who got a 4.0 and I wanna get one too, since I will need to be good at studying since I'm going to medschool shoon

Guitar and gym for the same two reasons I always have, to be the greatest version of myself AND to get laid

I love the stimmed up caffeine feeling and training but I am realizing how much training at night and drinking coffee is fucking over my sleep... I am now trying to calculate a good time to stop drinking coffee and still feel stimmed up early before I train. Is there any other over the counter stim with a shorter half life than caffeine? If I set a rule to stop drinking caffeine at say noon an still train when I do at 7 I won't be getting much stimmed effect.

>been lifting for a few weeks
>100 pound squats on smith machine, normal squat form and feet forward to work glutes, 3x10 for each
>3x10 hip thrusts, 45x45 on a bar
>1600-1800 calories/day
>~93g protein
Am I gonna get a booty like pic related this way?

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How do i improve my sleep schedule

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I don't my friend, I'm sorry

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Will no fap help me fix having to piss constantly 24/7? been having the constant urge to piss everyday for a few years and no idea what causes it. It's not caused by an std due to me being a khv.
It effects my sleep and makes me really depressed, but I want to self improve myself.

Might just be something about your physiology mate. I don't know what NoFap will do for your pissing dilemma, but semen retention has done nothing but good to me

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You are lucky to have a family who cares enough to call. Some don’t . When your life goes to shit, and it will, they will pick you up. Love them and give more than you take.

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As the other user said I believe you're thinking of Mastic Gum.
Here's the Amazon for it, as for the facial gains... I've only heard anecdotal shit.

How do I stop being so tired at my job?
I do most of this stuff already (thank religious military occasional beatings dad), but here I am in a firm doing shit I don't care about even when I try to. Here I am, making more money than I spend (and more again for my bosses), but for what?
I volunteered recently at a science festival; the entertaining of kids was awesome and, for the first time in a long time, I felt incredibly fulfilled. Their laughs at my silly fly-head jokes, their amazement at what we consider pub tricks, their earnest and honest curiosity not tainted by a miasma of bleak, melancholic resignation that 'this is it'.
I slept so soundly that night.
I have to get out bros, I need to change but I'm a fucking coward and the poisoned chalice that is my income/comfort=complacency=contempt.
I'm tired of the office realpolotik, no one is genuine, no one really cares, we just float around each other like marionettes trying to avoid our strings getting cut.
Fuck lads I'm about to cry just typing this, I'm so miserable and yet I'm so much better off than most people I know, globally I'm (relatively) elite so I should be grateful, thankful, this is what being a BSD is about right? This material shit impermanence.
I'm trapped in my own mind, a prison of my own design, and I can't get out.
Help me

Well its perfectly fine to have to pee daily, especially if you're getting appropriate amounts of fluid. However it could caused by things such as drinking only Tea/Coffe or eating copious amounts of black pepper. All of which are diuretic which just means they help make ya piss. Also anecdotal evidence but every time I jerk it I need to piss like a race horse, so I assume cutting down on playin' the skin flute might help in that regard if not improving other areas of your life.

Sounds like you want to be a teacher.
You should walk away from the job that is killing you, it's going to be hard but I believe in you.

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Well shit user calm down you got fat stacks that'll opens up so many doors fer ya. You sound like you're straight outta Office Space, maybe look into doing volunteer work(at whatever you're interested in) when you can. If you can make it into paid position you love then do that instead. If none of that works pick up meditation, oil painting, learning a new language, anything productive to take your mind off that petty corporate shit.
Maybe try joining a Fraternity, the Freemasons do great amount of charity work within a framework of Religious brotherhood. Or Rotary International if you want more of a business angle.

Sounds like a monologue from a mid-90s drama film... well done user

Turn off any computer screens/electronics 1 hour before going to bed. Read a book for 30 minutes to an hour before turning off the lights. I think one user said he takes Melatonin Gummies to help fall asleep faster. As for fixing the schedule, just slowly keep waking up earlier and falling asleep earlier if you can. Set alarms. If all else fails, go camping for 3-7 days to reset your circadian clock/rhythm.

I read somewhere that it effects your prostate so I though it could be related
What I mean is I have to piss probably more than 20 times a day/every 30 minutes. I don't really ever drink tea, cofee, or use excessive amounts of pepper if any at all.

>I'm a fucking coward and the poisoned chalice that is my income/comfort=complacency=contempt.
>we just float around each other like marionettes
>I'm trapped in my own mind, a prison of my own design, and I can't get out.
the one that got me
>tainted by a miasma of bleak, melancholic resignation that 'this is it'.
shit dude, are you sure you shouldn't have been an english or drama teacher or something?

Glad things are working out for you user, keep it up.

I have to return some video tapes

>Mess up an innocent dude and a chicks love life because you were horny and drunk.

That's not Chad, Chad would drive her home to her bf if she was too drunk and not give a fuck because chad doesn't mess with people's ;lives, he makes them better. What you did was straight up virgin. What if you were that dude? WOuld you want some shmuck mackin on your girl because he got too drunk and horny. Reconsider your motivations in life man.

>Doing any of that
Nah nigga that's just being a twat. It's pretty shallow as hell too.

If his "girlfriend" did that in the first place there was no actual love in their relationship. A sincere partner does not cheat regardless of circumstances. Period. There is no arguing this.

>Entered skinnyfat mode
>Some lifts are weak
>Don't know wether to cut or to keep bulking into winter
>Feel like my arms aren't big enough and my pecs are bretty bad

I'm 5'8, 185, and probably pushing 20% BF
Tried a cut when I was 195 and defo 25% BF

I don't know weather to cut or bulk, I don't feel big enough and I'd like to keep bulking but I'm not sure if I'm about to do something fucked

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Cut to 10%. Really, cut to like 155. It's a much better hormonal base to build from. Plus, you'll actually see progress easily with growth.

>Plus, you'll actually see progress easily with growth.

Am I reading that wrong or are you saying you can grow and cut?

I'm told I have to keep my protein intake and eat less at the same time to preserve muscle as I lose weight.

Go ahead and slam me senpais but pic related.

Just know I wanna fix this mad shit

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Idk man, I had a gf that loved me a lot, and she cheated on me and just about every guy she was ever with, I just loved another girl more than her (though I never cheated, unless you count hanging out secretly with the other girl while dating the former) and we broke up because I still loved the other girl. Some girls are just promiscuous, like some dudes. It;s not necessarily bad, they should just warn the people they date that they tend to sleep around, would save a lot of heartbreak. Or just stay single and swinging until they can learn to calm down.