I started getting bad highs and high-induced panic attacks about a month ago...

I started getting bad highs and high-induced panic attacks about a month ago, and instead of slowing down I ended up smoking more and more. Finally, I had a really bad panic attack and decided to stop for a little while.

It's been a week so far and I feel really weird. I wake up really tired and groggy despite getting a full nights sleep, I feel on edge all day, and my anxiety is actually worse than while I was smoking.

I've read this is normal, I smoked heavily every day for the better part of 10 years or something, so it's likely that I would experience withdrawal symptoms - the most common apparently are tiredness and anxiety.

Any tips on getting through this, or any general advice for quitting/speeding up the withdrawal process? I really just want to get back to my clean, confident mentality and not deal with random panic attacks standing in my way.

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Cardio and water.
Tune everyone out til you're done withdrawing

>inb4 pol “hurrrr weed is degenerate”

You fucked up user as I’m sure you now know. Just because it’s a safer drug doesn’t make it harmless.

Instead of trying to make it say a week or month without smoking, just tell yourself every day that you will not smoke today. All you have to do is not smoke today. And then do it again. And again.

It’s all mental there’s nothing wrong with you.

Weed withdrawals are piss easy, even after 10 years.

Stop watching porn. It stops after.

find some new activity (preferably active) that requires your focus, so you can go right to it when sober instead of thinking about how bored you are

Fucking moron. This is why weed is illegal. It destroys your mind


Weed lowers test and makes you 'gay'. That's all the motivation I needed to quit after years of smoking in college. Was also killing my social skills and made dieting impossible.

Yeah, just go to gym the next morning after smoking.any urge goes away cause getting a shitty high with dat tolerance seems then crap. And after 2 weeks you can meet up with your friends and smoke again some ganja and get that sweet high

Go back to pol right wing idiot

>Weed lowers test
That's a myth.

meditate , guided meditation is a great way to learn.

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That's what happens when you use a drug every god damn day, learn some moderation


This, people underestimate the mental game.

cardio water and sauna

It's pretty well documented that some people experience bad withdrawals while others experience nothing. In my case, I'm unfortunately experiencing some weird symptoms that I'm not used to and it is having a poor effect on my life.

I agree with you. I started out pretty casual but I work from home so it was really easy to incorporate it into my every day routine. Getting higher and higher each day. I wanted to stop when I started getting bad highs and low-level panic attacks, but I kept going like an idiot and actually increased my consumption during that time, which led to a really bad freak out last week that cemented the idea into my head that I need to quit (or at least take an extended break).

I actually have no desire to smoke now, but the anxiety is really killing me. I feel like I am in a high alert state since I've quit, I wake up feeling on edge and it doesn't subside throughout the whole day. It seems most people who experience this say it goes away after 2 weeks, so that's doable.

Thanks. I live in a pretty hot climate so I'm going to go outside and run every day to work up a really tremendous sweat. I hope it accelerates the withdrawal symptoms and helps my body "detox" faster.

Gallon of Water a day is standard hydration even when not recovering

I remember when I quit weed for a drug test a few months ago I started getting some crazy fucking dreams. Shit was craY

Does he still do videos?

smoked heavily every day for a year, also started getting terrible panic attacks while high on weed and the heartburn was killer, decided to quit last december for a while to get my head on straight again.

Got really bad anxiety (always feeling like something bad was going to happen), couldn't sleep, developed stomach problems (turns out your body produces a little bit of cannabinoids for digestion, and similar to steroids when you're smoking heavily your body stops producing its own, thus fucking up your digestion for a little while), after about a month the anxiety and shit sleep stopped, and 3-4 months later the digestion issues cleared up and I feel totally fine now.

What got me through was reminding myself that if I started smoking again all of this would come back, and measuring my progress every day (how I felt, how I knew I'd feel better in a few days/weeks)

Weed just isn’t for everyone, man. I benefitted a lot from smoking. It really helped me a lot with motivation and anxiety/depression, as well as increasing my endurance during lifting/cardio. It also helped me a lot with appetite during times when I was having trouble stuffing food down to gain weight. Even with all those benefits, I quit smoking almost 3 weeks ago, and I feel perfectly fine. Literally no withdrawal symptoms (it’s not physically addicting anyway), and my mood is the same if not slightly better because my memory has improved. The best thing for me has been fasting for prolonged periods (see snake juice fast) in order to rid myself of addictions including food and caffeine addictions. Remember that, like any drug, discontinuing use after a long period is going to be a daunting and arduous process, but you will always benefit from being sober in the end.

Weed doesn’t lower test for longer than the duration of the effects, shitdick. Also weed made me more social, increased my sexual attraction towards women, and made me last longer in bed. You just have no social skills in the first place, incel.
THIS. You will start having fucking wild dreams every night, and if you wake up during your sleep when you fall asleep again it will be a completely different crazy dream.

Look at this low-test homo.

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I smoked a gram a day for 10 years straight, didn't even know what reality was like without it and I was sick of not getting better jobs because drug tests so I quit back in February
The first two weeks my sleep and appetite sucked but it went away and my head cleared up and I started making better decisions and had more energy and hardly any anxiety
I smoked at a party a couple months ago and I realized how foggy it makes you, I couldn't even remember certain words and had a stupid awkward grin on my face and had trouble socializing
I was always an advocate for it and didn't want to believe there's anything wrong with it but the truth is it's not worth it at all long term
Honestly if I can quit anyone here can and you won't regret it

Sounds like you have very shitty weed
I used to get like that, and then I found much better quality.
I actually feel the most calm and chill I’ve felt in years. My old guy was giving me that shit Mexican cartel trash. Now good ole American northwest greens all I get. And man. What a difference.

But quit dude. If you feel you don’t mentally need it and start to establish some sense of equilibrium again, awesome. Good luck

>addicted to stimulants and smoked weed all the time
>life was one constant panic attack
>quit both
>feel so much better now, realize I needed neither

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Sweet, good to know it doesn't last too long. I'm in the same boat as far as motivation - I really have no desire to smoke because I know that in the long run it will only make these issues worse.

Thanks for the motivation bruv. I've been smoking about 1-2 grams a day during my tenure so we're probably facing some similar side effects of quitting.

Nah it's pretty high grade. I live in socal and everything is produced in legit grow houses. I thought maybe it was the strain when I first started getting anxiety, but then I got a new strain and it continued/got worse and here we are.


lost interest in weed after i turned 23. it just seems immature now.

Maybe try supplementing with CBD oil during the withdrawal period, haven't tried it myself but it could potentially lessen your symptoms

this.In addition to those same effects, I also was more motivated to work out. When I smoke my pain tolerance is really high, so I can just lift and lift and lift. I can just vibe to music and think about my ROM instead of the agony of another rep.

Good thread, honest answers and minimal Jow Forums anti-degeneracy squads.

Been smoking multiple times a day, every day for 10 years. Just came off a week long break, because of a family re-union. I need my weed, but I'm not so far gone I have to blaze up in front of my little old Nana.
It was a hard fucking week. I was on edge, slept poorly, and generally took little joy in anything. I also lost like 6 pounds, the opposite of how vacationing usually ends up.
Made me realize just how far down the hole I am, I literally NEED the shit. Kinda shameful.
Now I'm back home, smoking again, but trying to smoke a lot less. I want to taper off my use till I'm only smoking socially, or a few times a month. But I'm not sure if it works like that.
I've trashed my brain chemistry and my motivation/reward centers and I'm not sure if I can ever have a healthy relationship with the ganja.
And that scares me, because I've put myself in a position where smoke is the only thing that my brain responds to, the only thing that makes me "happy".
I'm scared to give that up. What if I can't find happiness again?
I am not a happy person, and when I was 18, my buddies handed me a little green button. I could press this button whenever I wanted, and feel pretty darn good. It makes me sad to say goodbye to an old friend, like, can I do this without you?

Anyways, sorry about the blogpost. Proud of all you guys who are moving on. Makes me believe I can too. Don't listen to the faggots who say "hurr its just weed pussy, u r weak". They have no idea.

>weed makes you gay
please stop spending so much time on pol

Good on you for trying. One thing to keep in mind is that it is significantly easier to replace a habit than to kick one completely. Every time you feel like getting high, do something else. This is (much) easier said than done, but believe me that this will be best in the long run. Take up a hobby and do it every day. Back when I was trying to cut down on smoking, I'd start sketching. I did it for 15 minutes every day, and now months later I no longer crave weed and I have acquired a pretty neat skill. It's not easy, and it might take a couple tries, but it gets easier as time goes on.

Occasionally, mostly twitch streams.

It's not like we have much of a brain anyway, we are on Jow Forums

Jow Forums destroys your mind

Governments have made marijuana illegal out of the interest of the individual

weed is degenerate and for losers


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Every time I have quit weed it has taken me 3+ months to get rid of depression, anxiety and depersonalization.

Post-acute withdrawal (PAWS) feels like a rollercoaster of symptoms. In the beginning, your symptoms will change minute to minute and hour to hour. Later as you recover further they will disappear for a few weeks or months only to return again. As you continue to recover the good stretches will get longer and longer. But the bad periods of post-acute withdrawal can be just as intense and last just as long.


>this is hell on earth I am 27 months clean from weed on christmas day and no longer want to live like this. The waves of depression and hopelessness i feel on a weekly basis is heartbreaking to say the least after been quit for so long. I do not know what to do.


>So now i have been 6 months sober and to be honest i feel lost. I felt horrible in the first months with insane anxiety and depression. Then i actually had a week or two where i was starting to feel a lot better, but that didnt last long. Since then i have had no "good days". I have just had horrible days and normal days. On the normal days i still feel social anxiety and fatigue. Im starting to think things will never get any better and i really need some hope. I feel like my personality is gone, my sense of humour is gone. I have NO confidence or self esteem. Its like my personal energy vibrance is just gone.


>The acute withdrawal took about 3 days to kick in and lasted 2 months from what i can remember. Loss of appetite, nausea, i even threw up several times, incontrolable tremors, sweating mostly during the day, hot flashes, tachycardia. I lost 5 kg in that time. After they started to vanish, PAWS came along, and that's when sh** came down. Depression, anxiety, anhedonia, dp/dr, all the package.

how can a plant be illegal?

>i can't say that i'm not better than when i started. I would lie. I can sleep, although the dreams are killing me, i eat like a normal person, i can have conversation, i laugh sometimes. But it's not enough. Honestly i didn't even wanted to post this 1 year "aniversary". I had my good days, but mostly there are bad days. I'm still anxious, i react to stress badly, i can't control my state of mind.


>I still get periods of dizziness, lightheadedness, and spaced out feeling; almost like my head is no longer on my body. They come and go throughout the day, but usually are more intense during the morning and early afternoon hours. The DP/DR also goes along with this in which I am questioning if I really exist, and if I'm really here and now, etc.


>I'm only on 6 weeks and the anxiety is a bitch but still hopefully getting there. I can't believe how long this whole process takes and honest to God had no clue PAWS existed for weed quitters !! This is my first quit after 24 years smoking.


>I smoked for 2 maybe 3 years, i can't remember exactly when i started to smoke everyday, and i didn't think it will take so much time and anguish. My first 4 months were hell on earth. I never experienced anything like this before. But it gets better and bearable with time.


>I quit smoking 3 years and 11 months ago and experienced severe withdrawal symptoms which lasted for aproximately two years. But that's not the end of the story. I still had to undo some damage I made to my thinking pattern and currently I am working on improving myself and will probably do this for the rest of my life.

might be depersonalization, i had this and still have tiny symptoms at the moment... it gets better user i promise

>My first year after quitting was complete hell. My main symptom are anxiety and depression! For the first year they were constant. After the first year I started to have good days and bad days. Now that I gone almost 2.5 years without weed things are much better. Not 100% yet but I would say 90%. I still have bad days which can be just as bad as they were at the beginning of this journey.


>It's been 4 months and 9 days. I still am a BIG hypochondriac ever since quitting weed. My mind still races at time and I'm still very moody.. I get angry at the littlest things. I still forget things ALOT and still think very very slow.


>4 months and 7 days. Nothing excites me still, I don't feel motivated to do anything. Like I question why whatever I do is worth it? Is this really all apart of my brain rewiring? I'm so lethargic and unenthusiastic right now. It's a such wierd feeling to explain.

>everyone who dosen't enable my stoner lifestyle is a nazi agent from Jow Forums
>b-but I swear it's not causing me to become paranoid

Yeah, totally guys it's not like you've been spending all your time in a burnout stoner echochamber. Everyone loves pot smokers and finds your antics endearing.

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yeah dude, weed is like totally natural that's why I buy super concentrate hydroponically grown 80% thc strains just like nature intended bro

I went through a similar thing but it was after taking lsd multiple times a week fora year or so instead, trips getting progressively worse till i lost everything.

the good news is it gets better, your chemical balance will return to normal and you'll relearn how to be happy sober, the bad news is it might take a while, stay strong OP and remember what caused this (you being a weak bitch).

not much you can really do except rest a lot and give your body the nutrients it needs, might get a little chubby if you aren't exercising though, but lifting will get everything flowing again when you feel ready.

>the bad news is it might take a while

How long did it take for you and what did you experience in the meanwhile?

i just smoked the last bit of muh stash, want to take at least a 2 week break, my memory is shit

not sure what your argument is here, are you saying that plants should naturally have higher concentrations of their main active molecule?

personally it took 1 or 2 months for the fog to clear, i was mostly good by the third month but shit some things never leave you. but that wasn't weed, stick it out for a month then start exercising, you'll be right in no time mate.

it wasn't a terrible experience, just a lot of blankness and melancholy, i didn't really leave the house and slept more than i ever have before but never felt really awake, once its done you realise just how quickly time flies though.

drink plenty of water, eat good food and do what you love, it won't take long to get back up.

I'm saying the argument that it's a plant is oversimplified, when much of what people buy these days has been genetically altered far beyond what was available in nature.

As an ex stoner/recreational drug user turned straight edge gym goer

I dont know why you guys have a problem with "dude weed lmao" culture. It's pretty chill and based. I miss it

Thanks. The blankness, melancholy and fatigue is very relatable. I quit weed in 2016. After half a year I finally started feeling better, thought that it would be fine to try smoking again. Suddenly a year had passed and I had been high everyday. Now quitting again, 2 months since last smoke and the timetable of withdrawal seems about the same. Technically I can function, but I'm just not "all there". Spontaneity is gone. I just exist. Looking forward to Christmas, by that time things should have evened out.

Chiming in because i developed panic disorder and severe insomnia after quitting weed. It’s been over a year now and I’m much better.

I was suicidal and felt like my adrenaline was constantly pumping. Couldn’t stay asleep for more than three hours at a time.

I got a Fitbit to confirm my heart wasn’t actually racing. Cleaned my ears out, they were heavily impacted causing vertigo and anxiety. And started taking magnesium glycinate to help with sleep maintenance. Read The Relaxation Response for an a spiritual guide on TM which really helped me chill. Also realize that almost all symptoms of PAWS are anxiety that you’ve been suppressing using weed. You have to learn to deal with your problems in the real world now. Remember it WILL get better no matter how bad you think you are. Tons of people have had horrible reactions to weed because it’s basically mutant brain melting weed at this point. Good luck.

>are drugs good to do when you're trying to live a healthy and fit life style?

These threads should be punishable with a perma ban. They do NOT belong here. If you're a stoner junkie who lifts weights, I got news for you, no think's you're strong, because you're not strong, no one thinks you're healthy, because you're not healthy, no one thinks you're athletic, because you're not athletic, eveyone sees you as a fucking loser with addictive tendencies, because you're a fucking loser with addictive tendencies who NEEDS to smoke something in order to function. You're an addict. And it's obvious that when you're stoned you get the munches and probably cheat on your diet. SO you're just a gigantic loser. Quit the shit, quit smoking, quit drinking, you eat your meals, you work your job, you lift your weights, if you have free time, you invest it into learning something new, or going out in town and socializing. Fucking incel freak losers talking about smoking drugs on a health and fitness board.

Mods. Ban this shit. Delete this fucking thread

fuck off gay boy this isnt bodybuilding.com stop speaking like some fag with a stick up his ass

t. addicted to gyms

yeah things will for certain even out just give it time and you'll be right back to normal, i stopped smoking about the same time as stopping lsd. now i can smoke if im on my own but simply choose not to, its a very slippery slope, maybe not for everyone but evidently it is for people like you and me.

the grey barely conscious 'existence' is very familiar, its a rough feeling when a week has passed and you didn't even notice, just going through the motions. but it does get better, soon you'll get that awareness back man.

this. stoners are the worst fucking people. They're all lazy procrastinators, live like pigs, eat like shit, and aren't even fun to hang around because they're content with being lazy. And then they point to celebrities like Joe Rogan or NFL athletes or UFC fighters who smoke weed and go "SEE?! THEY DO IT AND THEY CAN FUNCTION, ARE YOU SAYING LEBRON JAMES IS LAZY AND DUMB BECAUSE HE SMOKES WEED? LOLOL"

No, YOU'RE not Lebron James or a famous successful person, you're DYEL NEET twink boy who lives with his parents, doesn't have an education and smokes pot everyday. That's what stoners don't realize.


Cheers. I wish you the best user.

You're the only incel losers here chad drinks and smokes weed

start drinking

you too user, stay safe

Humans are nature. Nature changed the nature, thus it's still natural.

Chad drinks and smokes weed when he's out on the town with the boys and the girls. He doesn't sit at home by himself smoking pot and then making threads talking about the negative effects of weed. Want to know how I know you're a manlet incel?

It is strange what it can do to you. I used to do it every day and go for runs while high but eventually started feeling like it was making me dumber. Once i stopped i really started noticing how much clearer i felt after about a week.
But even after months of not doing it or even considering it, I'll sometimes find myself lighting a bowl without even understanding why.
Other anons have already said it but you should really just be doing it in moderation, maybe just every week or so. And start running when you do it because that shit feels great

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How is it oversimplified? Without the plant in the first place how would we have got to this point?

what makes you think i smoke at home and don't save it for social gatherings?

This is a normal progression of smoking pot that nobody likes to talk about. I developed actual heart problems from smoking weed that still persist even though I haven't smoked in almost 3 years now (abnormal t-wave, random palpatations). I can hardly exercise without symptoms and I have had palpatations when I lay down to sleep at night 3+ times a week since I quit. People always talk about how harmless it is but the reality is it's worse than cigarettes and does some serious fuckery to your mind, heart, and lungs longterm.

I had this happen to me once when i smoked retarded amounts from a bucket. Really bad panic attack. I stopped smoking but i would have this uneasy feeling following me for a few weeks, don't worry though it will stop eventually. Its important that you really stop smoking for AT LEAST 3 months so your body can get ompletely rid of all the THC after regular use. If you keep at it you will sooner or later end up with a full blown psychosis. I started smoking again after 4 months but kept it civil since then and maybe only get 1g every few months which i smoke over the weekend. Didn't have any problems since.

there are no studies correlating weed and heart diseases, yours is purely coincidence
>worse than cigarettes
spotted the repressed poltard

I stopped smoking 2016 after doing so everyday for many years. I started getting REALLY wiers symptoms. I remember one time smoking with a friend and I had to leave the room because I was feeling so bad. I went downstairs and laid on the couch. Because I felt so weird I was trying to look at my other friends who were smoking to see if maybe the shit was laced. I have done other psychedelics so I wasn’t just being dramatic. It felt like coming up on a dissociative. I would get really obtrusive OCD thoughts for a while too. Eventually I had to stop everything from weed to soda to fucking apple juice. I have really weird reactions to food these days. It’s wierd. I just eat chicken and beans with vegetables now and only ever drink water.

Anyways yeah I remember feeling weird for a while after quitting the herb. I would have really awesome or creepy deep dreams. That was cool. But I had to stop caffeine and cigarettes at the same time too. I was always furious and holding back a wild tantrum. I kept having dreams every night where I would just lose it and start breaking shit hurting and biting people and screaming wild noises. I was afraid I would do that in the day. I got over it though. Caffeine was the worst of the three to quit. With weed ending you get all this motivation you have to learn to use. After I stopped smoking I read crime and punishment and the Iliad(the Robert fagles translation) in the same month. I started lifting and running, drawing again, learning about history, all sorts of cool shit. My anxiety went down a ton but I’m still like a quarter retarded so it’s not like I have a good social life now. The worst part is I can’t hide my dumb and boring personality behind being high. I used to just hang out and smoke weed then play hacky sack. That was enough. We had a good time doing nothing. Now I can’t relate and I lost all my friends. I think that’s why it got so bad in the first place. I did drugs for the company.

>Weed raises Estrogen levels:

>Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them (but also raises cortisol which is a catabolic hormone):

>Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :

>Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:

>Weed Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:

>Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:

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>Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:

>Children of Fathers that Smoke Weed More Likely To Suffer Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:

>Weed Legalisation Results In More Frequent Use:

>Weed Causes Lung Damage:

>Secondhand Weed Smoke Impairs Psychomotor Function And Working Memory:

>Weed Is Addictive:

>Weed Causes Deficits In Dopamine Release:

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You're smoking too much and sleeping too much possibly. Just wean off a bit, or go on a break from it for a while. Remember its just a plant and you're in charge of your own reactions to smoking it.

>there are no studies correlating weed and heart diseases
Don't kid yourself. Three of the most common effects of cannabis are increased blood pressure, vasodiallation and tachycardia. If you've seriously fooled yourself into thinking that consuming an herb that blows open your blood vessels which makes your heart compensate by beating harder and faster for ~2-4 hours every time you smoke, while coating the inside your lungs with unburnt hydrocarbons (tar, the thing that plant smoke of any type is literally an aerosol of) so you can't filter oxygen into your bloodstream as efficiently as normal, is somehow completely neutral or beneficial to your health in the long term, you are absolutely fucking retarded. I'm sorry I even took the time to try to explain this to you.

5 star blogpost
It does get easier and will get to a point that you won't even understand how you wasted so much doing it
Also this
>t. 20 year chronic smoker oldfag

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Stuff like this should be added to the sticky to discourage weedfags.

>Weed not even once

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>get's pissy because people accuse the one spewing pol rhetoric of spending too much time on pol
>accuses everyone who disagrees with him of being a burnout
You're living proof that weed isn't the only thing that destroys mental capabilities

multiple times a week for a year bullshit youd be taking 16 times the amount to feel the same within 2 weeks

source i have even a minimal understanding of tolerance works with lsd

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Marijuana is useful even if retards abuse it. I like to use it to help bulk & to help soreness. It's only degenerate if you do degenerate things while you're high like watch (((Rick & Morty))) and eat cheetos

>shit life
>smoked everyday
>health anxiety got worse slowly
>eventually started getting panic attacks
>had to quit weed
>horrific health anxiety panic attacks continued
>life was hell for a couple months
>after much introspection i realised the cause of my health anxiety was the fear of dying without accomplishing anything and wasting my existence
>start working on my life, consistently working out, being more social
>ending NEET life in less than 2 weeks finally
>feel better than ever
Thank you weed, I will probably never smoke you again though, the anxiety was always there from the beginning. Maybe you can take something away from this OP idk.

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I’m 12 days sober from 6 years of daily drinking, day 7 and 8 I thought I was going to stroke out.
Try exercising through it at home and just give yourself as many other struggles to overcome as possible and power though it
I’ve also went down to a half bowl a day sometimes skipping days after 15 years of heavy daily smoking.
Weed withdrawal is like running out of episodes on your favorite show

Get a new show
Pick up a hobby. Leather crafting is fun, wood working is bad ass, blacksmithing can be started with junk from a scrap yard


Reminds me of that ksssem g interview, that lady was your typical stoner

>It's only degenerate if you do degenerate things while you're high like watch (((Rick & Morty))) and eat cheetos

why does doing those things make the weed degenerate?

also cheerios are the least degenerate cereal

drugs, dopamine addiction(sugar caffeine jerkoff/porn) us the worst for anxiety and a healthy social life.

quit porn, weed, jerking off too much, sugar and crappy food and tinder, social media or any thing that controls your dopamine.

I had similar effects. There are detox products out there, some are legitimate to some extent, others are not at all. While I agree that the worst of it will likely be gone in a month or less, you will almost certainly notice differences further down the road. My mood were noticeably more erratic or exasperated for a while longer and I was cranky and pessimistic for several years. It has convinced me that marijuana can have long term effects on serotonin and dopamine pathways among others. I don't mean to go all broscience on you. It's only my anecdote to issue a caution to think about other things that you might find yourself doing to try to regulate your moods better, for good or bad. Don't start drinking more and watch your food intake and that sort subtle monkey brain reward center stuff.

same here. i smoked for 7-8 years. i had 3month, 6 month and yearly breaks. but after a year of a break i didnt feel anything. everytime i started smoking again i got anxiety and dopamine fucked me over like no tomorrow. i started craving it, porn sugar nicotine caffine etc.

everytime i stopped for 3months ish i was fine.

sweating and cardio helps, and lots of water fruit and vegetables.

its social suicide for me, too. kills motivation, any healthy eating and anxiety makes me unable to socialize with girls or family and friends who dont smoke.

fuck weed man, just not worth it.

Imagine being this retarded

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Cheetos? the airy, orange-powdered crisps?

OP here, good post. I think you may have messed up your reward circuits but they will go back to normal once you go back to normal. I've read of similar experiences when people have a porn addiction, similar "withdrawal" symptoms and feelings of depersonalization, unhappiness and anxiety.

If I wasn't already a week into being off weed I would have tapered off slowly instead of going cold turkey, but I had that opportunity and didn't do it, so maybe cold turkey was the right route for me.

Have you done anything that has sped it up?

It's been about a week and the shitty stomach feelings and "all-day" anxiety are starting to mellow out, they are still present for sure, but not as bad as I felt on days 3-5. Still, I'd like to expedite this as much as possible even if it means a few days of feeling really shitty.

I think you yourself are gay, the weed had nothing to do with it