Pre-work out Supplement

Hey Jow Forums, I have been feeling lazy and low energy lately. I have 7 to 5 office job and when I'm at home, I have to deal with my wife and 2 kids. I have been wanting to take pre-workout supplement (C4 and such) but since I have bipolar disorder, I fear this will put me into a manic episode. Any good alternative to this?

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The more manic you are the harder you will hit the weights.

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LMAO is that picture real? Is he really shilling nootropics like Alex Jones now?

I think I know that guy, he is Abigail Shapiro's manlet brother, right?

I know. I have been medicated for a decade long. Prior to that, I spent 2-3 hours in the gym everyday but I also felt suicidal and went deep into drugs. Not something that I would like to repeat

Yes, sir

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IDK user. I'm not surprised if it is real. Kikes will sell anything

What kike sorcery is this? She looked so cute in the singing video.

She could be

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The main ingredient in pre-workout is caffeine. If you can drink coffee without any problems, then you shouldnt have any problems with preworkout. If you dont normally drink caffeine, I'd recommend talking to a doctor, first. Also, it is always wise to try new supplements when at rest to observe any adverse reactions you may have to it. You want to notice a problem when youre on the couch, not when you have 200lbs over your head.

Just found one that is specially made for my condition, kek

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Okay, this is epic

>his pre-workout doesn't have amphetamine

Adderall + Coffee? Sounds like a good formula. Now just need to add Lithium to that, perfect. Rage + Serenity


I always wanted to fuck a thicc jewish chick.
I'v heard they're always up for anal.
But..I'm intact and I heard that they don't go for intact men. That and I'm kind of packing and my head is sensitive as fuck.
So if she's one of those Jewish chicks that are good at head then...

Nevermind I'm just babbling.

If you're not taking four scoops of C4 before every training session you're not gonna make it.

>4 scoops of C4
Should I take it before bedtime?

IDK bro, why are you into Jewish chink? The nose?

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I have HEARD, that a keto diet can be helpful for mood disorders and unstable energy levels, try looking into that

honestly you might see improvement if you make sure your caffeine intake after 2pm is zero. even if you fall asleep and stay asleep the whole night it'll still fuck with the quality of the sleep you're getting. started feeling much less sluggish and tired when i knocked it off

He really needs to take the neckpill

Travel to Montreal. The jew girls here love to fuck around with greek/italian/europeans twice the stature of the smaller Jewish guys they typically date.

That said, you will never date one as they're very tribal. I'm not sure you'd even want to date one, desu.

I did this several years back. I got ripped but mentally I think I was worse. Eating vegetables, nuts and chicken breast everyday is pretty depressing user.

Not sure how this will help me to get the extra reps

try mr hyde, op. i too have a personality disorder and it gets me ready to ROCK

>ben shapiro supplement pills
>not called pilpuls

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How is this different than C4 user? Are you on any meds?

Where do you boys get your ephedrine? I boight a box at Walgreens, but it also had some anti phlem medicine in it, Id like to get it without other addatives.

I don't fuck around with that stuff anymore, but I'd have no problem getting some from any pharmacy around me. Walgreens, rite aid, whatever. They all typically carried a box or two of bronkaid

Don't forget to jack it before lifting. It has been proven that nutting before training boosts performance.

right before liftng, like in the squat rack?

I would imagine the closer to lifting the better.