Happens at 2:20
Watch how wet she is after high fiving him and how utterly crushed her fat manlet chink bf looks
Fucking brutal holy shit
BRUTAL funny as fuck mog in the new Connor Murphy vid
Hey Connor, I'm not watching your videos
oh my god, that was primal as fuck
femanon here, im wet just watching that
There's no way he doesn't have some form of autism.
Precum from your dick?
Literal small man syndrome
>small man
You're right desu 6'10" MINIMUM or rot
Tried to watch video
Nothing happens in the 1st 4 min
Turn video off
This guy is a retard
Is this guy like doing hundreds of the same videos where he just takes off his clothes ?
Kinda genius that he gets views with that.
I asked my girlfriend what she thought of these videos. She said that if this happened to us then she couldn't help but cheat on me and that she shouldn't feel ashamed for doing so.
You're a literal cuck if you stay with that thot
I fell like these get views from mostly Indians. Just seems like that kinda video
Femanon here, the bf looks actually fun to be around and not some meat head oaf
bro thats so fucking hot, where did you find such a sweetheart
>Wanting to fuck white men
Step your cuck game up
>clip a 5 minutes
>gambling, drinking
>packs of goblinas and fat white women engaged in a bar confrontation like a bunch of truckers
>asian twink trying to break up the fight between empowered women
>black guy trying to chat up two hamplanet hwhite ladies
I'd like to be able to go back and show young boomers what kind of world they were going to create, instead of having flying cars and all that shit they though was gonna happen.
pls be b8
thats some grade A psycho autism hybrid right there
Proves that life is easy af if you're above average looks-wise anyway and alpha enough to jab a needle in your ass a couple times a week, not eat like complete shit and lift weights a few times a week though
Would rather live now than in le based and tradpilled 50s or w/e Jow Forums geeks wank over
Connor Murphy is living proof that "mentalcel" is a cope and being good looking can make up for having a beta sperg brain
Yall are retarded, chick was just a hoe. Majority of girls wouldn’t do anything, most would look and that’s all.
If you saw chick remove top you’d look aswell. Human nature you spergs.
Femanon here, I don’t have time to watch this video due to having constant sex with black drug dealers. Someone post a summary?
but other than that, holy shit what an autist.
does fit really think that once you make it your life will be all about going around, autistically taking of your shirt and everyone will magically want to fuck you?
>people drinking
>In Las Vegas
>Some rando reaches out for a high 5
>Return it because you're in vegas at night and drunk so its fun
>re-adjust skirt
>Autists think this means you want to flick the bean to orgasm out of witnessing a fit dude with his shirt off
>when her bf already looks reasonably in shape.
>alpha enough to jab a needle in your ass a couple of times a week
>alpha enough to jab a needle in your ass
LMFAO @ your genetics. Beta genetics beta male no matter how much you juice.
this was cringe af
>everyone on the escalator ignored him or had disgusted faces on
>girl slapped him twice
he should have just kept the last 2 interactions (free ticket and the girl licking him) and deleted the rest
yes goy you can look like your favourite fitness models all naturally, it's just genetics and (((supplements)))
OP is gay and likes men
>eating clean when roiding
Did my boy connor hop back on the roids?
>not eat complete shit
>eating clean
not the same thing desu
I eat mostly steak and potatoes or rice daily and maybe 1 or 2 pizzas and 1 buffet meal a week which isn't "clean" by kalemale cookie cutter standards but is miles better than normie diets
no point putting good hormones into your body if you're not giving it fuel to work
looks like cruise dose test and maybe some anavar
wtf did my post have to do about looks or "alphaness" you dribbling spaz
Stop I actually feel bad for asians they don't deserve this
Why, it's entertaining.
I don't think he's a douche at all.
Wanted to hate on this but Jesus fuck the 2:20 you mentioned was pretty much textbook nature redpill
It unironically works like that so long as you don't do that PUAutism cold approaching shit
If you're shredded and use low dose roids you can go into any club or festival shirtless and slay provided you're not a complete dead end mentally or bottom percentile face/height/frame.
oh my god user
I don't understand half of this video or the part you linked, if you put your hand out to someone with or without your shirt on they're probably going to high five you
The black girls were ready to jump on that dick on the spot
>Elderly asian man looking around confusingly
>"looks fun to be around"
>pls be b8
Is there anything more pathetic than lifting for women?
Oh she did huh?
Write hook instead of you in the link. I promise hooktube doesn't mine bitcoins ;)
>larping this bad
Femanon here, If Connor was black I'd be all over him, The fact that he is white and acts this way is confusing because of all the people i know, only the black guys are acting this way. Don't get me wrong, it's very sexy but it is soooo confusing when white guys do it.
So this is what you're doing with your Tuesday, huh
You're fat aren't you?
Digusting thot, we should never have let these cunts out of the kitchen.
>Femanon here
why is this dude so fuckin cringe, why does he talk so weird like an alien
any actual femanon (female) that says shit like that is a sub6 becky or a virtue signalling stacey
Wow I watched this video and wow
Mogged and hogged, lemmie tell you what
I posted the screencap of this to my tinder site and got 04q29 hits
thanks ryan
Ok sure thing Dayquan
god that fucking music is really annoying
Fuck this made me hard desu i feel like such a faggot