He cannot be stopped

He cannot be stopped...

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Blaha will say its fake.

Looks like a planet fitness meet

>Bench only
>Basedada (Canada)

Literally who cares ?

seek help jason

Literally Chigurn hair. Fucking why.

Hes going for a long hair style, now hes at the awkward middle stage.

Blaha on suicide watch

t.pathetic samefagger

t. jason

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jason please

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Goddamn he looks disgusting

Hair, skin, just everything now lol

that's vegan dieting for you. Claim you look and feel fine, but anyone can go look up pictures of him before he switched out all his meat for tofu garbage and how his skin, eyelids, etc have deteriorated significantly even at his young age. People try to claim that his dark baggy eyes are just due to Mediterranean ancestry, but he didn't used to look like that.

As a former vegan I agree
A vegan diet CAN be healthy, but most vegans don't do it right. You need a whole fuckton of supplements.

Alex is cringy, but fuck, this is such a fuck you to all the butthurt YouTubers who attacked him for not being good at conventional lifts and who said a 405 slingshot bench equals a 300 pound bench etc

>he's unhealthy!
>breaks his own benmch record by 30 lbs within a month
lmao this board


>post about how his skin and face are deteriorating despite him being in his early 20s
>b-but his bench tho
I guess veganism causes brain damage too

Whats the fuckin point of veganism? Just eat a normal diet.

Exactly, tell that to alex

What is the point of veganism you retard? Are you liberals born dumb or what?

veganism robbed me 2 years of gains...never again
>was also fruitarian for a little while kek. Don't do it if you want a functioning penis

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Why do you guys care what other people eat?

>stronger than you and continously getting stronger
>more jacked than you and continously getting more jacket
>b-but he musyt be unhealthy! l-look, bags under eyes
meatcucks are an endless source of entertainemnt

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I thought the tiles underneath the mirror were the Doom hud.

>People try to claim that his dark baggy eyes are just due to Mediterranean ancestry, but he didn't used to look like that.

Who is this pint sized dave grohl and why doesnt he wear the mask?

>eating just fruit, a source for a variety of nutrients
>eating just meat, a source for a variety of nutrients

you realize that guy is agreeing with you right?

what did he mean

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He got back on minox

anyone got any new pics of his sister?

Nah, there are plenty of people who use minoxidil who don't have a sickly skin pallor, bloodshot eyes, and dark rings around their eyelids. Also those alleged skin-aging effects of rogaine are due to the alcohol base that the product is in. The aging effect is no different than using cologne.


He honestly looks like a female with a beard

>Also those alleged skin-aging effects of rogaine are due to the alcohol base that the product is in.
Wrong. It stops you from making collagen. t. hairlet that aged five years in a few months.

why is he doing this to himself bros

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Youre not the only one

>ad is nether beast who tore through the fabric of reality and travelled to a different dimension during a coffee enema accident

as much as he's a cringy faggot he actually looks good on the left, if he didn't go full rasputin mode and wasn't 3'11" and a sperg he'd be drowning in vag

What the fuck is this dude doing? It's okay to have a long beard, but jesus fuck at least comb it properly. His beard looks like he combs it backwards to purposefully make it look as much like unkempt pubic hair as possible.

And that haircut, jesus fuck why? What even is that? Is he trying to roleplay as Dr. Zaius or something?

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>full rasputin mode

Where tf is the start command?

So what you're saying is he is still getting noobgainz or is on gear...

severe levels of cope

where does his poopoo offspring come into play?

he combs it backwards to make it pop out more to compensate for the lack of thickness and substance. he has really bad facial hair genetics.
the mustache is the true test of facial hair as it is the most consistent reflection of the overall quality

I guess he's trying to pull out a long hair+long beard look but failing miserably already

Someone tell this faggot to go to a barber already. He looks like a fucking terrorist.

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i dont think he realizes just how much he gets mogged by the guys who can actually pull off the look he's going for

Didn't count in my opinion. His elbows didn't even come close to 90 degrees. Extreme back archers are literally the biggest pussy faggots in all of weight lifting.

Bench press is a cope lift for GDEs who can't squat or deadlift worth a shit.

Wrist wraps are for brainlets that can't grip a bar properly.

Prove me wrong.

Did you bench 300lbs yet? Your own bench proves this post is C O P E.

Lmao nigga look like white manlet bin laden

Would legit be scared near him irl if I was alone and a chick

>he cant be stopped
bitch please hes that one short kid who thought he was good att soccer, then the big boys picks the ball up and hes to short to get it,
all you would have to do to stop that 5'3 manlet sholderpress his bitch weight lmao

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No he just looks like Bin Laden. Since he's Arab, nothing wrong with it.

JUSTed harder than Conner Murphy

Why does Alex only compete in untested feds?

friendly reminder that if you have to call yourself alpha then you ain't alpha

kek same

devil's advocate: if he were using steroids, wouldn't his beard grow in better than the sorry excuse that he has?

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>That 0.7cm ROM

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not bad but this asian guy is getting almost 3x his bodyweight, he can literally rep destinys all time bench for 8 reps and i dont think this guy did naturally enhanced youtube.com/watch?v=l84vmuuuHRg

>2x bodyweight
Pussy, can't even do 4x with his feet in the air

His ass is off the bench because that's how he unracks.

How are you going to stop someone who's stronger than you, brainlet?

that's not how football works

I heard on youtube that this nigga is 5'3, LMAO

Look at that little pecker

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BetaDestiny doesn't even have his own style. He has to ripoff others. The screaming is him copying his first crush Eric Bugez. The long hair he's trying to grow is him copying Mr. Universe (formerly named Nether Beast)

lmao this dyel...
hopeless without gear.

He looks terrifying with a shaved head.

till you see him irl and he looks like an oompa loompa

>Pick up the ball

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fcking spellcheck

his limbs look like they're 8 inches long lmao

yo his calling himself leonidas is a bit much but the more i see of the guy the more i like it. he has his own style, his own goals, his own methods (not that he invented everything but he doesn't follow the herd) and he's getting some solid results.

fuck all u manlet haters btw


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Fucking lel, and I remember Bardem saying that he wasn't going to get laid for months when he had to get that haircut for the role. But betadestiny's hair makes Chigurh's look 10/10 in comparison


what is it about alex that inspires such great seething hatered among butthurt lanklets? there are many jacked strong manlets out there, some even moreso than alex yet the mere mention of his name sends lanklets into a fit of autistic rage. truly remarkable, someboy should study this phenomenon

lmao nigga look like a jacked baby

That's how insecure average height faggots cope, none of the shit talkers are > 6ft

>writes an essay about how other people are butthurt and he isnt

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>one 3 sentence paragraph
ame*itoids everyone

But 6'1 is the average.

what an ugly bastard

probably underage and low iq chicks, most women can smell the tryhard dudes out

You know there are rules?

like yours is any bigger fag

Long hair won't look good because he's balding, long beard looks terrible already. I also would like to know what's his plan.

No, that's not how it works

this looks ridiculous

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Let me put my +5 hat at weaponsmithing




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What record is he breaking?

The Canadian junior record.

What the fuck this guy is a monster