Try to find proof of significant calf growth naturally. You can't.
Being fat doesn't count.
Try to find proof of significant calf growth naturally. You can't.
Being fat doesn't count.
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You literally use your calves every day. You have to seriously push your muscles to the limits to get any growth.
Prove it
if you want to grow your calf's just get one of those steppers used in arobics and put it at max height and do the stepper workouts. some of those arobic chicks have insane calfs
a few months ago i gained too much weight so i started walking a lot instead of using the car and my calves grew about an inch on top of another inch or two when i had my noob gains
i'd say that's pretty significant, but as others have said they are designed to take a ton of volume
>Asks a question
>Immediately mention and discredit the answer
try harder.
>muh bad genetics.
if you want a crutch it's easy to find one, faggot.
secret to legs/calves training:
more volume
>all these replies and no proof
I didn't ask a question twink
run on your forefoot 3-5 miles 4x/wk
on hilly terrain
desu doing this exercise is the best chance you have to get any real calf gains but even then it's not guaranteed
No calflet has ever made significant gains without getting fat. FACT
Get fat x 200 won't fit into my routine
You western faggots are just mentally weak and too lazy to put in the work. My parents come from the northern parts of Pakistan, and they used to live in villages built into the mountains, literally. I grew up in Denmark, among euro pussies and had weak ass calves, but my calves literally grew to double size during my 4 year stay here in my village. You can literally see old ass men with bigger calves then a man in his prime in Europe. Lmao gtfo with your weak ass mentality. Your just not willing to put in the work, thats all. Keep walking around with your stick legs in some skinny jeans sissy boy
i'd take meaty calves over danish pussy desu
I've heard jumping rope is good for your calves
I was at a muay thai gym and the coach had some pretty thicc calves which I assume was from skipping rope
>all these replies and still no proof
durka durka you muzzie fuck im not reading that wall of text get fucked lol
kill yourself sandnigger your country and its achievements are fucking pathetic compared to what we have done in this world
Box, you twink
a good exercise is to push your car uphill, the best calves workout i've ever got was when my car broke down and i pushed it about 500m slightly uphill and christ, i had to stop couple times because they were burning
jumping rope and running uphill is good too
Keep coping euro calvlet
"We" have done nothing but crying on the internet in skinny jeans you euro calvlet. Right now am about to get married here in Pakistan with a fine northern qtie, after that i will go back to Denmark, work there while investing the money in Pakistan and live a fine happy life while you calvlets will spend time being butthurt xd
ill usuallu put on a few hundred pounds for the standing claves machine then turn my ankles or heels out or in depending on which muscle i want to hit.
I don't know what your saying m8.
I tore my ACL and my calves atrophied. Had the reconstruction, and it practically disappeared. Just walking again massively improved it. Single Leg calf raises with full ROM fixed my imbalance in just a couple of months.
It's a muscle, work it and it will grow. Neglect it and it will shrink.
nice calves wont get you out of the third world
Tfw my calvsa grew even while on a cut. Try some distance running and not having shit genetics OP.
>Being fat doesnt count
Lel being fat is the goat exercise for big calves my dude
If being fat helps, then why not wear a fat suit 24/7 for a few years. Bam, calfs.
You sound cute, no homo.
This. Do hill climbs.
Running up hills
You're welcome
>itt a bunch of dyels who can't read
I don't know of a single instance. Mine are naturally large and I know people who have been lifting alot longer than me who have smaller calves. On the other hand I have a naturally weak and small chest that is similarly difficult to build.
I don't lift and my calfs are naturally 15in while my arm is 11.5. you jelly?
Why not simulate being fat by doing cardio with weighted vests and shit? Shouldn't that be the same as being fat?
There was a girl in my high school who only walked on her toes. Biggest calves I've seen in my life. She was also in special ed so thats that.
so you're saying if i sat on my ass most of the day after working out my calves would grow
Just walk more.
When I walked 1.7 mi to the gym each way my calves went from 16in to 16.5. I don't do that anymore and they grew to 16.75. Just walk. You whites are so weak willed, always wanting the easy way out. Diversify your bonds, nigga.
Ruck marching built my calves. I’m 6’1 and have never been over 180.
>whites want the easy way out
dont make me bust out my graphs nigger
you can build calves, I've seen it. however nothing you do will ever get you to the level of the genetic freaks with large calves.
Pic related cannot be achieved without genetics. But 90% of soccer players have good/large calves. I would assume they are getting them from playing and not lifting. So I would try to simulate what they do when playing, in some sort of workout
Its actually quite easy if you play sport. You're not gonna be able to mimic it with sport. Look at basketball players all have small calves.
theyre all lanklets, you brainlet
Lmao all these coping twinks replying and no proof
Even if this was true, these guys have been playing the sport for like 20 years. And addresses basketball
If you have nothing to add to the convo except telling people to start playing a competitive sport regularly, kys yourself.
calves can get stronger, therefore they can grow. simple
Hey fuck dig perker, hvis det er så fedt at bo i gedeknepper-land, så bliv der endelig. Ellers kan du komme op og få noget flæskesteg.
farmer's walk, uphill.
there you go, thats all you need
Pakistan has or is inching closer to obtaining nuclear weapons. How is it a 3rd world country?
Those aren't even genetic freak calves.
Actually i did 500mg test for 20 weeks and by week 8 i could barely walk anywhere because of the insane pump. Grew like 2 inches on those fucks just from walking around.
Just do roids
Run on an incline to failure
Does the rule of progressive overload apply to calves too?
>my calves literally grew to double size during my 4 year stay here in my village
Must be from you having to squat on your tip toes while you fuck your goat.
Doing calve raises did nothing to grow my calves. However, since getting to a body weight high pull I’ve noticed that my calves have grown significantly
try to find proof of anyone giving a shit about calf growth who isn't injecting already. you can't
>How is it a 3rd world country?
go look at the streets of Faisalabad
That's not how it works lmao, you also use your hams and quads and glutes everyday but those muscles have the biggest muscular potential out of any muscle because they are supposed to be big and muscular and they also grow the easiest, most people get overgrown legs and glutes and tiny upper bodies on programs that actually have leg training included.
Calves just don't grow much because we really don't reach anywhere close to muscular fatigue during any physical activity and even isolated exercise.
Blood flow restriction and walking would make them grow because the slow twitch muscle fibers would be artificially fatigued, which would force the more powerful high threshold fast twitch muscle fibers(that cover a lot more muscle tissue) to work.
You have to utilize both high reps, focus on burn and pump (15-20) and do heavy weighted stretching, lower slowly with heavy stretch, explosive up (4-8). Use a variety of exercises.
Just apply progressive overload as you would to any other muscle group fucking morons. People do like 3-6 sets of calves a week on leg day "mY cAlvEs WoNt grOw fUckiNg geNeTiCs".. Do 3/4/5/6 sets 3x a week instead (total weekly volume 9/12/15/18 sets over time, work up as soreness decreases), 3 sets heavy then 3 sets light.
Fucking work for it lazy fucks, calves are not magic.
I grow my calves with 6 sets per week, heavy reps, 3 sets of 12 reps per workout. But I have great calf genetics.
feels good to have mr olympia calves level haha fagots
Calfs need a lot of volume to grow.
That's why fat fucks and soccer players have good calfs almost by default while someone who calf raises their squat 1rm for
tfw fat and above all else just want smaller calves, it's my main motivation. My 26 inchers are too big for anything other than relax fit jeans, also can't fit any motorcycle boots that'll actually give any protection.
lad os et billede af dine kalve
baseret og rodpilled
Lad mig se et billede af dine kalve, dvs. ikke dem du puler
>tfw long legs, short torso lanklet
Fuck lifting. Gonna focus on cardio
I've seen growth in my calves after increasing volume. I play football too (soccer).
I switch between seated and standing calf raises after each set. Kinda goes like this:
10 reps seated - 25kg
10 reps standing - 40kg (smith machine)
I do each excersise four times, so eight sets in total with no rest in between sets. I do this twice a week. I should be doing it more than twice though.
Sounds great kiddo! Keep bragging to a Japanese basket weaving forum about how sick your life is