Does anyone actually zercher squat?

does anyone actually zercher squat?

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yes I do full zerchers because I don't have a squat rack as of now
also Louie Simmons coaches the zercher squat

Kyriakos does

I did zerchers for a little bit because I was temporarily living at my parents house for a clinical rotation and only brought a barbell+plates and no other equipment like a rack. Uncomfortable as fuck

Seems like a dumb exercise egolifters would do
Just do Front Squats

That looks painful

I don't have a squat rack so yeah I switch between zercher squats and front squats

Every now and then I'll throw in some goblet squats or plie squat with a 90lb kettlebell just to activate glutes a little bit more

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if i dont have a rack i prefer the hack squat.


I did for a bit when my shoulder was messed up and I couldn't get it in the right position for squatting

I zercher squat because my shoulders are ruined and have no range of motion so back squats are uncomfortable. They're good for tall dudes with long legs who struggle with bending the torso during a regular squat. Good for core strength as well, give it a shot.

>my shoulders are ruined and have no range of motion
How do I avoid this fate?

I do zercher deadlifts. It's fun.

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1-Don't throw sidearm your entire childhood/teenage years.
2-Don't hit golf balls off tree roots, take a drop.
3-Use proper body mechanics when doing yard work/working at a tree lot.
4-Learn proper form on shoulder press exercises before age 24.
5-Learn to shoot a rifle properly, if applicable.
6-Face pulls (Not negotiable)

Lord, have mercy...

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Imagine the smell haha

I always hit my ass with bar because it's too thicc any tips?


you can't post shit like that without sauce...


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useless meme shit

who /sniff/ here

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