Transformation thread, let’s go!
210 lbs down to 170. 5’5”.
Transformation thread, let’s go!
210 lbs down to 170. 5’5”.
Do you take cock In your ass?
It isn’t nice to bully.
Good job user. Now just cut another 30 pounds and start bulking next year
dem child bearing hips will earn you twink points later. keep at it
Nice tiddies. This is a sfw board tho
but op you should let check your test levels
Everybody too pussy to post body
Top kek
are you on hrt?
those hips are bigger than most women I've seen
Armada is that you?
>Transformation thread
where's the transformation you fat faggot? you look literally the same, just bit less milimeters in your gut circumference
Post body
This is legit thee most disgusting body I have ever seen in my existence
I looked almost exactly the same as your left pic when I started working out. How long apart are these photos? Nice job.
How about you don't post your disgusting tub of lard and call it progress. Where did you lose 40 lbs from? Your fat woman ass? Completely revolting and the worst case of SOIY ever recorded in human history
Reminder that this is the average 4chinner calling you DYEL
post body
post body
d y e l
~5 years, but i wasted alot time in the begining and took breaks, been lifting kinda serious for 2 years, should quit drinking on the weekends
KYS newfag
Good progress OP keep going
Nobody has reverse image searched op’s pic? Really summerfags?
strange body form but you are making big progress. Make sure you are packing on the gains while your weight drops
He has a point faggots.
If you can't handle bullying/criticism don't fucking post your body
i really dont get it, do you have like 0% muscle mass ?
i'm 5'6 and wiegh 206 lbs, and i'm nowhere near this fat, heck i can even run and jump
Banter is fine but pure hate is really unnecessary, his post wasn't even funny in any way.
Damn you got mega hips. But you look amazing taking it from behind
Yeah but fuck atleast he has the balls to post body.
You're posting yourself to an anonymous pottery building website, what the hell do you expect?
>banter is fine
>pure hate is not
>pure hate
please define pure hate.
Up from 150lbs to 160lbs in two months. Mostly just eat a lot of food, run, do push ups and pull ups.
Did you mean transition thread?
is that way
How do you build pottery?
That haircut really helped.
Keep it up user, you’re making progress. Don’t lose momentum, and in a few months you’ll no longer be a fat fuck.
You’re not ready for small sized clothing so ditch those shorts.
Keep going. Ignore the haters, progress is progress.
Good job man. I'm at 25 down out of a planned 60.
FYI, the fat threads trends to have less trolling.
Life is hard as a hard gainer
fuck the haters man. that's some good progress. keep it up!
94kg->70kg->82kg now
Don't know how much I weight in the left pic but the right is recent.
How long from left to right?
1 year 8 months.
that nigga look like timmy thicc
and the other faggots have a point as well. Anyone can talk shit on anonymous goulash recipe sharing websites, but few actually have the balls to post their bodies.
op, you're doing great. Keep cutting till 150, then hit the gym as hard as you can.
We're all gonna make it bros, don't let some of these bitter faggots tell you otherwise.
what did you do to get those obliques for that v shaped lower abs?
what cycle
it's genetic, you can see it on his fat body as well
hard gainers dont exist
count your calories
The pic on the left is exactly 4 months ago and one on the right is exactly few days ago
difficult to believe but i wasn't pumped in EITHER pictures
You lost your gains?
Maybe it's pure generics but when I first started working out in the uni I was a little bit fat and didn't have much visible abs and since I knew nothing about fitness I did a lot of core exercises, including side bends with dumbbells. Now only do some bodyweight core exercises.
>roiding for this
I take maybe 1500 a day
I fucked up, the one on the left is me now
360p bait
Eat this 4 times a day, there's no way you'll gain hard
>I take maybe 1500 a day
>on 1500 Cal
fucking GOMAD and eat 5k Cal and deadlift
Time to start stuffing my mouth then
suck a dick youre the reason this board is shit.
fucking kill yourself
nice traps
Good job user. Keep up the good work.
thats a body built for cock. keep losing the weight and then hop on my dick
How is that bullying? Do you think there’s something wrong with gay sex? Fucking bigot
stuffing your mouth is easy part, GOMAD works only if you train as hard as you eat and Jow Forums is full of pics of people who skipped on hardcore training part
Is get that mole checked out by your right armpit
t. fat soiyboys like OP
Fat tubs of shit like that need to be mocked until they either kill themselves or sort their fucking life out. Boogie is more attractive than him. Not only is he fat as shit, he is a walking blob of estrogen. His blood type is soiy
Back to fucking redddit where you get encouragement for doing nothing you faggot ass queers
this guy shaped like a pear
I thought the same thing
Damn bro, all you do is make autistic comments with that exact gif and filename on this board. Genuinely, do you even lift?
Top jej
Consider helping humanity out by killing yourself
Time to make those gyno gains
Roughly one year. 5'7 from 180 to 125. Now working up to ottermode
Eat lean meat.
cut out ALL breads
cut out empty carbs
cut out sugars
cut out alcohol
this is my progress so far
forgot picture
did you literally take estrogen or something? fucking hell
you got some child carrying hips boy
>small penis
>having hope
making it. you need another 30 lbs to lose though
Congrats but don't try too hard outside of losing the weight.
dyel on my first bulk but here's about 15 months
Congrats on the hard work bro
Now cut your fucking hair
daddy likey
grow the hair out more keep some thiccness on those tatas and get some tighter shorts for papi. You'll make a good twink
Get your testosterone checked
Did you reverse pic order or something? Seems like you regressed.
So you want to become a trap ?
5’8 129 trying to reach 125 any advice?
You almost look worse lmao, if I were you I'd get fucking serious about building muscle because right now you're going to look like the pillsbury dough boy no matter how much weight you lose.
>those stubby little arms
Dude cant be more than 5'3"
c o p e
post body
This reddit post was posted yesterday too
eat less
Actually pretty easy to believe
>fat with hair
>fat with no hair
>this may be hard to believe guys
Being baited so easily
I love summer
Holy shit bro insane progress!
I feel like I will never look like I lift
Hard to tell since the photos are different poses, but you do look a lot better
Keep up the good progress user
That’s pretty impressive bro, nice work.
My before picture......
i cant stop laughing at your nipples
you're looking good for 8 months dude, nice work